Someone is hiding a library’s anti-Trump books so no one can read them — and apparently takes ‘great pleasure’ in staffers’ ‘liberal angst’

Guerilla as hell.


Left-leaning and anti-Trump titles had been disappearing, and then Library Director Bette Ammon got the following anonymous comment: “I noticed a large number of books attacking our president. I am going to continue hiding these books in the most obscure places I can find to keep this out of the hands of young minds. Your liberal angst gives me great pleasure.”

Those “obscure places,” the New York Times said, included misplaced in out-of-the-way sections, as well as behind rows of books and with spines facing inward so the missing books couldn’t be found.

The paper said about half the missing books deal with Trump, including “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump ” by Michael Wolff and “Under Fire: Reporting from the Front Lines of the Trump White House” by .

And when books are hidden and unable to be found, staffers order replacements — which is costly, KXLY said.

“If we’re replacing a $20 book, it may take time for three different staff people to order it, receive it, catalog it, [and] cover it,” Ammon added to the station, “and not to mention the time spent actually searching when the book went missing in the first place.”

To combat the problem, one staffer set up a , but the enormous amount of footage took too long to go through, the Times said, adding a flying a drone over the top of the stacks showed no missing titles.

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