Jen Psaki Continues To Struggle As , Feb. 3 – 2

Hour 2
Not Very Good: Snarky Psaki Mocks Space Force Question, Snaps at Reporters
White House tries to clean up after scoffing at Space Force question
Top House Republican demands Psaki apologize over ‘disgraceful’ Space Force quip
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki Tweeted A Gay Slur At Lindsey Graham
EXCLUSIVE: Attorney Lin Wood under investigation over whether he voted illegally in November, officials say
More than 700K November Voters Skipped Georgia Runoffs; Dropoff Highest in Right-Leaning Districts

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Oregon HS Forced To For ‘‘ Banner

God forbid we should live historical bastion of free speech, and say something as innocent as ‘.’ A phrase that, literally, means you want to prevent crime.

In pro-criminal sub-America, you will obey. You will submit. You will yield.

[Tweet theme=”basic-full”]In pro-criminal sub-America, you will obey. You will submit. – Via @CaseyTheHost[/Tweet]

responsible for hanging a “build a wall” at an Oregon high school has apologized.

The said he wanted to do something “provocative” to protest restrictions on and didn’t realize until later that the phrase held such a strong, threatening connotation. The student says he doesn’t believe a barrier should be constructed on the border with Mexico and is truly sorry for hurting people.

See full story on Oregon HS student apologizes for ‘build a wall’ banner | Fox News Latino

What in the actual *bleep*? Looks like he proved his point about restrictions on .

Like we don’t know this was coerced? He might as well have been sitting in the Hanoi Hilton (hey, Obama’s in Vietnam!) and making one of those ‘we are the evil bad guys‘ videos they used as propaganda. Propaganda Walter Cronkite was all too willing to play while Americans tried to eat dinner.

Good to know President Obama is right there threatening federal funds if schools don’t let penises in the girls locker room, but isn’t saying a damn thing about this blatant, and actual, civil rights violation.

[Tweet theme=”basic-full”]Obama threatens federal funds for trans bathrooms, but not actual civil rights violations. – Via @CaseyTheHost[/Tweet]

, and take all back or you won’t be able to participate in any extracurricular activities or graduate, and we’ll make sure colleges know just how much of a pile of scum you really are.