Daily Show Prep: Thursday, January 23

Hour 1

Chief Justice Roberts Admonishes Both Legal Teams After Nadler Accuses GOP Senators of Treachery and Voting Against US in Trump Impeachment Trial

Impeachment backfire? Key GOP senator ‘offended’ by Nadler charge, as trial tests patience and stamina

Ukrainian to US prosecutors: Why don’t you want our evidence on Democrats?

Seattle Residents Can Cast Vote Via Smartphone in Local Election


Hour 2

Trump To Make History At March For Life

Trump administration releases rule to restrict ‘birth tourism’

School bus service changes coming to South Bend

Judge in South Bend Police Tapes case taking more time to decide on release

Threat of contaminated tap water across US ‘dramatically underestimated,’ scientists warn

Standoff: U.S. troops block Russian forces from capturing Syrian oil field

Senior Democratic Staffer: ‘We Do Not Care About Anti-Semitism’

UK Parliament Passes EU Withdrawal Bill, Paving Way for Brexit on January 31

British economy will grow faster than eurozone rivals, says IMF


Hour 3


55% say media are ‘corrupt’ and ‘exaggerate’ news

Nolte: Hillary Complains There Are Not Enough Democrats in the News Media


Mexican Security Forces Corral Migrants After Hundreds Enter From Guatemala


Lefty Site Pushes Bizarre Claim Didn’t Die From Concentration Camp

Liberal viral outlet pushed the bizarre claim that Holocaust victim did not “die [from] a concentration camp.”

In a Tuesday tweet, NowThis posted video of members of the far-left criticizing President ‘s executive order combating anti-Semitism and comparing Trump’s handling of the border crisis to . “We’re seeing people die at the border from lack of medical care,” said Becca Lewis, a senior at George Washington University. “That’s how Anne Frank died. She didn’t die in a concentration camp, she died of .”

Lefty News Site Pushes Bizarre Claim Anne Frank Didn't Die From Concentration Camp


As phrased, Lewis’s claim that Frank didn’t die “in” a concentration camp is simply false; witnesses say the famous diarist and her sister Margot died of typhus in the Bergen-Belsen death camp. The subtitles provided by NowThis changed Lewis’s claim to say that Frank did not die “[from] a concentration camp.”


But the altered claim is also rejected by Holocaust historians, who draw no distinction between the victims actively murdered by gas chambers or firing squad and those who died from disease. The Holocaust Memorial Museum notes that typhus victims died of “deliberate neglect” as part of “the German policy to cause the deaths of large numbers of through over-crowded, squalid living conditions and a lack of reasonable medical care.”


Click here to view original web page at freebeacon.com

Newspaper Claims Old Posts Can Be Used Against ‘People in Positions of Power’ but Not Journalists

The New York Times is arguing that old posts on Twitter and other social media websites shouldn’t be used against journalists after a top editor at the paper was spoken to regarding a string of tweets that some found antisemitic.

Reporters for the paper also cited the CNN photographic editor who resigned after old tweets showing him calling “pigs” and Israel “the main enemy for the people of .”

The Times claimed that allies of President have compiled a of past statements and social media posts of journalists.

, the Donald Trump Jr. ally, indicated as much on after the Times didn’t take action against its editor for the controversial missives that the paper admitted were “a clear violation of our standards.” “If the @nytimes thinks this settles the matter we can expose a few of their other bigots,” he wrote. “Lots more where this came from.”

The White House and Trump campaign said it wasn’t involved in the operation, but suggested that exposing journalists who said things they would report others for is fair game.


“Two can play at this game,” added Sam Nunberg, a former Trump aide. “The media has long targeted Republicans with deep dives into their social media, looking to caricature all conservatives and Trump voters as racists.”

That’s when the reporters wrote that people “using journalistic techniques to target journalists and organizations as retribution for—or as a warning not to pursue—coverage critical of the president is fundamentally different from the well-established role of the in scrutinizing people in positions of power.” It later noted that has been targeting conservatives for years using the same methods.

A. G. Sulzberger, the publisher of the paper, sent a statement to the reporters complaining about the techniques.

Media critics exploded after the article was published, noting media outlets have been using the techniques not only to scrutinize people in power, but dox Trump supporters and ambush old women at their houses.

Outlets have also targeted athletes, activists, and celebrities for social media posts they’ve made when they were teenagers.

“Still can’t get over the absurdity of major outlets clutching their pearls about the consequences of disclosing public figures’ old tweets, as if their stories about ‘unearthed tweets’ were only limited to grave matters of public interest,” wrote , an attorney who frequently criticizes the media on Twitter.

Click here to view original web page at www.theepochtimes.com

Journalists Outraged Over Being Held To Their Own Standards

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There’s more in now than there is in politics.

On today’s show we talk about the anger from liberal journalists about being held to the standards they hold everyone else to. Also, a one-term, backbench former Congressman turned failed radio host is challenging President Trump for the Republican nomination, ‘s Brain “the human potato” Stelter thinks Trump is mentally unfit for office while continues to show he might not be.

Rather than a serious campaign kick-off with a crowd of supporters, former Congressman Joe Walsh went on “This Week” to announce his candidacy. It was welcome in liberal newsrooms, while the American people who heard about it had one question on their lips: Who? We have the audio and explain why there was no formal campaign event (he likely couldn’t gather a crowd).

is very upset that conservatives are searching posts of liberal journalists and digging up past racist/sexist/anti-Semitic/embarrassing things their employees have said. In essence, liberals do not want to be treated the way they’ve treated every conservative, both public and private citizens, for the last decade. We get into all of it.

, AKA the human potato, had a psychiatrist on his show who thinks calling crazy is an insult to and the President could be responsible for more deaths and Stalin, Mao, and Hitler. Stelter offered no rebuttal of follow-up question, claiming he wasn’t able to hear the comments. That doesn’t explain why no one who works on the show told him either at the time or during a commercial break.

Stelter also thinks his idea that the President is mentally unfit for office is something the media needs to focus on more. To make his case, he relies on comments from noted Trump haters. Seems Stelter’s “analysis” is as unbiased as his employer’s reporting.

Listen to the show here

The Media Pushes Fake Hate While Ignoring Real Hate Towards Trump Supporters

Daily Show Prep: Wednesday, Aug. 21

Hour 1

DHS moves to end limits on detention of migrant families, close ‘loophole’

How Fake Is CNN?… CNN Publishes Entire Post on Russian Company’s “Interference” on 2016 Election – Forget to Mention They Only Spent $3,000 Tops


Hour 2

Setback for homeless apartments rezoning in South Bend

Pete Buttigieg Draws Overwhelmingly White Crowd to Historic Black Chicago Neighborhood

Army National Guardsman says Ms. America Pageant stripped her of Ms. Nevada State title over conservative viewpoints. Pageant says ‘Not so fast.’

City Council rejects mayor’s Parks Department audit


Hour 3

Left-wing Jewish magazine op-ed blasts Democratic ‘silence’ in face of anti-Semitism from US Reps. Omar, Tlaib

Mainstream media silent on disturbing org behind Ilhan Omar’s, Rashida Tlaib’s trip to ‘Palestine’

The New York Times Officially Becomes A Joke Newspaper

New goal for New York Times: ‘Reframe’ American history, and target Trump, too