Monday, Oct. 7 – Hour 1

Hour 1

Three dead after car drives through gate, hits barrier at Georgia Air Force base

Florida woman arrested after 24 pipe bombs found in home

Woman managed to get past security and onto Delta flight

Masked Antifa Radical Who Harassed Elderly Lady is a Syrian Migrant

WATCH: Trump Releases Video Mocking ‘Pinocchio’ Adam Schiff For Allegedly Lying About Whistleblower

Donald J. Trump



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‘Whistleblower’ Worked for a Current 2020 Democrat Presidential Candidate

Uh-Oh: Fake “Whistleblower” Lied to IG About His Contacts With Adam Schiff

Daily Show Prep: Monday, Oct. 7

Hour 1

Three dead after car drives through gate, hits barrier at Georgia Air Force base

Florida woman arrested after 24 pipe bombs found in home

Woman managed to get past security and onto Delta flight

Masked Antifa Radical Who Harassed Elderly Lady is a Syrian Migrant

WATCH: Trump Releases Video Mocking ‘Pinocchio’ Adam Schiff For Allegedly Lying About Whistleblower

‘Whistleblower’ Worked for a Current 2020 Democrat Presidential Candidate

Uh-Oh: Fake “Whistleblower” Lied to IG About His Contacts With Adam Schiff


Hour 2

UPDATE: After Strong Backlash, Police Chief Un-Suspends Officer For Calling ICE On Illegal Immigrant

Obviously Toy Gun Prompts Lockdown of Three Florida Campuses

WATCH: ‘Hundreds’ Of Young People Regret Gender Transition, Seek Reversal

Buttigieg Reveals Plan To Significantly Lower Prescription Drug Prices

Bernie Sanders Had Heart Attack, His Doctors Say as He Leaves Hospital

Elizabeth Warren 2007 Video Contradicts Campaign Tale of Losing Job For Being Pregnant

Even Wall Street is getting the willies about Warren


Hour 3

Dems Launch ‘Impeachment Task Force’ Comprised of Celebrities. Here’s Who’s Spearheading The Effort.

Democrats Constructing Impeachment Star Chamber of Whistleblowers and Leakers

BOMBSHELL: Audio, Email Evidence Shows DNC Colluded With Ukraine To Boost Hillary By Harming Trump, Report Says

Report: Schiff Funneled $60 Million U.S.Tax Dollars to His Ukrainian Friend and ‘Corrupt’ Arms Dealer Igor Pasternak

It’s Not All About the Bidens: Why Trump Has Ukraine on the Brain


Not quite.

KLAVAN: It’s Time For NeverTrumpers To Defend Trump

Ratcliffe: DOJ Inspector General’s Report On FISA Abuse Will Be Released Within Next “Week Or Two”





Mark Levin: Senate Should Launch ‘‘ And Dismiss Charges

Appearing on Thursday night’s edition of “” on , Levin broke down Rep. ‘s prior knowledge about the complaint, contending that he likely revealed it only to House Speaker .

“How do I know that?” he asked rhetorically. “Because she goes to the podium like Eva Perrone and she declares — now we’re gonna have an official inquiry without the transcript. How did she know? Because Schiff tipped her off about what what was in this complaint.”

After continuing to criticize the complaint, Levin turned his attention to the Senate, which he contended was not Constitutionally bound to take up an impeachment trial. (RELATED: CNN’s Cuomo Eats Crow After Slamming Analyst Who Suggested Schiff Had Whistleblower Complaint In Advance)

Citing a “ the Constitution and protect this country and protect the office of the presidency,” Levin said Senate Majority Leader should “launch a .”

What am I talking about? Mitch McConnell was on TV saying, ’67 votes to change the rules.’ They changed the rules when it came to the courts and they can change the rules here. Simple majority with a nuclear option allows the Senate to dismiss those charges … as soon as they come to the Senate.

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Daily Show Prep: Wednesday, Oct. 2

Intel Community Admission Of Whistleblower Changes Raises Explosive New Questions

Left Tries To Wave Away IG Changes Allowing Whistleblowers To Weaponize Hearsay

FLASHBACK: Suspicions Grow That “Whistleblower Complaint” Is a Put-Up Job Orchestrated by Adam Schiff

Schiff Knew Of Whistleblower Complaint Before It Was Filed

U.S. presidential hopeful Sanders has heart procedure, cancels events


Hour 2

Democrat James Mueller, Republican Sean Haas square off in only South Bend mayoral race debate

UK Rugby Referees Quitting Over Transgender Players Breaking Women’s Bones


Hour 3

Breaking: Our friend is no longer at Fox

The FBI’s annual crime report is out, and the anti-gun crowd won’t like it

New Evidence Suggests Prosecutors Pressured Michael Flynn To Lie

Pete Buttigieg Opposes Death Penalty for ‘Defenseless’ Terrorists