Amazon Confuses Members of with Criminals

An experiment with ‘s software showed the technology confused 28 lawmakers with the mugshots of criminals.

Since this is we’re talking about, we should be clear: The lawmakers aren’t criminals. The pictures that Amazon’s “Rekognition” software matched to them were of different people.

This stunt is intended to serve as a wake-up call for lawmakers and law enforcement leaders about the potential problems of using facial recognition software to identify suspects. Privacy and technology experts and activists have been warning for years that the technology remains far too flawed to be used to identify criminal subjects, and the tech struggles particularly with differentiating between the faces of minorities.

Source: Amazon Facial Recognition Confuses Members of Congress with Criminals

ACLU Lawyer Argues Trump Would Be Ok If Hillary Did It

You can’t make this stuff up. You really can’t.

Listen to   argue before the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals that Trump’s is unconstitutional, thus illegal. However, he was asked by  if another candidate besides Trump had won the election, and issued the same exact order, would it be constitutional then?  The obvious inference from Judge Niemeyer is that if Hillary Clinton had issued the same travel moratorium then Jadwat wouldn’t have any problem with it.

Jadwat confirmed that if anyone but Trump had issued the order, it would be constitutional, and legal.


“We have a candidate who won the presidency, some candidate other than President Trump won the presidency and then chose to issue this particular order, with whatever counsel he took,” Niemeyer said. “Do I understand that just in that circumstance, the executive order should be honored?”

“Yes, your honor, I think in that case, it could be constitutional,” Jadwat admitted.


Show Prep: Fri, Dec. 11

UPDATE: FBI NOTIFIED – FOURTH Bulk Cell Phone Purchase at Mid-Missouri Walmart – The Gateway Pundit

Today a fourth Walmart in Jefferson City in mid-Missouri reported another bulk cell phone purchase.

FDA Approves Revolutionary Gunshot Wound Treatment | The Daily Caller

The device works by injecting about 92 tiny sponges into the target area that immediately expand and quickly stops the bleeding. The sponges are made from wood pulp, ensuing they don’t dissolve inside the body, and are coated in antimicrobial material. If they get stuck inside, X-rays can easily identify them.

Colorado ACLU Board Member Denies Supporting Violence Against Trump Supporters | The Daily Caller

The Colorado board member who suggested threatening violence against Donald Trump supporters has deleted the Facebook post where he made the comments and now claims they were somehow taken out of context.

Rush Limbaugh destroys Carly Fiorina – MFP


Rush has a point. Aside from that, in head to head polling right now, Trump does better against Hillary than Fiorina does.

RealClearPolitics – 2016 Presidential Race

2016 Presidential Race

Lawsuit argues revisions to Indiana’s RFRA law violate the Constitution –

Conservative groups are challenging the limits that were placed on ‘s religious objections law after last spring’s national uproar over whether it could be used to discriminate against gays and lesbians.

Thank You Kurt Russell. A Little Common Sense On Gun Control And Terrorism From Hollywood. – The Burning Truth

So he DID do it, then? Colo. Springs ACLU co-chair resigns over threats to Trump voters –

And now that he’s been busted, he’s reportedly resigning his position with the ACLU:

School Smacks Down Student’s Yearbook Photo Featuring Rifle, American Flag — See How This No-Nonsense Dad Responds |

A North Dakota dad says that his son’s high school told his son that he couldn’t submit a photo of himself holding a rifle for the school yearbook.

The Great E-Cigarette Cover-Up: Why Big Pharma And Public Health Are Lying About The Dangers Of Vaping | The Daily Caller

Major pharmaceutical companies and pubic health activists are among the leading culprits spreading disinformation about the health risks of e-cigarettes.

Gallup Show Smoking Rate Collapsing As E-Cigarette Use Soars | The Daily Caller

A new Gallup poll shows cigarette smoking among young adults has plummeted to a new low just one month after data from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revealed use surging.

Now There’s Video=> Jimmy Carter Bans Iranian Immigrants from US, Deported Students During Hostage Crisis – The Gateway Pundit

Here is a screengrab from the ABC report of President Carter’s Iran speech – with a TV caption reading “prohibiting .”

Immigration and Our Founding Fathers’ Values | VDARE – premier news outlet for patriotic immigration reform

In a 1790 House debate on naturalization, James Madison opined: “It is no doubt very desirable that we should hold out as many inducements as possible for the worthy part of mankind to come and settle amongst us, and throw their fortunes into a common lot with ours. But why is this desirable?”

Show Prep: Tues, Nov. 24

Putin: Downing Of Jet A ‘Stab In The Back’

However, a rebel group has said it shot dead the two pilots as they tried to land safely in northern Syria after ejecting from the jet.


reportedly a Russian SU-24 jet on Tuesday by Turkey near the Syria-Turkey border.

Syrian rebels chant ‘Allahu Akbar’ over the body of dead Russian pilot in video | Daily Mail Online

Syrian rebels chanted ‘Allahu Akbar’ over the dead body of a Russian pilot shot down by a Turkish jet today in shocking footage released shortly before a separate group blew up a Putin chopper sent to find survivors.

California Girls Demand to Be Boy Scouts | Truth Revolt

Maybe their approach should have been to go to the Girl Scouts and say: Instead of painting our nails and clipping our — whatever they do — to do archery and do climbing. Going through that process.

ACLU wants judge to block Gov. Mike Pence’s refugee order –

The Indianapolis Star reports that the of filed the Monday night on behalf of Indianapolis-based nonprofit Exodus Refugee Immigration. It accuses Pence of violating the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act by accepting refugees from other countries but not from Syria.

Far Left’s “Islamophobia” Poster Child Is Caught at Syrian Border Trying to Join ISIS

US Muslim Saadiq Long made headlines after he was not allowed to fly to Oklahoma from Qatar to see his ailing mother.

Oops! 150 Passengers from Mexico Skip Customs at JFK | Truth Revolt

When the plane landed, passengers walked out of the airport without having their passports or bags checked by Customs and Border Protection, sources told The .

Breaking: SHOTS FIRED! Several Wounded – In Standoff in French Border Town of Roubaix – The Gateway Pundit

Several people were reportedly wounded in a stand-off between officers and hostage-takers in the French border town of Roubaix.

Amazon plastered New York transit with Nazi imagery and nobody is happy

Blue Origin Lands First Reusable Private Rocket | The Daily Caller

Blue Origin, a private space company, announced Tuesday its New Shepard reusable successfully flew 100.5 kilometers into space and returned to its launch site.

One Nativity Scene in Indiana County Is Swapping Baby Jesus With the Bill of Rights |

This Christmas, the Freedom from Religion Foundation will give their own a nontraditional makeover. The hallowed scene — on display at the county courthouse — will include the Statue of Liberty, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson, all huddled around a manger, cradling the Bill of Rights instead of Jesus.

Ahmed ‘Clock Kid’ Mohamed’s Family Demands $15 Million From City of Irving, School District — and That’s Not All |

Attorneys representing the family of Ahmed “clock kid” Mohamed sent a letter to Irving, Texas, officials demanding $15 million in compensation for “damages” as well as written apologies from the city’s mayor and police chief.

EXCELLENT! Charismatic Navajo Indian and Democratic Senator Switches Parties to GOP (VIDEO) – The Gateway Pundit

Carlyle Begay, an Arizona state senator and , switched parties from Democrat to Republican this morning.

Gunfire erupts at the site of Black Lives Matter protest; 5 are injured –

Protesters said at least two gunmen opened fire just outside of the Plymouth Ave. encampment.

VIDEO PROOF=> 5 Black Lives Matter Protesters Shot AFTER REPEATEDLY Beating White Videographers – The Gateway Pundit

The witnesses say the protesters pursued and caught with the three men, punching them again. The men made gestures as if reaching for their guns but apparently did not brandish them at that point.

University yoga class canceled because of ‘oppression, cultural genocide’ – The Washington Post

a class designed to include disabled students has been canceled after concerns the practice was taken from a culture that “experienced oppression, cultural genocide and diasporas due to colonialism and western supremacy,” according to the group that once sponsored it.