Antifa riots in to . Watch how quick antifa stops being ‘just an idea’ to Biden now.


Protesters say the newly inaugurated President ‘will not save us’

One demonstrator in the liberal-leaning city carried a banner that read, “We don’t want Biden – we want revenge,” according to the York Times.

Another banner read: “We are ungovernable.”

The demonstrations follow those this past summer over police brutality that at times devolved into acts of arson, deadly violence, looting and damage to businesses and government buildings.

In Seattle on Wednesday, groups vandalized property while carrying banners that read, “No Cops, Prisons, Borders, Presidents.”

“A Democratic administration is not a victory for oppressed people,” said a flier that was handed out.

also spray painted anarchist symbols on buildings and chanted against Biden and former President Trump.


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Antifa also attacked the Democratic HQ in .

Biden had refused to condemn antifa violence during the campaign and called them ‘just an idea’ and not a real group during the debates.

Watch how quickly that changes now.