Daily Show Prep: Tuesday, March 24

Hour 1

‘They ingested fish tank cleaner, not medication’: Media criticized for linking Trump to death of Arizona man

Sen. McSally Introduces Bill to Withhold Senate Pay Until Relief Package is Passed

Pelosi delays her coronavirus bill, says will try to pass Senate’s without most members present


YouTuber Who Licked Public Toilet Seat Now Claims He’s Tested Positive For Coronavirus

Birx: US has done more testing in 8 days than South Korea in 8 weeks

Hour 2

PG&E To Plead Guilty To 84 Involuntary Manslaughter Counts Over 2018 Wildfire


And you thought was dumb.

Professors fear lectures will be shared with “right-wing sites” as more classes go online due to coronavirus


White House Journalist Has Suspected Case Of Coronavirus, Correspondents’ Association President Announces

More Americans Approve Of Trump’s Coronavirus Response Than The Media’s

Former Campaign Workers Sue Michael Bloomberg, Claim They Were Defrauded

Judicial Watch: FBI Finds New Clinton Emails, Including Discussion about Benghazi and Additional Classified Material

Hour 3

CNN’s John Berman leaves out one tiny detail while reporting on the chloroquine phosphate death in Arizona

SUUURE: Journo who blamed Trump for couple eating fish tank cleaner claims she used tablet pic because of ‘photo licensing’

Nonstop Lies: Chinese Propaganda on Wuhan Coronavirus Continues, with US Media Assistance


Daily Show Prep: Monday, March 23

Hour 1

Gov. Holcomb announces new measures to combat COVID-19 spread

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer issues ‘stay at home’ order for Michigan, effective at midnight

Michigan distillers cleared to produce hand sanitizer to help with COVID-19 response

What took so long?

New York State to Begin Trials on Possible Wuhan Virus Treatment as Some on the Left Keep Scoffing

‘Lost’ Actor Who Tested Positive For Coronavirus Says Trump-Touted Drug ‘Secret Weapon’ To His Recovery

Coronavirus Victim, 52, Said Good-Bye To Family, Prepared to Die; Says Hydroxychloroquine Saved His Life

Israeli Pharmaceutical Company Donates 6 Million Doses of Chloroquine to US to treat Coronavirus

Jesse Watters Debunks Media Lies About President Trump’s Coronavirus Response

Hour 2

‘I’m going to keep pushing.’ Anthony Fauci tries to make the White House listen to facts of the pandemic

One of the more disgusting and misleading articles on the outbreak I’ve read.

The above article misleads on a lot of facts. Flat-out left some critical facts out. For one, that China didn’t tell us about the virus. A whistleblower did and the Chinese government smeared them and continued to lie about the virus for some time.

Li Wenliang: Coronavirus death of Wuhan doctor sparks anger

The article also ignored China’s public campaign that led to the virus spreading.

Italian virologist says political correctness doomed his country’s coronavirus response

Senate Again Fails To Pass Cloture Vote On Coronavirus Stimulus Bill

SHOCK: Dem Stock Coronavirus Package With Green New Deal Handouts, Post Office Bailout, Union Cash

Rep. Clyburn Admits Economic Package Is ‘An Opportunity to Restructure Things to Fit Our Vision’


Hour 3

2020 Tokyo Olympics Will Be Postponed Due to Coronavirus, Says IOC’s Dick Pound

When virus recedes, GOP plans to unleash sweeping health care reform plan

Nancy Pelosi Ignores Bipartisan Wuhan Virus Relief Bill, Proposes 1,400 Pages Of Progressive Pipe Dreams

The media circles the wagons to protect Democrats

GOP dusts off anti-Pelosi playbook as stimulus negotiations drag on

NYT Quietly Edits Headline On Failed Coronavirus Deal To Protect Democrats — Twice


AOC Repeats Debunked Lie That Trump Called Virus A . Tapper Later Admits He Failed To Correct Her.

Every day the same old debunked lies about President Trump on the coronavirus are repeated by the lowest common denominator. Joseph Goebbels would be proud of the US media, Democrats and Hollywood celebrities who are devoted to repeating these lies over and over and over again so the feeble-minded among us believe them.

Tapper just admitted that he let a lie slide because he thought the President lied about the media. Except, the President didn’t lie about the media. The media has been lying about his response to the virus and Tapper just self-owned himself by proving the President’s point.


Jesse Watters Debunks Media Lies About President Trump’s Response

My listeners already know all of this because I’ve broken down each of these things on my show and separately on my live stream, Casey’s Quarantine Corner. Nonetheless, it always needs repeating. The more we expose the lies about what happening, the better the nation’s response will be to the crisis.