Daily Show Prep: Thursday, Oct. 22

Hour 1

Viewpoint: Why we voted against tabling St. Joseph County mask fines ordinance

Unmasktyranny.com is suing the health department over mask fine ordinance


Chris Cuomo scolded for not wearing a mask in his NYC apartment building


Interview: Republican candidate St. Joseph District 2, Derek Dieter



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Hour 3


NPR Won’t Cover Hunter Biden Laptop Because They Refuse To ‘Waste’ Their ‘Readers’ Time On Stories That Are Just Pure Distractions’


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EXCLUSIVE PHOTO: Joe Biden Meeting with Hunter’s Business Partner Devon Archer in VP Office 5 Days Before Going to Ukraine to Sign Burisma Deal

Judge dismisses third degree murder charge against Derek Chauvin



BREAKING: New Taped Interview for OANN Reveals Hunter Biden’s Laptop included 40-50 Images of Alleged Child Endangerment with Young Family Member


Yes, The ‘ Happy White Woman’ Thing Is Real


Power is in tearing minds to pieces and putting them together again in shapes of your own choosing.

– 1984

Some stories seem silly. They seem meaningless and trivial. Often, the opposite is true. Those silly, meaningless stories are actually a coordinated plan of microaggressions aimed at manipulating you. Things that pass right by our conscious into our subconscious can have a subtle but compounding effect on our psyche.

Silly right? Seems a little looney even. What if he’s right though? Let’s see.

. Nothing wrong there. Let’s keep going.

Alright. I’m sensing a pattern. Let’s add Indian women.

Now Latinas.

Ok. If ‘happy ____ woman’ you get images of happy women from that demographic. What’s the problem then?

Wait. We didn’t finish the challenge. We added a couple more searches to the original challenge but we have one more to go.

Oh my. It seems we’ve stumbled onto something. These images don’t fit the pattern. They are completely different than the other search results for the same thing.

Funny thing about those silly, meaningless stories we barely notice. We don’t believe them even though we see them. They can’t be true because they are just so ridiculous.

And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed — if all records told the same tale — then the lie passed into history and became truth.

– 1984

Do we get the same results using another search engine?

Duck Duck Go:

Uh oh. That’s the results search should have given us for the pictures if they were consistent.

What about ?

Well, there’s that link at the top but the images are what should have shown up in Google.

Now … why do you think Google would show happy images of women of color in a completely different fashion than happy white women? Why are the other search engines showing consistent results for that search but Google isn’t?

“It would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetition and a psychological of the people concerned that a square is in fact a circle. They are mere words, and words can be molded until they clothe ideas and disguise.”

In other

DOJ Moves To Break Up Google; ‘Most Important Antitrust Case In A Generation’


For men, there’s no pictures of happy white man at all LOL!

Happy Caucasian Woman or man does give you standard results.

Daily Show Prep: Wednesday, Oct. 21

Hour 1

Michigan Secretary of State urges people with absentee ballots not to submit via mail


Whitmer: Trump’s Rhetoric Caused Hate Crimes to Increase ‘Exponentially over the Last Four Years’

Mark Meadows: Pelosi Hasn’t Actually Been Negotiating a Relief Package

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Hour 2

BREAKING: Giuliani Gives Hunter Biden’s Hard Drive to Delaware State Police Over Photos of Underage Girls, Inappropriate Texts

BREAKING: FBI, DOJ Concur with DNI Ratcliffe That Hunter Biden’s Laptop and Emails Are NOT Part of a Russian Disinformation Campaign

Biden Falsely Claims Intel Community Has Cleared His Family Of Wrongdoing

Hunter Biden’s Emails and the Joe Biden Family Syndicate, Explained

Receipt ‘shows Hunter Biden’s signature for repair work on laptop’

BREAKING: Smoking Gun Email from Hunter’s Laptop Proves Bidens Were Paid to Shut Down Burisma Investigation and Make It Go Away

UPDATE: New Photo Released of Joe Biden Posing with Hunter Biden and Business Clients from Kazakhstan

GOP pollster Luntz blasts Trump campaign as worst he’s ever seen

Frank Luntz Calls Trump Campaign ‘Worst Ever’; Said the Same in 2016

Trump Campaign Rejects Mike Huckabee’s Advice About Hunter Biden

Majority of likely voters believe Biden had conflict of interest involving Ukraine oversight, son

Emergency stay-in-place order issued for University of Michigan students to stop COVID-19 spread


BIDEN IS SINKING! Crooked Democrat Nominee’s Lead PLUNGES 6.3 Points in ONE WEEK! Presidential Race Now a Statistical Dead Heat

This Should Worry the Democrats: Trump Is Picking Up THOUSANDS of Voters Who Did Not Vote in 2016

Hour 3


Schools Aren’t Super-Spreaders
Fears from the summer appear to have been overblown.

FIRE FAUCI: New Study Finds Closing Schools In Response to COVID-19 Delayed Herd Immunity and Will Increase Overall Deaths

Are The Risks Of Reopening Schools Exaggerated?

Studies Point To Big Drop In COVID-19 Death Rates

Aikman Offers Clarification After Military Flyover Remarks Erupt. Some People Don’t Buy It.


Military Flyovers Thank Americans for Service to Country

Military flyovers: Are they still worth it?

FL House of Representatives Report Shows More than 40% of Florida’s Covid-19 Deaths May Not Merit that Classification


New York Defends By Saying Have A Problem

Jeffrey Toobin masturbated in front of coworkers. That’s indefensible. Literally, everyone knew that already, but just in case the #MeToo movement put all that to bed.

So imagine a newspaper in America taking the position that it’s YOU who has the problem with masturbation. Enter the New York Daily News.

Ok, let’s dive in.

The article starts with a tone-deaf disconnect with reality.

So let’s suppose had been caught on having with a partner instead of touching himself. Would he be the most mocked man in the United States right now?

Yes, of course he would have been. The author naively suggests otherwise. That really isn’t the point though, is it? Toobin masturbated in front of coworkers, during a meeting. That’s not remotely the same as accidentally getting caught having sex with a partner.

During a meeting, Toobin CHOSE to take out his and masturbate. He CHOSE to angle the camera to frame his penis while masturbating. Beyond that, the details are moot.

The article ends just as ludicrous as it began:

flash: Toobin masturbates. But I’m guessing that you do the same, dear reader. Maybe you should stop feeling weird and guilty about that. Then we can all stop making fun of Jeffrey Toobin.

News flash: that isn’t the point and it’s completely irrelevant to the story.

The author also mentioned Toobin’s old affair but left some of the horrible bits out. They failed to mention that Toobin also has a laundry list of allegations too. In other words, there’s a history of .

Here’s an example:

According to one of the women (apparently book editor and publisher ), Toobin tried to force his way into her room, telling her, “You know you want it,” and he left “several sick messages” on her .

Here’s more if you like.

I also found this article to particularly interesting because the New York Daily News wasn’t this kind to Louis C.K. during his masturbation scandal. Friendly reminder, Louis C.K. had permission from the women to masturbate in front of them. Toobin did not.

The NY Daily News said Louis C.K. was “creepy” and committed “sexual misconduct.”

I’d assume a paper that took that position just two years ago would have the same values today. Especially after the #MeToo movement. Apparently not.


An editor of a major paper allowing a published piece excusing and defending undeniable sexual misconduct in this day and age is inexcusable and a firable offense.


Daily Show Prep: Tuesday, Oct. 20

Hour 1

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Debate Commission Scraps Foreign Policy Focus in Third Debate After Trump Is Nominated Four Times for Nobel Peace Prize

Trump Campaign Calls on Debate Commission to Include Foreign Policy as Topic

New Stanford Study Suggests Biden’s Agenda Will Have 4 Devastating Economic Consequences.

Rapper 50 Cent Endorses Trump After Seeing Biden’s Tax Plan

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Hour 2

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Sweden plans to EASE coronavirus restrictions for older people

New COVID-19 outbreak rocks New Zealand as 11 new cases emerge

50,000 Children’s Surgeries Postponed, Deaths on Transplant Waiting List Near-Doubled Due to Lockdown

U.S. Arrests Mexico’s Ex-Defense Chief, Accused Of Helping Drug Cartel

Joe Biden Is Not A Good Person

Hour 3

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DOJ Moves To Break Up Google; ‘Most Important Antitrust Case In A Generation’

Cancer-stricken Rush Limbaugh says he can no longer deny he’s ‘under a death sentence’