Daily Show Prep: Friday, 12

Nancy Pelosi Open to Overturning Republican Win in Iowa District

Feinstein introduces her assault weapons ban again

Buttigieg Floats Pegging Gas Tax to Inflation to Finance Infrastructure Spending


COVID Outbreak Confirmed At Nursing Home Despite Staff, Patients Being Vaccinated

Virginia COVID Clinic Gives ‘Less Than 10’ People ‘Shot of Nothing’


Open Lines

Portland Police Invisible as Antifa Renews Attacks on Federal Courthouse

Hour 3

A Barely Alive Joe Biden Levies Threats, Appears Clueless in Primetime Speech



Pelosi re-appoints Eric Swalwell to Intel Committee despite ‘honey pot’ scandal

Mexico Worried Biden Encouraging So Much Illegal Immigration It’s Helping Organized Crime


Conservative Website Bans Conservative Radio From Commenting

It’s been while since and I have exchanged emails but we were always friendly. He’s used some of my tips to publish stories on his website over years. I’ve never had a falling out with him or anyone at . I rarely ever comment on his site. Maybe 2-3 times a year.

I’ve never been involved a beef with anyone in his comment section or a contributor to his site. I’ve interviewed some of them and promoted GP content on my show and social media regularly over the years. I’m still friendly and engage with some of them on social media now. When he was a small website he was always willing to answer my emails but now that his site has grown, I guess there’s no time for radio hosts who helped steer people to his articles for all of these years.

The only thing I can think of that may be an issue is I might have posted a link to one of my articles that provided more info on something posted on his site in the comment section. Is that ban worthy? Especially since I’ve promoted his content for years. I would have assumed I would get a note asking not to do that if was an issue.

I’m genuinely at a loss.

However, Jim Hoft wouldn’t be the first person to do something like this.

And while the GP is a private website and not a public platform like Facebook or Twitter, I wonder if this hurts their credibility in fighting against censorship of conservatives online when I didn’t engage in any traditionally ban-worthy behavior.


Daily Show Prep: Thursday, 11


Indiana governor: ‘No one single driver’ to determine when state opens up after pandemic

Utah mother, 39, with NO known health issues dies four days after receiving second dose of Moderna’s COVID vaccine

President Trump Drops a Truth Bomb on Joe Biden’s Outrageous Attempt to Take Credit for Trump’s Operation Warp Speed Vaccine



Republican senators demand answers from CDC on ‘pseudo-scientific cover’ for keeping schools closed


Hour 2


Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene, David Cicilline spar over ‘Mussolini’ remark

U.S. House passes two Democratic-backed gun control bills

Michigan prosecutor says will restart review board to probe COVID nursing home deaths under Whitmer

Hour 3

Democratic Party leader calls out South Bend mayor, calls for probe of council members

Notre Dame Law student group celebrates Women’s History by pretending Amy Coney Barrett isn’t a Supreme Court Justice

Judge Reinstates Third-Degree Murder Charge In Derek Chauvin Trial


Daily Show Prep: Wednesday, 10


Pin Posts


Pin Posts


Hour 2

Interview: Breitbart’s Allum Bokhari

Bokhari: Microsoft and Friends Want to Destroy Online Privacy

Yikes! New Poll Finds Only 36% of US Adults Believe George Floyd Was Murdered by Minneapolis Police Officer

Hour 3

Biden’s Handlers Announce Hastily Planned Road Show to Prop Up Kamala Harris as Joe’s Dementia Becomes Impossible to Conceal

Dr. Fauci Can’t Explain the “Science” For Denying Vaccinated Americans a Return to Travel (VIDEO)


Wisconsin Lawmakers to Hold General Election Review Hearing on Wednesday Following News that Democrat Operative Given Keys to Absentee Ballot Counting Room – 10 AM Central