Daily Show Prep: Friday, April 9

Hour 1


Biden creating Supreme Court reform commission, incl. expanding size

Senate leader kills proposal to eliminate handgun carry licensing in Indiana

Schumer says Senate will move ahead on marijuana legalization

Hour 2

Open Lines

Listener called to tell us his uncle died from the vaccine.

We have now reached the “get a V tattoo to show you’ve been vaccinated” stage


CDC Study: Moderna Vaccine Recipients More Likely to Have Side Effects

AstraZeneca Woes Grow as Australia, Philippines, African Union Curb COVID-19 Shots

Second Vaccination Site Halts Operations After Adverse Reactions to Johnson & Johnson Vaccine

Colorado COVID-19 Vaccination Site Shut After 11 Suffer Adverse Reactions



Hour 3


There Was Another Mass Shooting…But You’ll Easily Figure Out Why There’s Media Silence Over It

Bryan shooting suspect’s bonds total $2.2 million

American Infrastructure Has ‘Racism Physically Built’ Into It, According to Buttigieg

Black Lives Matter Co-Founder Patrisse Khan-Cullors Lands Topanga Canyon Compound

Pin Posts

Biden’s Border Czar to Step Down

WALSH: United Offers Passengers Exciting Opportunity To Die In Diverse And Equitable Plane Crash


‘Every. Single. TIME.’ messages written on campus revealed as hoax by Black #FakeHate

#BlueAnon conspiracy theorists fell for it again. As I’ve said repeatedly … the left has no shame. When they get caught lying, it doesn’t even register to them. They simply move on to the next lie and their dumbass acolytes will fall for the next lie again because they are NPCs and their code prevents them from learning from past mistakes.

Seems isn’t sharing the whole story.

Source: ‘Every. Single. TIME.’ Racist messages written on Albion College campus revealed as hate crime hoax by Black student (Albion’s thread is a DOOZY)

Daily Show Prep: Thursday, April 8

Hour 1

Fact-Checking Biden’s Latest Gun Control Press Conference


CBS Shifts 60 Minutes DeSantis Piece Narrative to Lack of Vaccine Access for Minorities

Hour 2



Lee Zeldin Announces 2022 Campaign To Unseat Andrew Cuomo, ‘Losing Is Not An Option!’

Un-Canceled: SF School Board Formally Rescinds Move To Rename Schools After Lincoln, Washington, Feinstein

Alert: Pine trees are now racist

‘Senseless, Irrational, Cowardice Bulls***’: High School Track Coach Fired After Refusing To Make His Team Wear Masks

Hour 3


Remember that thing about “kids in cages”?

Group Trying To Convince Asians That America Is Oppressive Has Ties To Chinese State Media

‘Terminated, Effective Immediately:’ 2 NYC Doormen Who Failed To Act During Brutal Attack On 65-Year-Old Asian Woman Have Been Fired



Daily Show Prep: Wednesday, April 7

Hour 1

County Commissioners Slam Health Officer in Letter About Mask Mandate


Pence creates conservative political advocacy group

REPORT: Caitlyn Jenner Considering Run For California Governor

Hour 2

Report: Joss Whedon Threatened Gal Gadot’s Career On The Set Of Justice League

North Las Vegas Mayor announces that he’s dumping the Democratic Party and becoming a Republican

Interview: John Farnam

His website

Hour 3

Biden to Issue Executive Order Requiring Background Checks for So-Called ‘Ghost Guns’

Of course, it’s a nonsense EO since it’s illegal to transfer a ‘ghost gun’ to another person. Therefore, requiring background checks for buying something that is illegal to buy is nothing more than political posturing.

D.C. Medical Examiner Reveals Causes Of Capitol Insurrection Deaths—Except For Officer Brian Sicknick

It wasn’t an ‘insurrection’ you ditz.

A Man Died In A Taco Eating Contest. Now His Family Is Suing

Tampa Bay Buccaneers player Carlton Davis apologizes after tweeting anti-Asian slur