Wednesday, March 29 – Hour 1 Podcast

Girl, 5, suspended for playing with ‘stick gun’ |

In this case, Caitlin was the guard protecting the royals and picked up the to imitate shooting an intruder into the kingdom.

Indiana House Panel Amends Overhaul of Troubled Vaping Law | Indiana News | US News

The House panel’s changes address e-liquid labeling, including requiring an identifiable, trackable code and a nicotine warning. The changes also include adding provisions on manufacturer reports, e-liquid flavorings and ingredient lists.

California Charges Planned Parenthood Video Journalists with 15 Felonies

California prosecutors have charged the two undercover journalists who produced videos of officials allegedly selling the harvested body parts of aborted babies for a profit with 15 felonies.

Anti-Abortion Activists Face Dubious Eavesdropping Charges in California – Hit & Run :

Daleiden told The Washington Post he plans to argue that the conversations did not qualify as “confidential” because no party had a reasonable expectation that the discussion would not be overheard.

California Recording Law | Digital Media Law Project

If you are recording someone without their knowledge in a public or semi-public place like a street or restaurant, the person whom you’re recording may or may not have “an objectively reasonable expectation that no one is listening in or overhearing the conversation,” and the reasonableness of the expectation would depend on the particular factual circumstances.  Therefore, you cannot necessarily assume that you are in the clear simply because you are in a public place.


The bogus charges from Planned Parenthood’s political cronies are fake . They tried the same collusion with corrupt officials in Houston, TX and failed: both the charges and the DA were thrown out. The public knows the real criminals are Planned Parenthood and their business partners like StemExpress and DV Biologics—currently being prosecuted in California—who have harvested and sold aborted baby body parts for profit for years in direct violation of state and federal law. We look forward to showing the entire world what is on our yet-unreleased video tapes of Planned Parenthood’s criminal baby body parts enterprise, in vindication of the First Amendment rights of all.

Weird how this NBC 4 hidden camera investigation in California isn’t also a felony.

Back Under the Hood | NBC Southern California

State officials are taking interest in NBC4’s I-Team hidden camera report that showed some Jiffy Lube locations taking customers for a ride.

ABC News received a Peabody Award for an undercover segment on a medical laboratory. Where’s the media now? 

Photo published for TYRANNY: California Criminally Charges Undercover Reporters Who Exposed Planned Parenthood's Baby...

TYRANNY: California Criminally Charges Undercover Reporters Who Exposed Planned Parenthood’s Baby…

On Tuesday, the state of California charged David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt of the on 15 felony counts over their undercover reporting regarding Planned Parenthood.

Show Prep: Friday, June 17

Marijuana legalization group sues Michigan over petition rules – 95.3 MNC

A group trying to legalize the recreational use of in is suing after an elections board said it didn’t collect enough valid voter signatures to qualify for a statewide November vote.

At Mizzou, an LGBT memorial breaks down over… a lack of diversity? « Hot Air

Latino activists, including a official, scolded the mostly white gathering for ignoring racial issues. That led one attendee to fume on Facebook that the organizers had invented a “race issue” out of a “homophobic attack” by gunman Omar Mateen.

Feminist’s Disgusting Tweet About Toddler’s Alligator Death Sets Off Firestorm

Judge Upholds Suspension of the Pop-Tart Gun Kid – Hit & Run :

Remember the Pop-Tart kid? He was 7 years old when he was for chewing his breakfast (not actually a Pop-Tart, as it turned out) into the shape of a weapon and pretending to fire it at his classmates. Now he’s 11, and Anne Arundel County Circuit Court Judge Ronald A. Silkworth just upheld his suspension.

School Will Not Expel 7-Year-Old Who Brought Nerf Guns to School – Hit & Run :

A 7-year-old will not be expelled after bringing two toy guns to his school.

Waitress upset over ‘Best Butt’ award from management |

An Indianapolis woman says she’s offended after receiving an award from her employer for having the “” on staff.

Omar Mateen’s former co-worker: Company told me ‘We have to be careful because he’s a Muslim’ « Hot Air

A former co-worker of Omar Mateen repeatedly warned the security company where he worked that Mateen was unhinged. Daniel Gilroy says the company did nothing and even told him, “We have to be careful because he’s a Muslim.”


VIDEO FLASHBACK: Trey Gowdy explains due process rights vs ‘no-fly list’ « Hot Air

In fact, he made the perfect argument against this kind of pervasive infringement on due process rights last year when questioning a Dept. of Homeland Security official about the “No-fly list.”

Florida Gun Store Owner Claims He Warned FBI About Mateen Weeks Ago – Cortney O’Brien

Abell added that they thought the man was “very suspicious,” so they called the local office in West Palm Beach and reported the incident. But they didn’t have the man’s name, since no sale was made, and the only surveillance footage they had was grainy.

Show Prep: Mon, Dec. 14

Mannequins replace live actors in Nativity scene during Concord High School Christmas show –

After a federal judge granted a preliminary injunction banning  Concord Community Schools from including a live scene as part of its annual Christmas show, the school, instead, featured a Nativity scene using mannequins in the Christmas Spectacular program on Saturday, Dec. 12.

Concord High School’s 2015 Christmas Spectacular still a hit despite federal lawsuit – Elkhart Truth

Bill Grossman, a 1988 Concord graduate who performed in four consecutive Christmas Spectaculars during his time as a band and orchestra member, said he did not appreciate what he considered a “lack of respect for authority” in including a Nativity scene of any sort.

Get Money Out Of Politics, Except When Democrats Need To Fund Their Convention – The Burning Truth

Already struggling with finances, the Democratic Party has drafted a plan to have taxpayers help pay about $20 million for next summer’s nominating convention, reversing a change Congress approved just a year ago. Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who is also a congresswoman from Florida, has drafted a bill to restore money that both parties used to receive from the federal government to help defray the costs of running their quadrennial conventions.

Kids cancer fundraiser deemed microaggression by Kansas BLM protesters

Shortly thereafter, the RCIH demonstrators found themselves in conflict with another group, the Tri Delta sorority, which was selling candy canes to raise money for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in the same Wescoe Beach area in which the protesters were congregating.

Changes to ISTEP coming after clamor over Indiana scores –

A top legislator on education issues says he’s coming up with proposals to adjust how the state uses standardized test scores to determine teacher pay.

Press Release – FAA Announces Small UAS Registration Rule

Owners may register through a web-based system at

‘Star Wars’ T-shirt lands 7th grader in hot water at Texas school | Fox News

Specifically, that would be a Stormtrooper holding a “rebel ” on a “Star Wars” .

Maybe they were mad because a Storm Trooper was holding a ‘rebel blaster.’

Disney Sending Out DMCA Notices Over Pictures Fans Took Of Their Legally Purchased Star Wars Toy | Techdirt

All of this started not that long ago, in a Walmart not particularly far away, when someone with a Facebook Star Wars fan group walked into a store and legally purchased a Star Wars figurine and then uploaded a photo of it to the Facebook group. Turns out the figurine contains a sort of spoiler within it or something. As such, plenty of other websites, such as Star Wars Unity, linked to it, embedded the photo of the figure, and discussed its implications. You know, like Star Wars fans do on all kinds of sites all the time. Well, that’s when the DMCA notices began rolling in and the images started coming down.

School principal bans Santa, Thanksgiving and Pledge of Allegiance | Fox News

Santa Claus is banned. The Pledge of Allegiance is no longer recited. “Harvest festival” has replaced Thanksgiving, and “winter celebrations” substitute for Christmas parties.

SEVEN YEARS AGO TODAY… Al Gore Predicted North Pole Would Be Ice Free in Five Years – The Gateway Pundit

predicted the North Polar Cap would be completely ice free in five years. Gore made the to a German audience in 2008. He told them that “the entire North ‘polarized’ cap will disappear in 5 years.”

Immigration officials prohibited from looking at visa applicants’ social media | TheHill

Johnson decided to keep the prohibition in place in early 2014 because he feared a civil liberties backlash and “bad public relations,” according to ABC.

Show Prep: Tues, Nov. 3

Palatine district violated law regarding transgender student, authorities say – Chicago Tribune

The , who has identified as a girl for a number of years, filed a complaint with the Office for Civil Rights in late 2013 after she was denied unrestricted access to the girls’ . District and federal officials negotiated for months, and a solution appeared imminent as recently as last week, when the district put up privacy curtains in the locker room.

Cats ARE neurotic and they’re also trying to work out how to kill you, say researchers  | Daily Mail Online

A study carried out between the University of Edinburgh and Bronx Zoo compared our beloved domestic cat with its wilder relatives.

Harvard Law Students Attack School’s ‘Racist’ Crest | The Daily Caller

Activists at University are calling for the university’s law school to abolish and replace its long-standing seal, because it is based on the crest of a family that owned slaves.

‘You Guys Can Leave, but You Can’t Take Your Daughter’: New Parents Living Through Post-Delivery Nightmare |

A Cleveland couple is fighting to get their newborn daughter back after she tested positive for a byproduct of when the hospital issued a drug test without the parents’ permission.

Mom’s use of marijuana tea leads to magistrate ordering removal of newborn, contrary to advice of county workers |

Attorneys for Sanford and Cuyahoga County Children & Family Services have asked that a judge overturn Magistrate Eleanore Hilow’s decision so Nova can be returned to live with her parents and brother Logan, who’s almost 2.

Climate Change Kills the Mood: Economists Warn of Less Sex on a Warmer Planet – Bloomberg Business

 has been blamed for many things over the years. Never, until now, has anyone thought it was possible to see it as a kind of contraceptive.

Sun’s Out, Buns Out: Statistically, Guys Have More Sex In The Summer

Self spoke with Sexual Health Expert Jennifer R. Berman, MD., who said, “it’s actually about anthropology.”

Sex in the Springtime | Psychology Today

Ahhhh, spring. A time for some of us to let our thoughts roam more freely towards love, romance, and .

EPA Vows To Lead The Global Fight Against Air Conditioners

Chief Gina McCarthy wants the world to stop using hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) in air conditioners and other consumers products as part of President Barack Obama’s plan to fight .

Child pretends to shoot student with imaginary bow, suspended for 3 days | Local News – WLWT Home

A first-grader at Our Lady of Lourdes is serving a three-day suspension for pretending to shoot another student with a bow and arrow.

Studies raise questions about impact of menu calorie counts – Yahoo News

New York City was first in the country to require it, and six years later researchers say seeing the caloric consequences didn’t automatically lead to leaner choices.

Judge to First-Time Offender: “You Would Probably Be Raped Every Day” in Jail

I hate to use the word “bitch,” but that’s exactly what he’s going to be

Watch This Woman Take All the Halloween Candy From House – NBC News

A California mom is caught on camera taking more than her fair share of from home that left candy out for trick or treaters.

Woman in viral candy stealing video identified as El Cajon mom – KGTV ABC10 San Diego

Earlier Monday, Farrell posted a statement on her Facebook page, which read, “I love my haters..all you Newbiees, welcome to my fan club. Keep doin what you’re doin and imma keep doing me.”

What this kid does restores my faith in humanity (4 Gifs)

Realizing how many other children, younger children, will come by and be upset he leaves some of his own candy behind. Parenting, you’re doing it right. Via Imgur

Podcast: School’s Policy Is Exactly Why People Did Nothing When Man Was Murdered On A Train

I know, that sounds like a bold statement, but it’s true.

This time I’m not talking about some stupid policy that requires kids to be hauled away in handcuffs because their pastry looks like a . This time it’s about punishing the good samaritan to comes to the aid of a victim of violence.

My whole career I’ve highlighted that schools brainwash kids into thinking they don’t have the right of self-defense. Something that is not only fundamentally contradictory to our legal system, but unnatural. We are born with the right of self-defense and self-preservation … period … end of story. It doesn’t matter if it’s in the streets, our home, the battlefield or school.

The brainwashing starts immediately with the school repeatedly saying “you don’t hit” even if you are hit first. “Come tell a teacher,” they say. A stance so devoid of reality that it should be mocked mercilessly, but it’s also dangerous.

is the kid who stepped up and defended a kid being physically assaulted at school. Cody has been hailed as a hero by society. Not the case in the sheltered, impractical realm of academia. The school Cody, and kicked him off the football team. The school claims they have a ‘zero tolerance’ policy for violence of any kind, and Cody violated that policy.

A dangerous, ignorance mindset like that is more common than you’d think. There are countless examples of it in our society. The notion that you aren’t permitted to defend yourself, or others, is rampant.

No other case proves this more perfectly than the recent murder on a DC Metro train. A man attempted to rob another man, the victim resisted, the thug then attacked. The victim screamed for help on a packed train car, no one helped. The thug then pulled out a knife, and started stabbing the victim dozens of times, no one helped, the victim lay lifeless on the train, no one helped, the thug then turned to the other passengers who’d refused to help, and robbed them too.

That’s what is teaching by punishing Cody.

Exit question before the :

If they have a ‘zero tolerance’ policy against all violence, even the defense of the innocent, then would they dare confront a mass shooter to protect students?