WATCH: Dan Crenshaw Slams Democrats For Calling Everyone On The Right A ‘Nazi’

Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) scolded Democrats on Wednesday for continuously and freely calling President and members of the Republican Party “Nazis.”

“I always tell people when they’re complaining about something Trump said and they’re like ‘look at the violence he’s inciting’ and I say ‘well, you call us all Nazis,'” Crenshaw told host while appearing on “The Joe Rogan Experience” . When you call someone a Nazi, you are calling somebody something that we all agreed as Americans to bomb, and kill, and destroy.”

“So, you’re labeling me with a label that we all agree should be destroyed,” he continued. “Like, how is that not inciting violence by your standards?”

Crenshaw’s remarks arose during a conversation with Rogan regarding ‘s of conservative voices. In June, the congressman questioned Google executives during a House Homeland Security Committee hearing after an internal memo surfaced that claimed conservative commentators and , as well as clinical psychologist are all Nazis. Two of the three individuals are Jewish.

“This continues to be said by basically everybody running for president, that Trump is a white supremacist,” Crenshaw said. “And white supremacist and Nazi are practically the same thing.”

“I think we have an understandably deep objection to anything white supremacist, as we should. It should be condemned totally,” he continued. “When you’re calling the president that – and they often call his supporters that, too – so you’re calling 60-something million people who voted for him the same thing. I just can’t imagine a worse way to engage in dialogue and a quicker way to escalate things to just the worst possible scenario.”


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PRAGER: America Is Drowning In The Left’s Lies About Trump

The president of the United States, , never said there were “fine” Nazis or Ku Klux Klansmen.

This is one of the two great lies of our time — the other being that all Trump supporters are racists — and perhaps in all of American history. I cannot think of a lie of such significance that was held as truth by so many Americans, by every leading politician of one of the two major political parties and disseminated by virtually the entire media.

The major need to understand these are important reasons that half of America considers them frauds. And we get no pleasure from this fact. The reason we don’t recoil when the president labels the mainstream media “” is that we know the charge is true. Has one major media outlet yet apologized to the American people for preoccupying them for nearly two years with the lie of “Trump collusion” with ? Has one Democrat? Of course not. Because with regard to the Trump-Russia collusion issue, the news media were never driven by a pursuit of truth; they were driven by a pursuit of Trump.

In my last column, I offered a way of proving Trump supporters are not racists. The timing was, unfortunately, perfect. I could not anticipate how two horrific mass shootings would enable the left — the press, the Democrats, academics and Hollywood — to scream even louder than before that Trump and his supporters are racists and that their is why such shootings are taking place.

This is all predicated on what may be the most glaring lie of all: that, after the demonstrations, President Trump said Nazis are “fine people.”

The president never said there were fine Nazis. The left-wing assertion that the president of the United States said there were fine Nazis will long endure as an example of something that has been true since Lenin: Truth is not a left-wing value. Truth is a liberal value, and it is a conservative value. But it is not left-wing value. A leftist says whatever is necessary to gain power.

By remarkable coincidence, this week’s PragerU video is titled “The Charlottesville Lie.” It proves the president never said Nazis were fine people. When Trump said there were “very fine people on both sides,” he was referring to people demonstrating in Charlottesville for and against tearing down a statue of Confederate general , not to Nazis and Antifa.

The video is presented by political commentator Steve Cortes, a voice of in the herd known as the mainstream American media. At this moment, of PragerU’s 325 videos, Cortes’s “The Charlottesville Lie” is the one I most want Americans to watch. The harm that the media and others on the left have done and continue to do to this country by charging the president with praising Nazis and other white supremacists is incalculable. It has only served to inflame and divide Americans: the tens of millions who believe the lie and the tens of millions who know the truth.

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‘She’s a nonstop demagogic CLOWN show’: LAYS into AOC after she directly blames Trump for and DAMN

From The Hill:

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) late Monday said that President Trump’s divisive rhetoric on immigration was “directly responsible” for the mass shooting in , , that left at least 22 people dead.

The freshman New York congresswoman made the comments while speaking at a vigil in Brooklyn for the victims of the shooting in El Paso and , , according to the New York Daily , “I’m tired of the questioning if the president is racist. He is,” Ocasio-Cortez told a crowd of about 500 people, the newspaper noted.

Ocasio-Cortez also repeatedly decried .“There are so many different issues that are weaving themselves into a braid of violence into our country. One of them is white supremacist ,” she said, adding later that “white supremacy is an international terrorist problem.”

had a thing or two (or five) to say about AOC’s comments:

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CURL: New York Times Proves Once And For All That It Takes Marching Orders From The Liberal Elite

wrote a headline.

The moaned and groaned and whined and whinnied.

The New York Times changed its headline.

If you were looking for proof — real, solid proof — that the once-great New York Times takes its marching orders from the liberal elite in the Democratic Party, look no further.

After two mass shootings within hours left 32 dead and 52 wounded, President Trump delivered a somber statement from the on Monday. He laid out several avenues as potential solutions, called for unity and , soothed Americans as the comforter-in-chief and loudly denounced and .

“Together, we lock arms to shoulder the grief, we ask God in Heaven to ease the anguish of those who suffer, and we vow to act with urgent resolve,” he said.

“In one voice, our nation must condemn racism, bigotry, and white supremacy. These sinister ideologies must be defeated. Hate has no place in America,” he said.

“Now is the time to set destructive partisanship aside — so destructive — and find the to answer hatred with unity, devotion, and love,” he said.

The New York Times captured the essence of the president’s speech with a headline for its first print edition that read: “TRUMP URGES UNITY VS. RACISM.” The headline carried no bias for either Left or Right, simply summing up the expansive message Trump had delivered.

But the Left went nuts — absolutely nuts. How dare The Times not bash Trump as a racist?!

So (are you sitting down?) the New York Times CHANGED ITS HEADLINE.

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Daily Show Prep: Thursday, July 18

Hour 1

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CNN: ‘Frustrated’ Democrats Think Trump’s ‘Go Back’ Comments ‘Politically Brilliant’

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Viral App FaceApp Now Owns Access To More Than 150 Million People’s Faces And Names

DNC Security Chief Warns Dem Candidates To Avoid Using Popular Face-Changing App


Hour 2

Trump says US Navy destroys Iranian drone in ‘defensive action,’ escalating tensions in Gulf region

Navy arms destroyers with new high-powered laser, changes war tactics

Elkhart’s new aquatic center is open for business

Politician Pushing ‘Gender Neutral’ Toilets Charged with Child Sex Crimes

Casey updates you on his diet

Colorado State: ‘Avoid’ using ‘Americans,’ ‘America’


Hour 3

Only 5 Dems Have the Money to Go Forward With Their 2020 Campaigns

Pete Buttigieg: House ‘Squad’ Is ‘Very Healthy’ for Democrats

Pete Buttigieg: Donald Trump Taunting Me to Get My Attention

The remains of 22 servicemen killed on a Japanese-controlled island during World War II returned home to U.S. soil on Thursday, the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency said.

Chris Pratt Criticized For Wearing ‘White Supremacist’ T-Shirt. It’s Not. Not Even Close.

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Chris Pratt Criticized For Pro-America T-Shirt. New Info Makes The Attack WAY Worse.