What White Really Think Of – Video

A couple of years ago I was invited to speak at a local high . Nothing unique about that. I speak to kids all the time on a whole host of topics. This high school, however, was primarily minority students, and I was speaking to a class for students who’d had trouble in the past.

I was talking about government and how the media culture can shape public opinion about various issues.

During this discussion, I brought up a recent story I’d talked about on my show involving a city councilman from Gary, IN saying that drug testing welfare recipients was . I started the topic by asking the students if welfare recipients should be drug tested. The class overwhelmingly said they should. They understood their taxes paid for those benefits, and they didn’t want an addict to use their money for drugs.

My follow up question asked them if they thought the drug testing was racist in any way. Again, overwhelmingly, in class after class of minority ‘troubled’ students, they said it wasn’t racist. I then quoted the councilman saying that it was racist. The students expressed shock that he’d say such a thing, and openly mocked him (my kinda peeps). Here’s the kicker … they assumed he was white, and a racist himself for assuming that only are on welfare, and that only black people are drug addicts. Ha! How many years have you heard me say that? The councilman, of course, is black. ‘Why would he say that?’ ‘That doesn’t make any sense,’ they said. I agreed.

I went in to voter ID with the classes too. Again, they were surprised that people would just assume that they were incapable of getting an ID simply because they were black. Of course, everyone knows this assertion is ludicrous. Even the -baiters who peddle the lie. Nearly everyone in the U.S. over 18 has an ID. You almost can’t function in our society without one.

These young minds understood what is going on. They just don’t ever have anyone on the right engage with them. Trust me, the battle of ideas can easily be won with young minorities if you just engage with them.

Que this video:

Yup. Elitist pasty white exist in a mythical world where they are the ‘white knights’ of the poor, illiterate, inferior black people. They actually fail to see their own while frivolously hurling false accusations of racism at those who see everyone as equals. They artificially tear down whole groups of people just so they can ride in as if they are heros saving the day in order to feed their own ego. It is almost universally pasty white people who are the social justice warriors ‘offended’ on behalf of another group of people. are constantly offended by things that don’t bother the supposed ‘harmed’ group. The Washington Redskins name fiasco is a perfect illustration of this.

White is a mythical construct invented for the sole purpose of attacking those who have opposing political ideology. The irony is that ‘‘ was concocted by the one group who actually demonstrates it regularly … white liberals.


Daily : Tuesday, July 5

FBI Director Comey: We Found Hillary “Work Related” Emails That Were Not Turned Over to FBI – But Recommend NO CHARGES FIled

Director : ** The FBI found several “work related” emails on her server that were not turned over to the FBI.

[contentcards url=”http://theburningtruth.us/meme-hillary-and-obama-and-the-fbi-oh-my/” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”http://theburningtruth.us/meme-introducing-scumbag-comey/” target=”_blank”]


Although Hillary Clinton and her allies may be claiming that her private e-mail system is no big deal, Hillary’s State Department actually forced the 2012 resignation of the U.S. ambassador to Kenya in part for setting up an unsanctioned private e-mail system. According to a 2012 report from the State Department’s inspector general, former U.S. ambassador to Kenya Scott Gration set up a private e-mail system for his office in 2011.

Although and her allies may be claiming that her private e-mail system is no big deal, Hillary’s State Department actually forced the 2012 resignation of the U.S. ambassador to Kenya in part for setting up an unsanctioned private e-mail system. According to a 2012 report from the State Department’s inspector general, former U.S. ambassador to Kenya Scott Gration set up a private e-mail system for his office in 2011.

[contentcards url=”http://news3lv.com/news/offbeat/denver-parents-upset-by-hooters-sponsored-cub-scouts-camp” target=”_blank”]

Guess What Happened To The Chump Who Burnt A Flag On The 4th Of July

“I do not have pride in my country. I am overwhelmingly ashamed, and I will demonstrate my feelings accordingly. ‪#‎ArrestMe‬”

Vandals Burn American Flags on Elderly Woman’s Property, She Now Flies 20 Flags | Truth Revolt

“We got to show that we can’t let that happen around here, or anywhere,” said Charlie Walton, with the American Legion post.

[contentcards url=”http://nypost.com/2016/07/01/elite-k-8-school-teaches-white-students-theyre-born-racist/” target=”_blank”]

Horowitz: The Most Frightening Political Fix | Truth Revolt

We knew they could fix the Department of Justice; we suspected they could fix the FBI. What we didn’t know was that the fixes would be this transparent: the secret meeting with a chief culprit and the DOJ head; the next day announcement by Justice that the Clinton bribery investigations would be postponed until well after the election; the suspiciously brief FBI interrogation of the former Secretary of State who during her entire tenure had recklessly breached national security protocols, deleted 30,000 emails; burned her government schedules; put top secret information onto a hackable server in violation of federal law; and topping it all the failure of the FBI director after enumerating her reckless acts to recommend a prosecution – all within a single week, and just in time for the Democrats’ nominating convention. It was, all in all, the most breathtaking fix in American history.

18 U.S. Code § 793 – Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute

(f) Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer— Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.


Show Prep: Friday, April 8

Key Paris attacks suspect, several others arrested in Belgium

Authorities arrested several terror suspects in , including the last known fugitive on the run after November’s deadly attacks, multiple media outlets reported Friday.

San Antonio shooting: 2 dead at Lackland AFB – CNN.com

Two people are dead after a shooting Friday morning at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland — an incident that involved an airman shooting his squadron commander, a Pentagon official told CNN on condition of anonymity.

Mother Kim West falls for the son she gave up for adoption 32 years ago | Daily Mail Online

They found themselves sexually attracted to each other and shared their first kiss over a bottle of champagne in a hotel before having sex.

Indiana state trooper fired for proselytizing during traffic stops | Fox News

The State Police said Thursday it had let go a trooper who had been sued twice in the past 18 months for allegedly preaching to citizens after stopping them for traffic violations.

Indiana teen hits back at teacher who asked students to calculate their BMI | Daily Mail Online

A 14-year-old girl’s health quiz answer has become an online hit after she hit out at ‘outdated’ use of body mass index to define weight.

According to UCLA, Obesity classification according to BMI is faulty – Aurora Daily Science

During the past several years, the body mass index (BMI), which is a ratio of an individual’s height and weight, has become a measurement of whether a person is considered healthy. Many companies in the United States use their employees’ BMIs as a factor in determining workers’ healthcare costs.

Body Mass Index alone is not an indicator of health, study says – Health News – NorthJersey.com

A person’s body mass index (BMI), once considered an indicator of high body fatness and overall health, isn’t such a good indicator of those things after all, according to a recent study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine. Or at least it isn’t without some added context that only the old reliable waistline tape measure can provide, according to North Jersey doctors.

In appeal, Feds keep pushing Apple to unlock phone in Brooklyn case

While the has moved on from a case to unlock an alleged ‘s , an ongoing case in New York is “equally disturbing,” attorneys told reporters Friday.

American executives’ names surface in Panama Papers

The names of hundreds of Americans have surfaced in the Panama Papers, including a handful of U.S. businessmen accused or convicted by U.S. authorities for ties to financial crimes or Ponzi schemes.

Tampa teacher disciplined over ‘privilege’ form | WTSP.com

Parents are outraged after their children had to fill out a form — titled “How much do you have?” — during a Spanish class at Monroe Middle .

The Truth About Corporate Inversions | LifeZette

are a direct result of bad regulation, specifically the draconian U.S. corporate income tax code. “Companies leaving is not the disease, it is the symptom,” his website reads. “Politicians in Washington have let America fall from the best corporate tax rate in the industrialized world in the 1980s … to the worst rate in the industrialized world.”