Media Falsely Claimed Capital Attacker Was Male’ – Monday, April 5 – 1


MSNBC Pushed False Narrative that Capitol Attacker Was ‘White Male’

Capitol Attacker Who Killed Cop Is A Black Nationalist Who Praised Louis Farrakhan

Would media go silent on Capitol attack suspect Noah Green’s allegiance if he wasn’t with Nation of Islam?

Charles Barkley Drives a Dagger Through the Heart of the Left’s Identity Politics Narrative

Police defunded: Major cities feeling the loss of police funding as murders, other crimes soar

Cops Arrest Latin King for Attempted Murder. He Was Out of Jail With 3 Pending Domestic Violence Related Cases

You Know ‘t Charge When He Keep His Dogs At The , 2

Hour 2
SKILLET Frontman Speaks Out Against ‘Cancel Culture’, Calls It ‘Very Frightening’
Bidens’ dogs return to Delaware after one has White House ‘biting incident,’ report
Indiana’s attorney general sues Biden administration over environmental reforms
China Unveils Plan to Increase Pollution for at Least Nine Years

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Daily Show Prep: , 9


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Burger King UK’s tweet about women belonging ‘in the kitchen’ draws backlash on social media

Hour 2

SKILLET Frontman Speaks Out Against ‘Cancel Culture’, Calls It ‘Very Frightening’

Bidens’ dogs return to Delaware after one has White House ‘biting incident,’ report

Indiana’s attorney general sues Biden administration over environmental reforms

China Unveils Plan to Increase Pollution for at Least Nine Years

Hour 3

ending mask fines

Cuomo updates

Insurrection! ANTIFA Sets Fire to Portland Public School Headquarters and Torches Vehicles in A Series Of Malicious Terrorist Attacks

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Georgia Senate votes to repeal no-excuse absentee voting

When Academic Achievement Means ‘Acting White’


Daily Show Prep: Thursday, Feb. 18


Missing COVID-19 vaccine shipment from state leaves St. Joseph County officials scrambling

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Interview: AWR Hawkins from

It’s Time To Build Our Own Economy

Hour 2

RNC To Create An Election Integrity Committee

Ireland and The Netherlands Ended Electronic Voting After Finding Machines Untrustworthy and Failed Security Requirements

Trump Says He’s Considering New Social Media Platform: ‘You Can Literally Build Your Own Site’

“If They Can Harass and Silence a Professional Journalist, They Can Silence Anybody” – Twitter Bans Top Conservative Investigative Journalist Paul Sperry Without Warning

Hour 3

Jobless Claims Jump to 861,000, Much Worse Than Expected

Researchers Urge Delaying 2nd Pfizer Vaccine Dose as 1st Highly Effective

Joe Biden Suggests Blacks and Hispanics Are Too Stupid to Figure Out How to “Get Online” (VIDEO)


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Biden Removes ‘We the People’ Petitioning From White House Website

‘Wanted to Be a Good Dad’: Ted Cruz Responds to Criticism He Traveled to Cancun Amid Texas Power Crisis