Daily Show Prep: Thursday, Nov. 12

FOX News Crashes and Burns After Their Fake Polls, Their Fake Predictions of Blue Wave and Their Quick Call on Arizona Highlight Their Far-Left Bias

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Open Records Request Finds NO INVOICES OR WORK ORDERS on Reported Election Day Water Main Break in Atlanta — Here’s What We Found…

Mother Of Kyle Rittenhouse Discusses Kenosha Incident With Reporters

New Yorker fires writer Jeffrey Toobin after Zoom incident

Hour 2

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New York Times report may prove Rand Paul correct in cross-immunity disagreement with Dr. Anthony Fauci during testimony

New York Times Columnist Urges Democrats to Commit Voter Fraud in Georgia

Democrats Suggest People Move to Georgia to Vote in Elections; Experts Issue Warning

Hour 3

IMPOSSIBLE: GOP Picked Up Seats in House, Picked Up State Legislatures, Picked Up Governorship, Held the Senate — But Sniffy Joe Won?… NOT A CHANCE

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Joe Biden Chief of Staff Ron Klain, 2014: Yes, American Elections Are ‘Rigged’

counties have never been this wrong. Something smells.

Trump Admin. strikes deal to make COVID-19 vaccine free at major pharmacies


Daily Show Prep: Friday, Oct. 23

Hour 1


Interview: Senior Advisor to the Ben Williamson


Hour 2

Open Lines

AG Curtis Hill Warns St. Joseph County Health Officials To Stop Threatening Religious Congregations

Hour 3

Danish newspaper reveals largest study on masks has been rejected by 3 medical journals

Mysterious “Donald Trump Watch” Website Reveals Addresses of Local Trump Donors for Antifa and BLM Terrorist Targeting