Daily Show Prep: Monday, May 4

Hour 1







Gov. Holcomb has apologized.

Earlier coronavirus cases confirmed in Nevada after 13 investigation

Hour 2

U.S. Intelligence Community Is In an Almost Unanimous Agreement About How the Coronavirus Originated

White House Will Release ‘Conclusive’ Evidence Coronavirus Originated In Wuhan Lab, Trump Says

US Women’s equal pay claim dismissed by court

Woman Claims Biden Sexually Harassed Her When She Was 14, But New Documents Cast Doubt on Timing (UPDATED)

Biden Delegate Candidate Wants FBI To Investigate Journalists Who Broke Tara Reade Story

Journalist Kurt Eichenwald Demands ‘Perp Walk’ for Joe Biden Accuser: ‘I Literally Hate Tara Reade’, ‘Rot in Hell’

FLASHBACK: Kurt Eichenwald And Kids Look At Tentacle Porn Together

Trump Ridicules George W. Bush Appeal for Bipartisanship amid Coronavirus

BOMBSHELL: Harvard Admits Faculty Members Flew on Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Lolita Express’ After Child Sex Conviction

Hour 3

‘Five Eyes’ Western intelligence dossier claims China lied about human-to-human transmission, ‘disappeared’ whistle-blowers and refused to help other countries prepare a vaccine for coronavirus

Watch the media rewrite the timeline again and pretend they are breaking I’ve been telling you since January.

Exclusive– Congressman: Nancy Pelosi Blocking Investigation into Chinese Coronavirus Origins, Tax Money to Wuhan Lab

Trump Says No Phase 4 Coronavirus Stimulus Without Payroll Tax Cut




You Can’t Even Trust Science Media To Cover – March 23 Hour 2

‘I’m going to keep pushing.’ Anthony Fauci tries to make the White House listen to facts of the pandemic

One of the more disgusting and misleading articles on the outbreak I’ve read.

The above article misleads on a lot of facts. Flat-out left some critical facts out. For one, that didn’t tell us about the . A did and the Chinese government smeared them and continued to lie about the virus for some time.

Li Wenliang: Coronavirus death of Wuhan doctor sparks anger

The article also ignored China’s public campaign that led to the virus spreading.

Italian virologist says political correctness doomed his country’s coronavirus response

Senate Again Fails To Pass Cloture Vote On Coronavirus Stimulus Bill

SHOCK: Dem Stock Coronavirus Package With Green New Deal Handouts, Post Office Bailout, Union Cash

Rep. Clyburn Admits Economic Package Is ‘An Opportunity to Restructure Things to Fit Our Vision’

Daily Show Prep: Monday, February 3

Hour 1

Lindsey Graham: Senate Intelligence Committee will call Ukraine whistleblower

BREAKING: Rush Limbaugh Announces He Has Advanced Lung Cancer


Hour 2

CPAC takes action against Mitt Romney after voting for new witnesses, evidence in Trump trial

Judicial Watch Requests Ethics Investigation of Whether Rep. Ilhan Omar Improperly Used Campaign Funds

John Kerry overheard discussing possible 2020 bid amid concern of ‘Sanders taking down the Democratic Party’

DNC members discuss rules change to stop Sanders at convention


Hour 3

announces he has

Rochester city council member charged with multiple child sex crimes

Bloomberg Super Bowl Ad Cites Dubious Data

I just threw up in my mouth’: President Trump’s Super Bowl ad featuring Alice Johnson is not going over well with blue-checks


BUSTED: Mike Bloomberg is using footage of illegal immigrants in cages from 2014 to bash President Trump


Daily Show Prep: Thursday, January 30

Hour 1

A South Bend pastor lies about President Trump in silly song while pretending he’s more Christian than 81% of Evangelicals



BREAKING: Chief Justice Roberts Censors Questions From Rand Paul. Paul Releases It.



Hour 2

Democrats Signal Likely Defeat On Witnesses

Report: Republicans Plotting Friday Acquittal If Senate Turns Down Witness Testimony

WATCH: Trump Lawyer Lays Out Crucial Questions Dems Blocked On Ukraine Whistleblower, Including Biden-Burisma Issue

If the first time Schiff lied about the Trump/Zelensky call was just ‘‘ according to him, what are the three times he’s lied about the content of that call in the Senate?

Carter Page Files Lawsuit Against DNC Over Dossier That Targeted Him

Report: China Deliberately Spreading Misinformation About Coronavirus To Convince World Health Authorities Outbreak Is Under Control

Above the Law? Hillary Clinton Refuses to Get Served Tulsi Gabbard’s $50M Lawsuit


Hour 3

Video: Angry Rand Paul Demands Trump Sue Schumer

Liz Warren Pledges Not To Purposely Spread Misinformation Online

For 1st time in 4 years, US life expectancy rises