The Atlantic’s Forgiveness Fallacy – Tuesday, Nov. 1

The Atlantic’s Fallacy – , Nov. 1

Don’t get fooled again by those who lied to you about COVID-19.

“The truth is that a good chunk of society cares more about controlling you than caring about you.”

I was scrolling through Twitter yesterday when I saw a tweet from of TikTok that caught my attention. They were asking if would be beneficial to make a mega thread of basically a do not forgive COVID-type stuff. I was intrigued, so I clicked on the link and it took me to an article in the Atlantic. The article was about how we should all just forgive each other for the things we said during COVID because we didn’t know any better. But I have a problem with that. People were told time and time again that the things they were doing were wrong, and they chose to ignore that information. And now they want to be forgiven? I don’t think so.

In this episode, you will learn the following:

1. The Atlantic recently published an article suggesting that people should forgive each other for the things said during COVID, but Casey argues that this is not the right attitude to have.
2. He argues that masking does not work against an airborne virus and that this information was known by public health officials long before people were told to wear .
3. He observes that many people have realized during COVID that there are those in society who care more about controlling them than caring for them.

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Chapter Summaries:
[00:00:23] – Libs of TikTok asked if it would be beneficial to make a mega thread of basically a do not forgive COVID-type stuff. Dr. Andrews won a of high school awards for science. Casey Henderson has been doing scientific research for more than 20 years, and he’s been in the business for 17.

[00:06:32] – There was a surge in COVID cases in Japan and Korea because of the masking mandate. The first wave of COVID subsided in the spring of 2021. It took two years for Atlantic to admit that masking wasn’t going to work. Eric Colker took credit for beating COVID in the state of .

[00:14:01] – There is no forgiveness for the person who advocated for people to die if they didn’t go along with the masking or the . The illusions that I’d held about society shattered. A good chunk of society cares more about controlling you than caring about you.

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  • Interview: For The , Andrew Jones, Suing Democrats Over Illegal Ballot Rule Change

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