Syrian Arrested In Plot To Blow Up Church In the Name Of ISIS

A Syrian living in was arrested Wednesday in an alleged plot to blow up a church in the name of the Islamic State.

Mustafa Mousab Alowemer, 21, is charged with one count of attempting to provide material support and resources to , as well as two counts of distributing information relating to an explosive, or .

Alowemer was born in , , and admitted to the U.S. as a refugee on Aug. 1, 2016, federal prosecutors said according to the criminal complaint against him. He recently graduated from a Pittsburgh-area high school and does not hold a U.S. passport.

Prosecutors allege that Alowemer said he was planning an attack against the Pittsburgh church in order to “take revenge for our [ISIS] brothers in .” Alowemer allegedly plotted to attack the Legacy International Worship Center, a majority black church on the city’s north side, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported.

Source: Syrian Refugee Arrested In Plot To Blow Up Pittsburgh Church In the Name Of ISIS

He also recorded a video pledging allegiance to ISIS. Aren’t unvetted ‘refugees’ great?

WMDs In Are Irrefutable

UPDATE: After neglecting this post for a couple of years, I finally updated it with a few links to new confirmation in January 2017. Scroll down to the bottom for more updates.

This is a post I used to have on my show’s old website.  It’s a compilation of several posts of I’ve done in the past, and is only a small amount of the information about WMDs out there.  It is, however, more than enough to prove they existed, and were found after the invasion.  Some listeners have been requesting it.

Why is it that every time we learn did have WMDs the press plays the ‘shocked’ card?  Just how many times can you pretend to be shocked over the same story as if you’ve never heard it before?

Wikileaks released more documents this last week, and among them yet more evidence that Iraq did have WMDs at the time of the invasion, and we found them.

You’d have to be the intellectual equivalent of an amoeba to not get this by now.  Then again, we are talking about the press along with their anti-war cocktail buddies.

So what new information did we learn, and what info has been right under your nose the whole time?  You’ll find out after the jump.
