Daily Show Prep: Monday, July 24

Daily : , July 24


Body found in water near Obama mansion in Martha’s Vineyard, Daily Mail reports 911 call came from their home


AI is taking over the world, and now “scientists have witnessed metal healing itself for the first time, without any human intervention.” I think I can see where this is heading y’all.

This new app helps shoppers identify woke brands to avoid


NBC Ratioed Into Next Week for Hot Take on Family Being One of Biden’s ‘Greatest Strengths’

Twitter Killer or Clone? Threads App Sees Gargantuan Drop in Engagement

STEM Students Troll Woke LGBT Survey — Researchers Blame ‘Rise Of Online Fascism’

Biden Admin. Awards Soros-Backed Puerto Rican Group $2M to Study ‘Toxic Masculinities’

Hour 2

: . is running for

7 Republican presidential candidates meet polling criteria for first RNC debate


Radio Host DESTROYS Two Leftist Women On National Television

FBI Abused FISA to Spy on U.S. Senator, State Official and Judge

WATCH: Just Stop Oil got a taste of their own medicine when pranksters tied alarms to balloons to interrupt their banquet 👨‍🍳🤌

Hour 3

Nebraska sentences teen girl in first criminal abortion case. The Left is correct that it’s a travesty of justice, but not for the reason they think.

The Left’s Astounding, Utterly False Narrative About a Nebraska Mother Who Aborted Her 30-Week Baby

Real Journalists™ have a lot to learn from this frosh student journo who took down Stanford’s president

It’s NPR vs. NPR on ‘right-wing conspiracy theory’ about eating bugs

Daily Show Prep: Thursday, March 23

Daily : , 23


Bombshell Revelation Explodes DA Bragg’s Porn Star Hush-Money Case

‘s Bureau of Motor Vehicles is collecting and selling personal

Biden Sexual Assault Accuser Tara Reade to Testify Before Congress


Bacterial Outbreak in Eyedrops Linked to Deaths, Vision Loss, in 16 States Including Illinois

Fed hikes rates by a quarter percentage point, indicates increases are near an end

Hour 2

Teachers and the Decline of Civic Knowledge

Are college students getting dumber when it comes to civic education?

Knowledge of how government works is declining, prompting talk of civics education, voter tests

Survey finds college graduates struggle with basic civic literacy

Indoctrinated College Grads’ IQs Take Nosedive: New Study

IQ scores in the US have DROPPED for first time in nearly 100 years, study suggests — so is tech making us dim?

FLASHBACK: Scientists say they’ve found the ‘liberal gene’

Michigan University to Have 5 Different Graduations for ‘Diversity’



Hour 3

: .


Pentagon doctors claim 7-year-olds can make decisions to be injected with hormones, puberty suppressants


DOJ Informants ‘Invaded’ and ‘Interfered’ in Proud Boys Defense Strategy, Attorneys Claim

Daily Show Prep: Wed, Dec. 14

Daily : Wed, Dec. 14


Where was her Squad? AOC climate change documentary FLOPS – and brings in just $80 per theater during its opening weekend

People who skipped their COVID vaccine are at higher risk of traffic accidents, according to a new study

Hippo swallows 2-year-old whole, then spits him out alive

School Board President Resigns After Inviting Teens to an ‘Adult Party’ That Featured a ‘Dirty Santa’

Disgraced ex-Superintendent Scott Ziegler Indicted by Grand Jury for Loudoun County Trans Rape Cover-Up

Trump sues Pulitzer board for defamation in defending winning Russia collusion stories

Hour 2

WordPress discussed deplatforming Hunter

WaPo criticized Argentina’s soccer team for not obsessing over skin color and got absolutely blasted for it

Hour 3

Scientists ran an experiment to show how many invisible water droplets fly out of the toilet when you flush. I am so sorry to have to show you this.

Hey, Democrats: Give All the FTX-Scandal Money Back

Matt Palumbo’s ‘Fact-Checking the Fact-Checkers’: How We Know Politifact Is Biased

Redefining Heroes & Villains

Redefining Heroes & Villains

Originally Published On 17, 2009

On /11 this year I was filling in for Alan Stock on KXNT’s Morning Source. I usually tell the of someone who was a victim of the attacks, but the morning drive format doesn’t permit me such a segment. This year I would have to come up with something new to convey the importance of those events on our society. As always, I was hoping for a teachable moment. But what to say?

I did the first couple of hours of the program with normal morning drive topics and waited for most of my to be awake before I addressed the day’s anniversary. I had several ideas about what I was going to say in my head, but none of them seemed to satisfy me. Sometimes in radio, you do your best work when you haven’t prepared at all, and your worst when you have.

For most of my relevant life, I’ve lived by a few different credos. The most important of which is …

All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing.

Edmund Burke

It’s served me well over the , and I knew it wouldn’t fail me now.

As I discussed the events of that day, and how evil succeeded, I had an epiphany. Evil did succeed that day … because good men did nothing. Not because bad men allowed it to happen, or because we were caught off guard. It happened because good men did nothing.

Society teaches that there is good and bad people, that’s it. A zealous few try to preach that a grey middle ground exists. It doesn’t. Society has been too narrow in its teachings of right and wrong, good and bad. Furthermore, they’ve been too generous with bestowing the title of hero. So what is a hero? What is a villain for that matter?

Time to open my trusty dictionary. I know my president says I shouldn’t, but I just can’t help myself. Before I the definitions I was looking for I pondered, how could the dictionary possibly define such abstract concepts as hero and villain? You see, heroes and villains are not the same as good and bad. They are their own entities. Good people are rarely heroes, and bad people don’t always rise to the level of villain. I just can’t bring myself to call a petty thief a villain, I’m sorry. Heel maybe, but not villain. When I was in I was called both, frequently. I was no villain, and could easily dismiss such nonsense. When I was called a hero I became very uncomfortable. I believed I was a good person doing an important job, but I’d done nothing that warranted my being called a hero. I didn’t deserve such praise.

Society says I’m a hero for just that reason, that I don’t see myself as such or seek praise. In fact, society has many definitions of what a hero is. It’s not that society has perverted yet another word’s definition as it so frequently does. It’s that hero really is too abstract to properly define for all circumstances. So is its counterpart.

So what is a hero, and what is a villain? Some say a hero is someone who does a dangerous job to help others. Most hero-heaping is bestowed upon the military, police, and firefighters. Can you really be called a hero based on your employment in a dangerous field, and accepting risk? Can it really be that easy? I suppose this could be one of those ‘I’ll know it when I see it’ moments, but doesn’t the word hero deserve more than that?

All arbitrary definitions society may have don’t mean a thing. Only the wisdom contained in my dictionary matters.


1 a : a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or ability b : an illustrious warrior c : a man admired for his achievements and noble qualities d : one that shows great courage

2 a : the principal male character in a literary or dramatic work b : the central figure in an event, period, or movement

3 plural usually heros : submarine 2

4 : an object of extreme admiration and devotion

Wow … how very vague of you Webster’s.

Really, the two definitions that apply are “one that shows great courage” and “an object of extreme admiration and devotion.”

Do they seem a bit watered down to you too? Great courage is no doubt a trait of the hero, but a person can show courage without it rising to the level of heroism. I do that when I do any electrical work in the house, and I’m afraid I didn’t cut the right breaker. Extreme admiration and devotion seem to fit society’s behavior towards a hero perfectly. Can that mean anyone they admire, or are devoted to is now a hero? Seems weak to me.

The dictionary is just as vague for villain.


1 : an uncouth person : boor

2 : a deliberate scoundrel or criminal

3 : a character in a story or play who opposes the hero

4 : one blamed for a particular evil or difficulty

Come on! Work with me here!

Common criminals are not worthy of the title villain, uncouth means strange and clumsy, and what is a “particular evil?” The only thing that fits is that they are the ones who oppose the hero. So to be able to properly define villain, I must properly define hero. A task so tough Webster’s Dictionary can’t do it with any conviction.

Therefore, I submit to you that a hero is defined as a good person who acts. A good person who does something. Most often to prevent the success of evil. That is a hero! A good person who acts, most often to prevent the success of evil.

As I discussed 9/11 that morning this concept of what a hero is was so clear. Only people who spring into action on behalf of good with little regard for themselves are called heroes. That became my message that morning. I asked my audience if they were merely ‘good’ or if they were ‘heroes.’ Were they going to be good people who did something, or were they going to allow evil to succeed?

Speaking of evil. What about defining a villain? That’s the beauty of defining a hero. We now have the definition of the villain as well. A villain is someone who acts, in opposition to the hero, in order to ensure the success of evil.

With that, I you with some parting questions. Are you good or bad? Are you a hero or villain? Will you allow evil to succeed, or will you be that good person who does something?

Daily Show Prep: Thurs, Sept. 8

Daily : Thurs, Sept. 8


Queen Elizabeth II, longest-reigning British monarch, dead at 96

‘The Woman King’ Glorifies African Kingdom Instrumental In Slave Trade

is also transphobic because the Agoji considered themselves , not .

Hour 2

Pentagon stops delivery of F-35 fighter jets after discovery of component manufactured in China


Sarah Palin’s pleas to fellow Republican fall on deaf ears

Hour 3

Social Media Giant ‘Accidentally’ Hands GOP Voter Information to Democrats

Feds reeling from new vax study, lawsuits on social media censorship and COVID stat manipulation

‘Metal-Like Objects’ Found in 94 Percent of Group Who Had Symptoms After Taking mRNA Vaccines: Study

Anti-Defamation League launches review of education content after Fox News Digital investigation