Daily Show Prep: Thurs, June 16

Daily : Thurs, 16



FLASHBACK: Report raises concerns about suboptimal vaccine antibodies erasing natural immunity

URGENT: OMG the Pfizer data for kids under 5

Covid vaccines will keep you from acquiring full immunity EVEN IF YOU ARE INFECTED AND RECOVER

COVID19 vaccines are killing younger people and killing them sooner

Another US Food Processing Plant Erupts In Flames

Abbott baby formula plant floods in Michigan, halting production for ‘weeks’

Churches, Pro-Life Organizations Attacked 41 Times in Past 6 Weeks

Group claims responsibility for attacks on pregnancy centers

Hour 2

WATCH: Anti-gun protesters at March for Our Lives don’t know what an AR-15 is

They are for your , not just rifles.

A Supreme Court justice’s solution to gun violence: Repeal Second Amendment


If Democrats were actually serious about gun control, they’d repeal the 2nd Amendment

Chalkbeat launches tool for journalists to choose sources based on identity

Oregon’s drug decriminalization effort a ‘tragedy’

Hour 3

Lauren Boebert to sue Democrat PAC that attacked her with ‘blatantly false and disgusting accusations’

ISIS leader captured in U.S.-led raid in Syria

New Money for Troops Ordered to Move Out of Barracks Approved Following Airman’s Suggestion

Here are the veterans who will benefit from Congress’ sweeping toxic exposure bill

Fans told Lizzo a word in her song was offensive. She changed the lyrics.

Daily : Wednesday, August 10

[contentcards url=”http://theburningtruth.us/gas-prices-expected-to-spike-20-cents-in-michiana-95-3-mnc-news/” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”http://953mnc.com/2016/08/10/state-senator-plans-new-push-indiana-hate-crimes-law/” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”http://madworldnews.com/scumbag-complains-veteran-hat/” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”http://dailycaller.com/2016/08/09/62-year-old-man-attacked-with-crowbar-for-wearing-trump-t-shirt/” target=”_blank”]


[contentcards url=”http://dailycaller.com/2016/08/10/giuliani-democrats-try-to-demonize-trump-because-of-criminal-clinton-video/” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/08/09/flashback-hillary-clinton-hinted-obama-assassination-2008/” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”http://theburningtruth.us/why-obama-and-everyone-else-needs-to-shut-up-about-violent-rhetoric/” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”http://www.foxla.com/news/187504282-story” target=”_blank”]

I actually know Victor from my days on KXNT Las Vegas. He says article has some inaccuracies. He rents the house, and isn’t sure if this woman is responsible for the thefts.

[contentcards url=”http://dailycaller.com/2016/08/08/budget-crunched-va-has-167-interior-designers-on-staff/” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”http://hypeline.org/va-hospital-300000-worth-of-tvs/” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”https://pjmedia.com/trending/2016/08/06/federal-court-says-irs-may-still-be-targeting-conservatives/?singlepage=true” target=”_blank”]



Disingenuous, Sanctimonious, Hypocritical Attacking Over Feud

In what has become the first overblown manufactured outrage of the general election, the media has decided to use a Gold Star family to Donald Trump as someone who hates the families of Americans. I’m not going to focus too much on ‘s speech at the , which was full of hyperbole and dishonest accusations against Trump and his policy positions. I’m not even going to go into detail about Mr. Khan being in the business of immigration, and as such, is professionally motivated to oppose Trump. Nor will I spend much on the fact that many veterans are openly criticizing Mr. Khan, and his ties to the Clinton Foundation.

The fact that Trump has never stated he wanted to ban all Muslims, deport all Muslims, or anything similar is irrelevant in how the media and Democrats are spinning the attacks against him. The fact that Hillary supported the war, and sending Captain Khan overseas where he’d lose his , and Trump opposed that war doesn’t mean anything either. Not to a partisan media that will do whatever it takes to elect Democrats. Then there’s the fact that the Khans are criticizing Trump over an issue irrelevant to their son’s death. Using their Gold Star status as a shield of sorts.

[Tweet theme=”tweet-box-shadow”]The fact that Trump has never stated he wanted to ban all Muslims, or deport all Muslims is irrelevant to the media.[/Tweet]

The same media fawned over the Democrats, literally, rebranding their entire party as patriotic flag waving lovers of the Founding Fathers after four days virtually flag free at their convention, and years denigrating flag waving patriots who share the Founder’s vision for the country. The flag was so far from Democrat’s thoughts that they had to borrow them from Philadelphia City Hall for crying out loud.

[Tweet theme=”tweet-box-shadow”]The flag was so far from Dem’s thoughts that they had to borrow them from Philadelphia City Hall. Via @CaseyTheHost[/Tweet]

The same media who elevated Cindy Sheehan while ignoring thousands more Gold Star families with opposite views is now doing the same for the Khan family. This media would have you believe that Trump offering the Khan family condolences, honoring their son’s sacrifice, and saying that he wanted to hear what Mrs. Khan had to say was somehow the worst possible attack on Gold Star families ever seen. Sorry, but media darlings Code Pink saying soldiers deserved to die in Iraq is far worse. His comment about Mrs. Khan was inarticulate and -advised, but hardly a horrendous attack. Confirmation bias will steer how awful one views that remark.

[Tweet theme=”tweet-box-shadow”]Trump’s comment about Mrs. Khan was inarticulate and ill-advised, but hardly a horrendous attack. Via @CaseyTheHost[/Tweet]

Mr. Khan gets to go on national TV and attack Donald Trump with factually untrue statements, but Trump can’t respond? If he does, he ‘disrespects’ all Gold Star families? According to the media trying to elect his opponent, yes.

[Tweet theme=”tweet-box-shadow”]Mr. Khan gets to go on national TV and attack Donald Trump with factually untrue statements, but Trump can’t respond?[/Tweet]

The same media ‘outraged’ that Trump would honor Captain Khan’s service, and ask what Mrs. Khan thinks is the same media who didn’t, and doesn’t, give a damn about Pat Smith or any other surviving relatives of those murdered in Benghazi. The same media ‘outraged’ by Trump’s ‘disrespect’ of the Khans is the same media that didn’t give a damn Hillary LIED to the families of those who were murdered in Benghazi. That same media also didn’t care when Hillary called all of them liars years later. That same media gave glowing reviews of Hillary’s Benghazi testimony when she said “what difference, at this point, does it make.” Where’s the media’s outrage at Hillary’s disrespect? Where’s their outrage for not protecting them? Hillary’s State Department made Marines change four times instead of rescuing our people in Benghazi, but Trump asking what Mrs. Khan thinks is crossing the line?

[Tweet theme=”tweet-box-shadow”]The same media ‘outraged’ by Trump/Khan feud doesn’t give a damn about #Benghazi families. Via @CaseyTheHost[/Tweet]

[Tweet theme=”tweet-box-shadow”]Hillary’s State Dept. made Marines change uniforms 4 times instead of saving American lives, but Trump went too far?[/Tweet]

Anyone remember Vice President Biden’s disrespectful comments to Tyrone Woods’ father as his body was brought back to the US? The same day Hillary lied to family members about Benghazi being caused by a video. No? That’s because there wasn’t a media firestorm about it since it painted a Democrat in a negative .

[Tweet theme=”tweet-box-shadow”]Remember Vice President Biden’s disrespectful comment to Tyrone Woods’ father? No? Didn’t think so. Via @CaseyTheHost[/Tweet]

Members of the same ‘outraged’ media actually said things like: “I don’t care what that woman up there, the mother has felt (Chris Matthews),” and “I would like to beat her to death (GQ Magazine’s Bethlehem Shoals)” about Pat Smith, mother of Sean Smith, who was murdered by terrorists in a pre-planned terrorist attack in Benghazi. Yeah, saying you don’t care how a mother feels at the loss of her son in service of this country, and that you want to ‘beat her to death’ are way more acceptable than Trump asking what Mrs. Khan thinks.

[Tweet theme=”tweet-box-shadow”]Media ‘outraged’ by Trump/Khan feud said nothing when Chris Matthews said ‘I don’t care’ what Gold Star mom feels.[/Tweet]

[Tweet theme=”tweet-box-shadow”]Media ‘outraged’ by Trump/Khan feud said nothing when GQ writer said he wanted to beat Gold Star mom “to death.”[/Tweet]

[Tweet theme=”tweet-box-shadow”]Media ‘outraged’ by Trump/Khan feud said nothing when Hillary Clinton called Gold Star families liars.[/Tweet]

Make no mistake, the media isn’t rallying around a war hero’s family because of honor, or some horrible injustice has been done. They don’t care about the Khan family. Just like they didn’t care about Cindy Sheehan, and they don’t care about Benghazi families. They just want to use them to get Hillary elected.

The media peddling this disingenuous narrative that Trump is ‘attacking’ a Gold Star family ignores the Gold Star families who’ve openly spoken out in support of Trump. They’ve provided essentially no air time for them, while doing wall-to-wall coverage of the Khans.

What do you expect from a media that ignores Trump was the only American with influence who stepped up to help Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi when he was ignored by Obama and Hillary and everyone else. Have you heard the media tell you about the staff sergeant Trump handed $10k to so he could jump start his education? Didn’t think so. Have you heard about Trump getting the New York Vietnam Veterans Plaza built? They say it wouldn’t have happened without him. How about when he was called upon to help with the 50th anniversary WWII parade? He not only gave money, but allowed organizers to use his personal helicopter to get around the city quickly. You also don’t hear about how the Benghazi survivors have endorsed Trump. The same survivors Democrats accused of lying about what happened on the ground in Benghazi. The same survivors Hillary testified she ‘checked in on’ but we learned she only called 1 of the 35 survivors, and she still will not speak to her ‘good friend’ Ambassador Stevens’ fiance.

[Tweet theme=”tweet-box-shadow”]Why won’t Hillary Clinton speak to her ‘good friend’ AMB Stevens’ fiance? Via @CaseyTheHost[/Tweet]

[Tweet theme=”tweet-box-shadow”]Have you heard about the SSG Trump handed $10k to so he could go to school? Didn’t think so. Via @CaseyTheHost[/Tweet]

That’s because the Democratic Party, and their media allies, don’t care about veterans, or their families opinions unless they help get Democrats elected.

Trump isn’t the one who said veterans dying as a result of the VA scandal was being blown out of proportion, Hillary did. Also, her statement that the VA scandal wasn’t widespread was a lie. She tried to make it seem like Republicans were intentionally not funding the VA so that it would collapse. Again, no wall-to-wall media outrage.

[Tweet theme=”tweet-box-shadow”]Trump didn’t say veterans dying as a result of the VA scandal was being blown out of proportion, Hillary did.[/Tweet]

Given Hillary Clinton’s LONG history of denigrating police, veterans and military personnel, and barring them from wearing their uniforms in her presence, even recently on the floor of the Democratic National Convention, if this election is going to boil down to who respects the and their families more, Trump wins … hands down.

[Tweet theme=”tweet-box-shadow”]If this election boils down to who respects the military and their families more, Trump wins … hands down.[/Tweet]

This image below is all you need to know.



Daily : Tuesday, May 31

UNREAL! Liberal Media Hacks GANG UP ON TRUMP at Presser on Veterans Donations (VIDEO)

This clip starts with ABC reporter Tom Llamas attacking , followed up by CNN reporter Jamie Diamond attacking Trump and then a third front row reporter laying into .

The List: These Are The Veterans Groups Receiving Money From Trump’s Fundraiser – Katie Pavlich

is the of checks that have been delivered and cashed according to Trump:

Cincinnati Zoo which shot Harambe the gorilla faces calls for federal probe | Daily Mail Online

Cincinnati Zoo gorilla Harambe ‘would not have attacked the boy’ | Daily Mail Online

An animal behaviour expert believes the , who was shot when a four-year-old boy fell into his enclosure, was ‘investigating, not attacking’ the child, which it understood was ‘defenceless’.

Animal Experts Jack Hanna, Jeff Corwin Back Zoo’s Decision to Kill Gorilla

Animal experts Jack Hanna and Jeff Corwin on Tuesday defended the Cincinnati Zoo and its decision to shoot and kill a male silverback gorilla last week after a young boy sneaked into its zoo enclosure and was grabbed by the large ape.


Celebrating Eco Child Abuse | The Burning Truth

Make no mistake … you’re to see is .

No, Katie Couric Did Not Apologize For That Deceptive Edit | The Daily Caller

It was just eight seconds, everybody. Why all the fuss over eight lousy seconds? Plus, she had initial concerns, which she didn’t tell us about until now.

Target’s Failed Policy – Another Pervert Identified

Tuesday, May 5 – A juvenile female in Frisco, Texas was in the women’s bathroom at when she noticed a man peering over the top, filming her with his cell phone. Authorities completed a search for the suspect the night of the incident, but were unable to locate him. He has now been identified and a warrant issued.

Facebook will now track you even if you’re not a Facebook user | Fox News

As The Wall Street Journal noted on Friday morning, ‘s off-site ads will now be shown to people who are not registered users. That also means webgoers without Facebook accounts will now be tracked by Facebook so that the ads they’re served will be better targeted to their tastes.

Chris Kyle – The Left’s Attempt to Discredit a Hero – Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children

Kyle’s DD214 actually MORE than his book claims, according to several outlets. His discharge papers show that he received 2 Silver Stars and 6 Bronze Stars.

Unusual News – V.A. Cut off Benefits of 4,200 Veterans They Wrongly Claimed Were Dead – AllGov – News

A Florida congressman says the Administration cut off the of more 4,200 people nationwide after they were wrongly declared dead.

Congress Targets Troops’ Paychecks | The Daily Caller

The Senate’s draft of the annual defense authorization bill would dramatically  the Basic Allowance for system (BAH), potentially costing service members thousands of dollars a year.

Cuckold Your Husband: The Raw Marriage Deal For Men | The Daily Caller

A self-described relationships expert says in the article this dissatisfaction is a result of the increasingly egalitarian nature of , with all the sharing of chores and such. The familiarity with the husband breeds boredom and a desire for something more “spontaneous.”