Tuesday, March 29 – Hour 1 Podcast

Voice your opinion on proposed South Bend smoking ban at hearings tonight – 953MNC.com

The Clean Air Act would ban smoking at all workplaces in the city of , including bars and private clubs.

Study Confirms That E-Cigarettes Generate Virtually No Toxins – Hit & Run : Reason.com

Analysis of the smoke from conventional cigarettes showed that the mainstream cigarette smoke delivered approximately 1500 times more harmful and potentially harmful constituents (HPHCs) tested when compared to aerosol or to puffing room air. The deliveries of HPHCs tested for these e-cigarette products were similar to the air blanks rather than to deliveries from conventional cigarettes; no significant contribution of cigarette smoke HPHCs from any of the compound classes tested was found for the . Thus, the results of this study support previous researchers’ discussion of e-cigarette products’ potential for reduced exposure compared to cigarette smoke.

Anti-Vaping Researchers Called Out for Misleading Cancer Exaggerations by New York Times Columnist – Hit & Run : Reason.com

When I spoke to David Peyton, one of the study’s authors, he insisted that the study had been mischaracterized. All it was meant to do, he said, was compare the levels of formaldehyde in e-cigarettes versus cigarettes. “It is exceedingly frustrating to me that we are being associated with saying that e-cigarettes are more dangerous than cigarettes,” he added. “That is a fact not in evidence.” Well, maybe.


Daily : Tuesday, March 29

Voice your opinion on proposed South Bend smoking ban at hearings tonight – 953MNC.com

The Clean Air Act would ban smoking at all workplaces in the city of , including bars and private clubs.

Study Confirms That E-Cigarettes Generate Virtually No Toxins – Hit & Run : Reason.com

Analysis of the smoke from conventional cigarettes showed that the mainstream cigarette smoke delivered approximately 1500 times more harmful and potentially harmful constituents (HPHCs) tested when compared to aerosol or to puffing room air. The deliveries of HPHCs tested for these e-cigarette products were similar to the air blanks rather than to deliveries from conventional cigarettes; no significant contribution of cigarette smoke HPHCs from any of the compound classes tested was found for the . Thus, the results of this study support previous researchers’ discussion of e-cigarette products’ potential for reduced exposure compared to cigarette smoke.

Anti-Vaping Researchers Called Out for Misleading Cancer Exaggerations by New York Times Columnist – Hit & Run : Reason.com

When I spoke to David Peyton, one of the study’s authors, he insisted that the study had been mischaracterized. All it was meant to do, he said, was compare the levels of formaldehyde in e-cigarettes versus cigarettes. “It is exceedingly frustrating to me that we are being associated with saying that e-cigarettes are more dangerous than cigarettes,” he added. “That is a fact not in evidence.” Well, maybe.

Apple’s encryption battle with the FBI is over, for now

The Department of Justice has dropped its case against . After over a month of court motions, congressional hearings and public fights over circumventing the security of the iPhone 5C used by San Bernardino shooter Syed Rizwan Farook, the government has decided it doesn’t need Apple after all. Instead, the third party brought in to break Apple’s encryption has been successful according to court documents.

‘Batman v Superman’ earned $166.1 million during opening weekend – 953MNC.com

Warner Bros. on Monday revised down the film’s weekend gross by $4 million, lowering it from the Sunday estimate of $170.1 million to $166.1 million. Such corrections are common, though the difference for “Batman v Superman” was slightly more than normal and had an effect on the film’s place in the record books.

Feds to Fine Schools For Not Following Obama’s Lunch Rules

The federal government is taking steps to schools that do not comply with first lady Michelle Obama’s school rules.

Japan Admits 27 Muslim Refugees, Now Look What Happened Next… Trump Is Right

The incident occurred only a few weeks after the men had received refugee status. They applied for the status back in August and October, telling the Immigration Bureau of Japan that they did not want to return to Turkey due to “problems that exist between relatives.”

Indiana denied stay of order blocking anti-refugee policy – Fox 28: South Bend, Elkhart IN News, Weather, Sports

A judge has rejected ‘s request that she put on hold her order against Republican Gov. Mike Pence’s efforts to bar state agencies from helping Syrian refugees.

Some lawmakers, businesses upset with beer, wine sale bill – Washington Times

convenience store owners are upset about legislation headed to Gov. Rick Snyder that would let grocery stores with gas stations sell and wine.

Trump Aide Corey Lewandowski Charged For Grabbing Michelle Fields

He’s technically charged with ‘unwanted touching’ which is a questionable charge given that security has the right to ‘touch’ you if you aren’t obeying them, whether you want them to or not. No, technically, he isn’t security, but he is a staff member who has the ability to shield the candidate.

Monday, March 21 – Hour 3 Podcast

Rhode Island models after bill to criminalize direct contact online

They also want to ban in cold weather

Huffington Post peddles lies about and , gets called out by experts

says you can’t take into post offices

Supreme Court orders lower court to rehear case that ruled weren’t constitutionally protected

Island who tried 100% abandon it for fossil fuels

Greenies blaming for California drought


Daily : Monday, March 14

Wounded Warrior Project’s top execs fired amid lavish spending scandal | Fox News

‘s CEO, Steven Nardizzi, and COO, Al Giordano, were by the charity’s board amid criticisms about how it spent more than $800 million in donations over the last four years. The development was confirmed by Abernathy MacGregor, a public relations firm hired to represent the veterans charity.

Wounded Warrior Project Chairman Anthony Odierno on rebuilding after lavish spending scandal – CBS News

From public records, CBS found that the charity spent only 60 percent of donations on vets. Odierno disputed the figure, claiming the organization spends about 80 percent. But that number includes expenses spent on promotional items, direct response advertising and postage costs, which charity watch groups do not consider programming.

Lose American flag or lose job; Iron workers stand ground after reported threat | BizPac Review

A group of ironworkers and riggers working in Louisiana have been told to remove American flags from their trucks or be terminated.

Lose the American Flag or Lose Your Job – Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children

Jarome Hatch, a member of the crew, who thanked BPR and informed us that he just left a meeting in which the crew was told their vehicles, with American flags attached, are now allowed back on the property as long as they are properly fastened and the speed limit is obeyed.

Putin Orders Withdrawal Of Russian Forces From Syria | The Daily Caller

“Perhaps, this is no secret, if I say that at some stage the Americans suggested performing a ‘division of labor’: the Russian Air Forces should concentrate on the liberation of Palmyra, and the American coalition with Russian support will focus on the liberation of Raqqa,” said Lavrov, according to Reuters.

Russia Warns North Korea It Could Be Invaded | The Daily Caller

‘s provocative nuclear rhetoric has gotten so bad even the Kremlin has come out against the hermit kingdom, warning continued nuclear threats could justify an .

Hellfire Missiles Bound For Portland Discovered On Plane | The Daily Caller

The package containing the missiles was found by bomb-sniffing dogs in the cargo hold of the plane. The Air Serbia flight originated in Beirut, Lebanon and landed in the Serbian capital of Belgrade before the package was discovered, according to a Sunday Associated Press report. The two missiles, armed with explosive warheads, were hidden inside two coffins. Serbian media has reported that the package’s final destination was believed to have been .

ISIS Unleashes Chemical Weapons In Iraq Killing 3-Year-Old Girl And Wounding As Many As 600 People

ISIL fighters unleashed two chemical attacks near the city of Kirkuk in Iraq, killing three-year-old Fatima Samir and wounding up to 600 people, Iraqi officials have said. Early Saturday morning, rockets filled with chemicals were fired from the -held town of Bashir upon the small town of Taza, which was also struck by only three days earlier.

WATCH: Clinton tells woman hurt by Obamacare to ‘keep shopping’ twitchy.com

…and Hillary’s answer to this woman? “Keep shopping” and try to find a better deal:

Being lonely during recess isn’t an option at this school, thanks to one elementary class

At Sherwood Forest Elementary School on Federal Way, Ms. Callender’s second and third grade classes decided to create the Buddy Spot to tackle loneliness.

Study: Raising E-Cigarette Age Increases Teen Smoking | The Daily Caller

“We should regulate tobacco products proportionate to their risks, and evidence suggests they’re less risky products,” said the Cornell ‘s lead author Dr. Michael F. Pesko. “While there’s some risk, it would be a mistake to regulate them the same way we regulate cigarettes.”

DC Vape Group Vows To Fight FDA Regs And ‘Junk Science’ On E-Cigarettes

“One of the biggest challenges we face as an industry – and one that our industry has been outflanked on up until this point – is the rampant misinformation disseminated about our technology,” says Tony Abboud, VTA national legislative director.

Oh My! Michelle Fields and Ben Shapiro Resign from Breitbart after Fudging Story about Trump Campaign Manager – The Gateway Pundit

Video now proves that Fields exaggerated the story for some strange reason.

New video shows the contact (yes, contact was made), but it appears she may be embellishing a bit. Don’t know if the bruises are legit or not, but she wasn’t nearly thrown down to the ground as had been alleged.

Friday, March 11 – Hour 1 Podcast

would prohibit ‘terrorists’ buying ; opponent says it won’t stop them | MLive.com

“I’m introducing this legislation to help prevent those future tragedies and avoid having to face the question of ‘What should we have done?’ by doing that something now.”

FLASHBACK: Napolitano stands by controversial report – Washington Times

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Wednesday that she was briefed before the release of a controversial intelligence assessment and that she stands by the report, which lists returning veterans among terrorist risks to the U.S.

Almost every shop in would close if proposed regulations become law – 953MNC.com

Only one vape shop in Indiana (and in the entire country) meets those requirements.