Daily Show Prep: Friday, March 5

Hour 1

Fake News ABC Desperately Tries to Drum Up Controversy After 4 Trump Supporters Show Up to ‘Planned March 4th Insurrection’ at US Capitol

We Were Repeatedly Warned Of March 4 Violence. Troops Were Met Mild Weather And Joggers


Tucker Carlson Reveals ‘The Monster Under Every Liberal’s Bed’

Hour 2

Open Lines

Interpol Warns of Vaccine Fraud After China, South Africa Seize Thousands of Fake Doses

National Guard Won’t Cut Ties with Contractor That Served Undercooked Food, Sickening Troops

Hour 3

Interview: Pastor Lucas Miles about his new book The Christian Left: How Liberal Thought Has Hijacked the Church

COVID Travel Restrictions Now Lifted at Half of US Military Bases

This Is Why YouTube Is Banning Videos of Trump’s CPAC Speech

Large newspaper chain dumps ‘Mallard Fillmore’ for defending girls’ sports against Biden order

Ferguson Organizers Demand $20 Million From Black Lives Matter


Daily Show Prep: Wednesday, March 3


Michigan GOP Demands Investigation Into Governor’s “Secret Deal” With Health Official


Biden Administration Bans Reporters From Touring Child Detention Buildings Due To ‘COVID-19’

Hour 2

Parler sues Amazon again, alleging breach of contract, defamation; drops first antitrust suit

Trader Joe’s employee goes viral after saying he was fired for asking his CEO to ban customers who refuse to wear masks. The store says not so fast.

Capitol Police Increasing Security Based on Suspicious ‘Intel’ Warning of Militia Plot to Breach Capitol on March 4


Hour 3

Majority of Academics Support Discriminating Against Conservatives, Study Shows

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Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine may be less effective in obese people, study finds


Daily Show Prep: Monday, Feb. 22

Hour 1

Analysis: Twitter’s crowdsourced fact-checking experiment reveals problems

FAA to order Boeing 777 inspections after engine disintegrated over Denver in harrowing flight

A Democrat Lost By Six Votes, Now The U.S. House May Throw Out Election Results To Let Her Win

WHISTLEBLOWER: Coca-Cola Forces Employees to Complete Online Training Telling Them to “Try to be Less White” (PHOTOS + VIDEO)

Disney+ gives ‘The Muppet Show’ an ‘offensive content’ disclaimer before select episodes

Hour 2

Jim Banks: Coronavirus Bill Loaded with ‘Special Interest Pork,’ Liberal Goodies



Footballer to Stop Taking Knee, Brands BLM ‘Marxist Group’ Pushing ‘Racial Unrest’

UConn Student Body Accuses Its Hispanic President of Supporting ‘White Supremacy’ for Protecting Police Funds


Vaccines can be stored in normal freezers: Pfizer says

Kind of interesting that this wasn’t known before now, isn’t it?

Studies: People Who Have Already Had COVID Don’t Need the Same Vaccine Regimen

Hour 3

Voters NOW believe Joe Biden is a ‘puppet’ of the far-left

Texas Deaths May Be Due In Part to Biden’s Garbage Climate Change Executive Order and Related Actions

Joe Biden Once Claimed He Was Arrested at Capitol for Trespassing, Sitting in Senate Presiding Officer’s Chair

WOW! Australian Media Runs Segment on Joe Biden’s Dementia! — Something the Poisonous US Media Still Lies About

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