Daily Show Prep: Thursday, July 18

Daily : , July 18


Whistleblowers come forward on Trump rally security, Judiciary Committee says

Things Do Not Go Well When Secret Service Head Kim Cheatle Shows Up at the RNC

Hour 2

Gold Star Families From Abbey Gate Remind Biden Service Members Were Killed on His Watch

Disgrace to the Fallen: MSNBC Cuts From Gold Star Families at RNC to Yuk It Up With Dem Chair

Joy Reid Takes Bats**t INSANE to Whole New Level Sleuthing What REALLY Happened at Trump Shooting (Watch)

Dude. No. ‘Absolute LUNATIC’ John Harwood’s Deranged Thread Implying Trump Wasn’t ACTUALLY Shot BACKFIRES

Biden Has Covid Again but I Guess Masks Aren’t a Thing Anymore (Plus: This Assurance Aged Terribly)

A DESPERATE Joy Reid Compares Biden’s COVID Cold to Trump Surviving Assassination (WATCH)

BINGO! CNN Panelists Did NOT Like Contributor Explaining Life Outside the Lefty Media Bubble

‘Acceptance Is Complete’: Dem Rep and Top Biden Surrogate Says It’s Time to Make America Great Again

‘Uh, You Know … the Black Man’: BET Releases Unedited Biden Interview and HELLOOO Dumpster Fire (Watch)

Hour 3

Wife of Washington Post Columnist Who Spent Almost a Decade Calling Trump a Foreign Agent Gets Indicted for Being an Unregistered Foreign Agent

Trump gunman Thomas Crooks used bike to scout rally unimpeded

Liberal Dark Money Group Claiming To Protect ‘Voter Rights’ Funded Deceptive Ad Campaign Meant To Suppress GOP Votes

Vance embraced real Trump after breaking through ‘media’s lies’; gives voice to a new GOP generation

Daily Show Prep: Thursday, July 18

Daily : , 19



Ignore The Polls. Republicans Have A Major Voter Turnout Problem


Hour 2

Trump Campaign Bashed After Honoring Juneteenth

Don’t Let the Left Ruin Juneteenth’s True Meaning

Georgia Democrat says he’ll ‘fight like hell’ in race against GOP’s Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene

‘Scientific’ Mag. Declares War on Homeschooling, Calls for Fed. Regulations


Huh? Buffalo Bills Launch Segregated League for LGBTQ+ Only

Hour 3

CNN Finalizes Upcoming Trump, Biden Debate Rules

Here’s How The Media Are Lying Right Now: CNN’s ‘Tools’ For A ‘Civilized’ Debate

Sagging Retail Sales: Another Sign Americans May Be Tapped Out

Number of Americans Struggling Because of Higher Prices Grows

FBI Wants 20 Years to Produce Records on Its Involvement w/ OKC Bombing

Chemical Pollution From East Palestine Train Wreck Blanketed Third Of The Country, Study Reveals

Daily Show Prep: Thursday, July 18

Daily : , 22


Biden’s newest gaffe had some rhythm so I set it to music with a few of his greatest hits


The media lost it when Trump reposted a vid that included the words “Unified Reich” in the background of the stock template. It’s not even THAT reich.

Check out these charts showing how much fast-food prices have jumped since 2019 🤯

“No hyperbole: I genuinely think this is the most devastating chart I’ve ever seen amid a presidential election cycle.”

Hour 2

Fake News Called Out for Claiming Tucker Carlson Planned Russian TV Show

Men’s Feminist Identification and Reported Use of Prescription Erectile Dysfunction Medication

Report: Michigan teacher salaries aren’t keeping pace with other states

are increasing every . Starting salaries are low. Average salaries are than average Michigander.



Watchdog Warns of Oreo-Maker’s Ties to Radical Globalist, Marxist Organizations

Hour 3

Julie Kelly, Mollie Hemingway and Others Don’t Buy FBI’s Spin on OK’ing Deadly Force for Trump Raid

Calif. Middle Schooler Censored from Giving Speech on ‘Patriotism’ Goes Viral

Alvin Bragg’s Team Is Pushing for Jurors to Use a Lower Standard of Proof in Order to Convict Trump No Matter What

Jack Smith’s Appointment Violated the Constitution, Some Legal Experts Argue

Uh-oh: Apple users are complaining that a new software update is resurfacing their deleted nudes

Episode 4: Let’s Talk About War

Episode 4: Let’s War

The Common Veteran’s Season 2
Episode 4: Let’s Talk About War
“War, huh, yeah… What is it good for?” The Common take on war – the amount of Veterans that have fought in combat – or been to a combat zone, and why it is hard to transition into a noncombatant once back
I) Defining War and Combat Experiences
a. What is war?
i. Is it just a state of mind or an actual state of ?
b. What is considered a combat experience?
i. Combat arms . Support
1. Define POG
2. Define Combatant
II) What does war do to Veterans?
a. Is it an all-one-size-fits-all situation?
i. How much does one’s mindset play a role in combat?
ii. Does being physically fit change the mental aspect of things?
b. Any stories of war that can be told to emphasize what it means to be a warrior?
i. Combat explosions
ii. Door kicking
iii. Medical aspects
iv. Support for…
III) Transitioning back to civilians… Uh what?!
a. Support systems that… well.. support!
i. Family doesn’t always understand
ii. Vet organizations such as VFW, DAV, American Legion
iii. Nonprofits: FSO, Team RWB, Get Wet for a Vet. Etc…
b. Linking PTSD to TBI to survivor’s guilt to readjusting to civilian life
i. Mental health is not often right away
IV) Continuing on, what’s next?
a. Figure out your triggers are:
i. What is a trigger?
ii. How do we become the next level combatant?
V) Next Podcast: Episode 5: Proud to be an American
a. The Common Veterans are all United States Veterans. Pride in the country is pride in because they were willing to write a blank check to include up to their lives. The life of a Veteran often revolves around their service and how much they love their country. The Common Veterans discuss their love for and country.

Episode 3: Free Lunch Day

Episode 3: Day

The Common ‘s Season 2
Episode 3: Free Day
The Common Veterans discuss Free Lunch Day. Free Lunch Day is and was Veteran’s Day. The Common Veterans talk about their favorite meals and why it is now been adopted by this pet name. The dangers of it and the gratitude that comes with getting free meal, or are they free?
I) Free Lunch Day?
a. Discuss the historical significance of Veteran’s Day and how it has evolved into being referred to as “Free Lunch Day” among veterans.
i. Veterans were not always recognized.
ii. Soldiers start to expect it.
1. Overdo it – some go to many , and it becomes a lot
b. Explore the reasons behind this shift in terminology and what it means to the Common Veterans.
II) Favorite Meals and Restaurants
a. Share personal stories from the Common Veterans about their favorite meals on Free Lunch Day.
i. What changes when a Veteran dines with another Veteran?
1. Shared experiences
ii. Traditions that last
1. Common Veterans is a time for us to eat, rehearse, record, then reminisce!
2. Changes hearts and minds.
a. Caleb
i. Best V-Day Ever.
III) Gratis is Awesome, But Does it Attract Scammers?
a. Examine the potential dangers of Free Lunch Day, including overindulgence and exploitation of veterans.
i. Discuss the differences between restaurants that care vs that create a “free meal” for marketing
1. Offer no drink.
2. Require to eat in a restaurant rather than eating at
ii. Does it that it is a “free lunch?”
1. Better to have a free lunch or get together as Veterans and brothers/sisters in arms?
b. Discuss the stolen valor people that it attracts.
c. Stigma of being, “Anyone would do what I did” (Not a .)
IV) : Episode 4: Let’s Talk About War
a. The War, huh, yeah… What is it good for?” The Common Veterans take on war – the amount of Veterans that have fought in combat – or been to a combat zone, and why it is so hard to transition back into a noncombatant once back home…
b. Until next time

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