Show Prep: Wed, Dec. 16

Lawmakers offer alternative to cold medicine prescription proposal to combat meth –

Two lawmakers have unveiled a proposal that they say will curb sales of a common used to make methamphetamine but would not penalize sick people by requiring prescriptions for the drug.

Review ‘re-affirms’ Clinton emails ‘top secret’…

The sources described the dispute over whether the two emails were classified at the highest level as a “settled matter.”

Woman tricked into having sex with transexual tells how she was manipulated – Telegraph

School apologizes after making child change “Black Girls Rock” s – – The News for South Mississippi

Makiyah-Jae has worn the shirt to Popps Ferry Elementary many times, but recently came home from school in a different shirt than the one she left the house wearing. Concerned, Jolly called the principal.

The 45 Communist Goals – The Burning Truth

Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.

Federal Reserve Hikes Interest Rates | Fox Business

The policy-setting Federal Open Market Committee voted unanimously to raise rates by 0.25% to a range of 0.25%-0.50%, not a whole lot but enough to test the still-weakened U.S. economy’s ability to absorb the higher borrowing costs that will follow the increase.

Mistrial declared in first Freddie Gray case as jurors deadlock on all counts | Fox News

The judge announced a Wednesday in the case of the first officer charged in the death of , after jurors in Baltimore announced they could not reach a unanimous decision.

BREAKING: ISIS Smuggled Sarin Gas Through Turkey – Terrorists Captured With Poison Gas in Switzerland – The Gateway Pundit

** Last week Swiss officials captured operatives transporting explosives and TOXIC GAS for an alleged attack.

Hoosiers can buy alcohol on Christmas for the first time since Prohibition | Fox 59

This is the first Day that Hoosiers will be able to buy on since Prohibition, according to our partners at the IndyStar.

Show Prep: Wed, Nov. 25

Sheriff’s ‘politically incorrect’ sign draws strong reaction | Columbus Ledger-Enquirer

Over 30 White Student Union Pages Associated With Universities Created on Facebook Last Week – Progressives Today

More than 30 ‘White Student Union’ pages created on Facebook in last week

Students Referred to Counseling Services After a Confederate Flag Was Seen on a Laptop | MRCTV

Elkhart family whose pit bull was shot by police in October issued citations for loose dog – Elkhart Truth

After an Elkhart family’s pit bull was shot and killed in their front yard by a police officer who believed it was charging him, the family has been issued two citations for failing to control the animal.

Meat Tax Should Be High On Paris Climate Change Agenda | The Daily Caller

The U.S., along with other with the rest of the world, should aim “to increase the price of meat and other unsustainable products,” through a carbon tax. This proposal was greeted with deep skepticism by Marlo Lewis Jr., a senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute.

7-Year-Old Texas Boy Who Donated Piggy Bank to Vandalized Mosque Gets Surprise – ABC News

The 7-year-old boy who donated all the money in his piggy bank to a vandalized in Texas recently had his act of kindness returned.

After Email Leak, Rand Paul Campaign Demands CNN ‘Address This Bias and Lack of Journalistic Integrity’ |

“The liberal media has taken their Clinton sycophancy to a new low. CNN needs to address this bias and lack of journalistic integrity,” Doug Stafford said in a statement. “This revelation should give Republicans pause as to their coverage and possibility of fair treatment towards Sen. Paul during the next debate. All eyes will be on CNN’s response to their employee colluding with Hillary Clinton in order to attack a prominent U.S. senator on their dime.”

Family of euthanized Chihuahua sues PETA | Local News |

A family is suing People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals after workers for the nonprofit snatched a pet Chihuahua off their porch and killed it.

Rider Could Save E-Cigarettes From FDA Prohibition | The Daily Caller

A rider attached to the omnibus spending bill would change Food and Drug Administration () rules requiring all e-cigarette products released after February 15, 2007, to undergo the costly Pre-Market Tobacco Applications (PMTA) process.

Russian pilot killed when Turkey shot down jet over Syria pictured | Daily Mail Online

This is the Russian jet pilot who survived being by the Turkish army and was rescued in a dramatic 12-hour military operation earlier today.

Putin bombs the crap out of the Turkmen who killed his pilot; Surviving pilot claims NO WARNING by Turkey » The Right Scoop –

has retaliated against the Turkmen in Latakia, Syria (west coast) who killed one of his pilots yesterday as he parachuted out of his plane that was shot down by Turkey, heavily bombing them from both air and sea:

This father is fighting to get his daughter back in his arms — wait until you find out why she was taken | Rare

A Utah is fighting for custody of his newborn , Kaylee. Colby Nielson said watching his daughter being taken away was the hardest thing he’s ever experienced. He was forced to give up his daughter after the baby’s biological mother gave her up for last week.

How A Movie About The Men’s Rights Movement Did A 180

What started as a film about the men’s rights movement became a parallel documentary about the men’s movement and Jaye’s journey as a modern feminist. In a recent conversation, she would not tell me the details of her moment of realization. It is a pivotal event in her film, and it informs the title, “The Red Pill.”

Study: Liberals Use ‘Low Effort’ Thinking On Environment | The Daily Caller

Researchers determined liberals have a pronounced tendency to use extremely simplistic arguments and refuse to grant legitimacy to any opposing viewpoints when discussing the environment. The found liberals “think less” about the environment and act emotionally, not logically, on such issues.

German Professor: NASA Has Fiddled Climate Data On ‘Unbelievable’ Scale

From the publicly available data, Ewert made an unbelievable discovery: Between the years 2010 and 2012 the data measured since 1881 were altered so that they showed a significant warming, especially after 1950. […] A comparison of the data from 2010 with the data of 2012 shows that -GISS had altered its own datasets so that especially after WWII a clear warming appears – although it never existed.

Climate Science Isn’t Settled | Wizbang

Democrat David Siegel used to be a fan of climate alarmism until he took a close look at the science data.

Show Prep: Tues, Nov. 24

Putin: Downing Of Jet A ‘Stab In The Back’

However, a rebel group has said it shot dead the two pilots as they tried to land safely in northern Syria after ejecting from the jet.


Turkey reportedly shot down a Russian SU-24 jet on Tuesday by Turkey near the Syria-Turkey border.

Syrian rebels chant ‘Allahu Akbar’ over the body of dead Russian pilot in video | Daily Mail Online

chanted ‘Allahu Akbar’ over the dead body of a shot down by a Turkish jet today in shocking footage released shortly before a separate group blew up a Putin chopper sent to find survivors.

California Girls Demand to Be Boy Scouts | Truth Revolt

Maybe their approach should have been to go to the Girl Scouts and say: Instead of painting our nails and clipping our — whatever they do — to do archery and do climbing. Going through that process.

ACLU wants judge to block Gov. Mike Pence’s refugee order –

The Indianapolis Star reports that the American Civil Liberties Union of filed the lawsuit Monday night on behalf of Indianapolis-based nonprofit Exodus Immigration. It accuses Pence of violating the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act by accepting refugees from other countries but not from Syria.

Far Left’s “Islamophobia” Poster Child Is Caught at Syrian Border Trying to Join ISIS

US Muslim Saadiq Long made headlines after he was not allowed to fly to Oklahoma from Qatar to see his ailing mother.

Oops! 150 Passengers from Mexico Skip Customs at JFK | Truth Revolt

When the plane landed, passengers walked out of the airport without having their passports or bags checked by Customs and Border Protection, sources told The .

Breaking: SHOTS FIRED! Several Wounded – In Standoff in French Border Town of Roubaix – The Gateway Pundit

Several people were reportedly wounded in a stand-off between officers and hostage-takers in the French border town of Roubaix.

Amazon plastered New York transit with Nazi imagery and nobody is happy

Blue Origin Lands First Reusable Private Rocket | The Daily Caller

, a private space company, announced Tuesday its New Shepard reusable successfully flew 100.5 kilometers into space and returned to its launch site.

One Nativity Scene in Indiana County Is Swapping Baby Jesus With the Bill of Rights |

This Christmas, the Freedom from Religion Foundation will give their own a nontraditional makeover. The hallowed scene — on display at the county courthouse — will include the Statue of Liberty, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson, all huddled around a manger, cradling the Bill of Rights instead of Jesus.

Ahmed ‘Clock Kid’ Mohamed’s Family Demands $15 Million From City of Irving, School District — and That’s Not All |

Attorneys representing the family of Ahmed “clock kid” Mohamed sent a letter to Irving, Texas, officials demanding $15 million in compensation for “damages” as well as written apologies from the city’s mayor and police chief.

EXCELLENT! Charismatic Navajo Indian and Democratic Senator Switches Parties to GOP (VIDEO) – The Gateway Pundit

Carlyle Begay, an Arizona state senator and , switched parties from Democrat to Republican this morning.

Gunfire erupts at the site of Black Lives Matter protest; 5 are injured –

Protesters said at least two gunmen opened fire just outside of the Plymouth Ave. encampment.

VIDEO PROOF=> 5 Black Lives Matter Protesters Shot AFTER REPEATEDLY Beating White Videographers – The Gateway Pundit

The witnesses say the protesters pursued and caught with the three men, punching them again. The men made gestures as if reaching for their guns but apparently did not brandish them at that point.

University yoga class canceled because of ‘oppression, cultural genocide’ – The Washington Post

a class designed to include disabled students has been canceled after concerns the practice was taken from a culture that “experienced oppression, cultural genocide and diasporas due to colonialism and western supremacy,” according to the group that once sponsored it.