Daily : , June 28

Mom charged with neglect after baby found in hot car – 95.3 MNC

A 34-year-old North Liberty woman was charged with neglect of a dependent after police say she left her 3-month-old son in a hot car while shopping in South Bend over the weekend.

Video of Old Woman Scolding Kids for Selling Candy Outside of Target Goes Viral | Video | TheBlaze.com

Andy Lizarraga, who was leaving the Target with her mom at the time, recorded a cellphone video of the exchange and posted it to Facebook. In less than a week, the clip amassed more than 5.5 million views and 70,000 shares.

At least 10 dead, dozens more injured in double suicide bombing at Istanbul airport | Fox News

BREAKING: At least 10 people were killed and dozens of others injured when two suicide bombers attacked Istanbul’s main international airport night.

[contentcards url=”http://www.truthrevolt.org/news/u-north-carolina-employee-forum-i-love-your-shoes-microagression” target=”_blank”]

Men work longer hours than women and women do more housework, report finds | McClatchy DC

Employed men work an average of 42 minutes per day more than their female counterparts, according to the 2015 American Time Use Study by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. And while that’s partially due to more women working part-time jobs than men, even among full-time employees men worked 8.2 hours per day compared to women’s 7.8 hours.

[contentcards url=”http://theburningtruth.us/team-fans-with-guns-no-security-issue-at-baseball-game-95-3-mnc-news/” target=”_blank”]

Al Qaeda urges lone wolves to target whites, to avoid ‘hate crime’ label | Fox News

In an article first reported by The Foreign Desk, Al Qaeda of the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) called for more self-directed Muslim terrorists to kill in America. But the article, titled “Inspire guide: Orlando operation,” tells terrorists to “avoid targeting places and crowds where minorities are generally found” because if gays or Latinos appear to be the targets, “the federal government will be the one taking full responsibility.”

The Breadth of Hillary’s Benghazi Lies | LifeZette

The mother of another victim, Sean Smith, similarly said, “We were nose-to-nose at the coffin ceremony. She told me it was the fault of the video. I said ‘Are you sure?’ She says, ‘Yes, that’s what it was … it was the video.'”

DEVASTATING: GOP Benghazi Report Concludes Obama, Hillary Did NOTHING to Save US Lives – Then Lied Continuously


Tuesday, June 14 – Hour 2 Podcast

Suit: Car’s automatically unlocking doors led to day of terror

A “design flaw” that caused the doors of a SUV to unlock when the vehicle was placed in park led to the carjacking, kidnapping, and sexual assault of a woman, and to the subsequent hit-and-run murders of a mother and her three children, a alleges.

Chick Fil A Did WHAT After Gay Club Shooting? Why Isn’t This Viral? ⋆ Dc Gazette

Then, instead of making a single dime, they crated the product of their labor to the One Blood donation center. The food and drinks were handed out, free of charge, to all the people who had lined up to donate blood.

Tuesday, June 14 – Hour 1 Podcast

BREAKING: Orlando Terrorist's Wife KNEW What He Was Planning! | The Burning Truth

NBC is reporting that the #Pulse nightclub Muslim jihadi’s #wife knew what he was planning, helped him ‘scope Pulse out,’ and said NOTHING! “The Orlando gunman’s wife has told federal agents she tried to talk her husband out of carrying out the #attack, NBC has learned. #Omar Mateen’s current wife, Noor, told the FBI…



#BREAKING- Police Source Says Disney Warned FBI Terrorist Was Casing Disney | The Burning Truth

Karla Ray from WFTV on Twitter is reporting that #Disney warned the FBI that Orlando #terrorist was casing them back in April. #BREAKING- law enforcement source says Disney notified FBI the couple may have been casing Disney in April #WFTV See full story on Karla Ray on Twitter: “BREAKING- law enforcement source says Disney notified…

Related  Eyewitness: Police Had To Retreat Because They Were Unarmed


Obama Opposed Life-Saving Police Armaments

Florida Gun Store Owner Schools Media on How Buying a Gun Works in Press Conference

“I just hope that you do some truthful reporting and get to the facts and stay focused, at least for the incident and say your prayers for the victims. It is horrific and we all feel that same pain.”

DISGUSTING! Democrats Interrupt, Walk Out During Moment of Silence for Pulse Club Massacre Victims (VIDEO)

A new low for the Democrat-Socialist party. Liberal hacks walked out and interrupted a moment of silence for the Pulse …



Could Congress Have Stopped Omar Mateen From Getting His Guns?

Yet while lawmakers argued that their legislation would prevent future massacres, they had no definitive answer for whether it would have stopped the killing in Orlando, or whether the had simply let Mateen slip through its screening procedures.

Tom Brokaw Is A Monumental Idiot  | The Burning Truth

Tom Brokaw just blamed guns for terrorism. Research actually says media to blame, not guns.

Related  Full video of 9/11 attack captured from space to be shown for first time