Tuesday, July 5 – Hour 3 Podcast

Elementary schools are teaching white kids they are born racist, and have white privilege.

Continued discussion of FBI recommending no charges for Hillary in spite of admitting she broke the law, and lied.


Tuesday, June 28 – Hour 3 Podcast

Hundreds Bring #Guns To #Baseball Game, No #Violence Reported - Armed Citizen Report | The Burning Truth

I told you a few days ago that there was going to be a bunch of guns at a baseball game in Battle Creek, MI. ‘2nd Amendment Night’ was a huge success at C.O. Brown Stadium. In spite of liberal amoebas lamenting the violence to come from such an event, there were no negative incidents reported…


Al Qaeda urges lone wolves to target whites, to avoid ‘hate crime’ label | Fox News

In an article first reported by The Foreign Desk, Al Qaeda of the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) called for more self-directed Muslim terrorists to kill in America. But the article, titled “Inspire guide: Orlando operation,” tells terrorists to “avoid targeting places and crowds where minorities are generally found” because if gays or Latinos appear to be the targets, “the federal government will be the one taking full responsibility.”

The Breadth of Hillary’s Benghazi Lies | LifeZette

The mother of another victim, Sean Smith, similarly said, “We were nose-to-nose at the coffin ceremony. She told me it was the fault of the video. I said ‘Are you sure?’ She says, ‘Yes, that’s what it was … it was the video.’”

DEVASTATING: GOP Benghazi Report Concludes Obama, Hillary Did NOTHING to Save US Lives – Then Lied Continuously


Tuesday, June 28 – Hour 2 Podcast

U of North Carolina Employee Forum: 'I Love Your Shoes!' a Microagression

Academia’s crusade against “microagressions” has reached a fever pitch. The next thing you know people will be scolded that simply breathing the air is offensive — it has quite simply become that insane.

Related  Daily : Wednesday, March 9

Men work longer hours than women and women do more housework, report finds | McClatchy DC

Employed men work an average of 42 minutes per day more than their female counterparts, according to the 2015 American Time Use Study by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. And while that’s partially due to more women working part-time jobs than men, even among full-time employees men worked 8.2 hours per day compared to women’s 7.8 hours.