Daily Show Prep: Tuesday, Jan. 31

Daily : , Jan. 31

Hour 1

ATF Immediately Sued Upon Publication of Pistol Brace Rule

Steph Curry all about “equality” until it gets too close to his backyard

Interview: Lucas Miles on Pastor Andy Stanley controversy

Is Andy Stanley affirming?

Andy Stanley owes the Church some answers

Christian wireless carrier vows to keep supporting police despite rejected pizza donation

Hour 2

is not running for .

Exclusive — Banks Presses Biden: Release Classified Swalwell, Fang Fang Intelligence Report

Tim Allen Pushes Back at Pamela Anderson’s Flashing Accusations: ‘Weird Memory’

Report: FBI Conducted Previously Undisclosed Search at Penn Biden Center in November


Hour 3


Yes, can be caused by certain cold virus but ‘s no of her knowing that for sure.

It’s Time for the Scientific Community to Admit We Were Wrong About COVID and It Cost Lives | Opinion

Daily Show Prep: Tuesday, Jan. 31

Daily : , Jan. 24


Classified Documents Discovered at Home of Former Vice President Mike Pence

BREAKING: Indiana School Places Counselor Who Leaked Secret Transgender Policy on Leave

EXCLUSIVE: Rep. Chip Roy, Sen. Ted Cruz Introduce Legislation To Bar Illegal Immigrants From Voting In DC

EXCLUSIVE: Ted Cruz Introduces Legislation To Impose Term Limits For Congress

Ted Cruz Calls For Search Of Biden’s Senate Papers At University Of Delaware

Hour 2

Parody trans account TCMA DROPS media for treating obvious Aretha Franklin parody as REAL story and LOL

Michigan School Board Member Said Whiteness is ‘Evil,’ White People are More Dangerous Than Animals

Discipline Is Indigestable: Health Official Warns Against Workplace Cake, Compares It to Secondhand Smoke



Hour 3

Horowitz: 12 new safety signals showing devastating dangers from COVID shots

The Recycling Religion

California Destroys Its Independent Truckers

With PRO Act, Congress Readies National Version of California’s AB5 Fiasco

Daily Show Prep: Tuesday, Nov. 15

Daily : , Nov. 15


Close Arizona Gubernatorial Race Could Be Headed to Recount


Maricopa election officials launched PAC in 2021 to stop MAGA candidates

Washoe County Registrar’s Live Stream Goes Dark For Over Eight Hours

Hour 2

Elon Musk accused of ‘starving’ highly paid staff after scrapping free meals said to cost over $400 each

United Nations considers trying to OUTLAW all fossil fuels on the planet, which would lead to the starvation and death of billions of people

DHS Secretary: ‘I Don’t Even Know What You’re Referring to’

Report: NBC Suspends Reporter Over Coverage of Paul Pelosi Attack

Hour 3

Blockchain Voting: The End To End Process

How Blockchain Technology Can Prevent Voter Fraud

Unconfirmed report of Russian missiles hitting Polish village sparks worries across NATO