Daily : Tuesday, May 31

UNREAL! Liberal Media Hacks GANG UP ON TRUMP at Presser on Veterans Donations (VIDEO)

This clip starts with ABC reporter Tom Llamas attacking , followed up by CNN reporter Jamie Diamond attacking Trump and then a third front row reporter laying into .

The List: These Are The Veterans Groups Receiving Money From Trump’s Fundraiser – Katie Pavlich

Here is the list of checks that have been delivered and cashed according to Trump:

Cincinnati Zoo which shot Harambe the gorilla faces calls for federal probe | Daily Mail Online

Cincinnati Zoo gorilla Harambe ‘would not have attacked the boy’ | Daily Mail Online

An animal behaviour expert believes the , who was shot dead when a four-year-old boy fell into his enclosure, was ‘investigating, not attacking’ the child, which it understood was ‘defenceless’.

Animal Experts Jack Hanna, Jeff Corwin Back Zoo’s Decision to Kill Gorilla

Animal experts Jack Hanna and Jeff Corwin on Tuesday defended the Cincinnati and its decision to shoot and kill a male silverback last week after a young boy sneaked into its zoo enclosure and was grabbed by the large ape.


Celebrating Eco Child Abuse | The Burning Truth

Make no mistake … what you’re about to see is .

No, Katie Couric Did Not Apologize For That Deceptive Edit | The Daily Caller

It was just eight seconds, everybody. Why all the fuss over eight lousy seconds? Plus, she had initial concerns, which she didn’t tell us about until now.

Target’s Failed Policy – Another Pervert Identified

Tuesday, May 5 – A juvenile female in Frisco, Texas was in the women’s bathroom at when she noticed a man peering over the top, filming her with his cell phone. Authorities completed a search for the suspect the night of the incident, but were unable to locate him. He has now been identified and a warrant issued.

Facebook will now track you even if you’re not a Facebook user | Fox News

As The Wall Street Journal noted on Friday morning, ‘s off-site ads will now be shown to people who are not registered users. That also means webgoers without Facebook accounts will now be tracked by Facebook so that the ads they’re served will be better targeted to their tastes.

Chris Kyle – The Left’s Attempt to Discredit a Hero – Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children

Kyle’s DD214 actually lists MORE than his book claims, according to several media outlets. His discharge papers show that he received 2 Silver Stars and 6 Bronze Stars.

Unusual News – V.A. Cut off Benefits of 4,200 Veterans They Wrongly Claimed Were Dead – AllGov – News

A Florida congressman says the Administration cut off the of more 4,200 people nationwide after they were wrongly declared dead.

Congress Targets Troops’ Paychecks | The Daily Caller

The Senate’s draft of the annual defense authorization bill would dramatically change the Basic Allowance for system (BAH), potentially costing service members thousands of dollars a year.

Cuckold Your Husband: The Raw Marriage Deal For Men | The Daily Caller

A self-described relationships expert says in the article this dissatisfaction is a result of the increasingly egalitarian nature of , with all the sharing of chores and such. The familiarity with the husband breeds boredom and a desire for something more “spontaneous.”

Tuesday, May 31 – Hour 3 Podcast

Chris Kyle – The Left’s Attempt to Discredit a Hero – Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children

Kyle’s DD214 actually lists MORE than his book claims, according to several media outlets. His discharge papers show that he received 2 Silver Stars and 6 Bronze Stars.

Unusual News – V.A. Cut off Benefits of 4,200 Veterans They Wrongly Claimed Were Dead – AllGov – News

A Florida congressman says the Administration cut off the of more 4,200 people nationwide after they were wrongly declared dead.

Congress Targets Troops’ Paychecks | The Daily Caller

The Senate’s draft of the annual defense authorization bill would dramatically change the Basic Allowance for system (BAH), potentially costing service members thousands of dollars a year.

Cuckold Your Husband: The Raw Marriage Deal For Men | The Daily Caller

A self-described relationships expert says in the article this dissatisfaction is a result of the increasingly egalitarian nature of , with all the sharing of chores and such. The familiarity with the husband breeds boredom and a desire for something more “spontaneous.”

Daily : Tuesday, March 15

Apple: government ‘intended to smear’ us in digital privacy fight with FBI | Technology | The Guardian

In sometimes caustic language, the had claimed Apple had declared itself “the primary guardian of Americans’ privacy”.

A local Sheriff sent a brazen threat to Apple’s CEO, but it will probably only help the tech company

A Polk County threatened to cut in front of the FBI and the judicial system to lock up the “rascal” , Apple’s CEO.

President Obama weighs in on hacking the San Bernardino attacker’s iPhone, saying this about personal privacy and encryption – Rare

“If, technologically, it is possible to make an impenetrable device or system, where the encryption is so strong that there is no key, there is no door at all, then how do we apprehend the child pornographer?”

DSpace@MIT: Keys Under Doormats: Mandating insecurity by requiring government access to all data and communications

Twenty years ago, law enforcement organizations lobbied to require data and communication services to engineer their products to guarantee law enforcement access to all data. After lengthy debate and vigorous predictions of enforcement channels going dark, these attempts to regulate the emerging Internet were abandoned.

Should landlords in South Bend be required to register with the city? – 953MNC.com

Landlords would pay a one-time fee of $5 to add all of their properties to the , Scott said. Landlords who do not sign up for the registry would be fined $500, while landlords who provide false information would be fined $2,500.

Landlord registry proposed in South Bend – South Bend Tribune: Local

Currently, many rental properties are owned by limited liability companies, or LLCs, linked to anonymous post office boxes or third-party agents, making it difficult for police, code enforcement or officials to determine ownership when issues arise.

Bans on Bondage and Spanking During Sex Could Be OK, Says Federal Court – Hit & Run : Reason.com

According to a new federal court decision, Americans have no constitutional right to engage in consensual BDSM because “sexual activity that involves binding and gagging or the use of physical force such as spanking or choking poses certain inherent risks to personal safety.”

Obama Admin Pushes Federal Funding to Fix Diaper Inequality | Truth Revolt

Only in the alternate universe of Leftism would a shortage of diapers “lead to child abuse.”

Text – H.Res.642 – 114th Congress (2015-2016): Recognizing magic as a rare and valuable art form and national treasure. | Congress.gov | Library of Congress

Recognizing as a rare and valuable art form and national treasure.

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Hillary Clinton: We Didn’t Lose A Single Person In Libya

“Now, is perfect? It isn’t,” Clinton said. After contrasting her approach toward Libya with the ongoing bloodshed in ‘s civil war, Clinton said “Libya was a different kind of calculation and we didn’t lose a single person … We didn’t have a problem in supporting our European and Arab allies in working with NATO.”

Report Finds Registered Lobbyists Among Democratic Superdelegates

A new report found that some Democratic are also registered lobbyists.

RNC Rules Comm. Member: Every Delegate At GOP Convention Not Bound On First Ballot

As most of you know, I have been defending the right of the to the Republican National Convention to vote according to their personal choice in all matters to come before the Republican National Convention, including the vote to nominate the Republican Candidate for President, for several years.

Of course, the Ron Paul delegates were planning on using this ‘non-bound’ strategy, and the RNC actively worked to prevent it. Now they promote it as a legitimate way to steal an election.

Hillary’s vow to kill coal miners’ jobs finishes a vast Democratic betrayal | New York Post

“We’re going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business,” Clinton said Sunday night while boasting about her clean energy program

Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders advocates rail system to ‘take trucks off the roads’ | Overdrive – Owner Operators Trucking Magazine

It’s unclear whether he meant all trucks or just some trucks, but speaking this weekend, presidential hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders, running as a Democrat, told a crowd of supporters the U.S. could do “incredible things” like building a rail system to “take trucks off the roads” if he’s elected president.

Kalamazoo shooting suspect says he was being controlled by Uber app – 953MNC.com

Jason Dalton is charged with murder and attempted murder in the Kalamazoo-area shootings Feb. 20 outside a restaurant and at a car lot. Two people survived, including a woman shot elsewhere.

Show Prep: Wed, Oct. 28

House GOP begins impeachment against IRS chief – Washington Times

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz began the process against Commissioner John Koskinen on Tuesday, accusing him of misleading the public and destroying documents that were sought under a congressional subpoena.

Sicko Jared bragged about child sex on secret recordings | New York Post

Disgraced Subway pitchman was caught on secretly recorded audio tapes boasting of his sick attraction to children — and said he wanted to travel “across the world” to fulfill his desires.

Why “5+5+5=15” is wrong under Common Core – Business Insider

If you answer the question with 5+5+5=15, you would be wrong.

US troops heading back to combat in Iraq AND Syria | RedState

The third and final “R” is raids, signaling that we won’t hold back from supporting capable partners in opportunistic attacks against ISIL, or conducting such missions directly, whether by strikes from the air or direct action on the ground. Last week’s rescue operation was led by Iraqi Kurdish forces, with U.S. advisers in support. One of those U.S. accompanying advisors, Master Sergeant Joshua Wheeler, heroically acted to ensure the overall success of the mission and lost his life in the process. The death of any service member is a tragedy, and as I told his family and teammates this weekend, I offer my condolences to Master Sergeant Wheeler’s loved ones for their loss. While our mission in is to train, advise, and assist our Iraqi partners, in situations such as that operation – where we have actionable intelligence and a capable partner force – we want to support our partners.

Denmark Punishes Woman for Fighting Against ISIS

A 22-year-old Danish-Kurdish woman who fought against the terror group in Iraq has had her passport confiscated by Danish authorities.

Scientists Claim High CO2 Levels Are Making People Dumber | The Daily Caller

“Data collected on nine nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines indicate an average concentration of 3,500 ppm with a range of 0-10,600 ppm, and data collected on 10 nuclear-powered attack submarines indicate an average CO2 concentration of 4,100 ppm with a range of 300-11,300 ppm,” according to a 2007 National Research Council report on exposure issues facing submarine crews.

Kansas City Royals, MLB Broadcasters Kept Painful Secret From Starting Pitcher Until After Game 1 of World Series | TheBlaze.com

Edinson Volquez strode purposefully to the mound for Game 1 of the World Series on Tuesday night, apparently unaware his father had passed away hours earlier in the Dominican Republic.

Grocery Store Refuses to Sell Eggs to Minors Ahead of Halloween Due to ‘Safety Concerns’ | Video | TheBlaze.com

That’s right. Minors will not be able to purchase at Warehouse Market in Quakertown, Pennsylvania, until after November 1.

Republicans Nominate Paul Ryan for House Speaker

Behind closed doors and by secret ballot, 200 Republicans nominated Ryan for speaker. The only other competitor, Rep. Daniel Webster, R-Fla., received 43 votes, mostly from members of the conservative House Freedom Caucus.

SLEEP Is Racist Now, Scientists Assure America

Scientists have determined that sleep is the latest thing to be .

Feminist Freshman: The Word ‘Too’ has Ravaged Women Long Enough | Truth Revolt

We should call on both genders to cut the word from their vocabulary when discussing women. If we ever want an end to the way females are put in boxes, this is the beginning of an important and tumultuous journey ahead.

Student Told He Can’t Wear Halloween Costume Because It Appropriates HIS OWN CULTURE – Progressives Today

Joshua Sewerynek, a ninth grade student at St. Thomas Aquinas Secondary School, planned to dress up as part of a mariachi band with his friends. The school, however, stated the Colombian student’s  is “very offensive” and would not be allowed because “culture is not a costume.”

WALMART Israeli soldier costume for children sparks outrage…

“Might as well sell a Hitler outfit for children as well!”