Casey Hendrickson To Speak At Anti- Event Next Week With Tony Kinnett


Even has been postponed due to weather.

We are looking at early March and will update you all when the date is set.

Education Not Indoctrination

Time to RSVP!!!
We are so excited to have both Casey Hendrickson and at our next meeting! We know Casey is an exceptionally talented and highly regarded talk show host, and it is always a welcome opportunity to hear him speak!!! And, KINNETT is quickly becoming a well-known​ national figure in the battle against the indoctrination of our children.
We are looking so forward to hearing his perspective on this threat and his insight on how to continue to fight it! Kinnett really enjoys Q&A, so I anticipate a very informative evening!
Please click here to register:
We continue to receive compliments about how delicious the food was at our last event! The cost includes tax and gratuity. If you prefer to register through me, let me know.
Please RSVP ASAP! We greatly appreciate your support of our efforts and hope you can join us!