Daily : Tuesday, June 14

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[contentcards url=”http://theburningtruth.us/breaking-police-source-says-disney-warned-fbi-terrorist-was-casing-disney/” target=”_blank”]


Obama Opposed Life-Saving Police Armaments

Florida Gun Store Owner Schools Media on How Buying a Gun Works in Press Conference

“I just hope that you do some truthful reporting and get to the facts and stay focused, at least for the incident and say your prayers for the victims. It is horrific and we all feel that same pain.”

[contentcards url=”http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/06/disgusting-democrats-interrupt-walk-moment-silence-pulse-club-massacre-victims-video/” target=”_blank”]


Could Congress Have Stopped Omar Mateen From Getting His Guns?

Yet while lawmakers argued that their legislation would prevent future massacres, they had no definitive answer for whether it would have stopped the killing in Orlando, or whether the had simply let Mateen slip through its screening procedures.

[contentcards url=”http://theburningtruth.us/tom-brokaw-is-a-monumental-idiot/” target=”_blank”]


Hour 2

Suit: Car’s automatically unlocking doors led to day of terror

A “design flaw” that caused the doors of a SUV to unlock when the vehicle was placed in park led to the carjacking, kidnapping, and sexual assault of a woman, and to the subsequent hit-and-run murders of a mother and her three children, a alleges.

Chick Fil A Did WHAT After Gay Club Shooting? Why Isn’t This Viral? ⋆ Dc Gazette

Then, instead of making a single dime, they crated the product of their labor to the One Blood donation center. The food and drinks were handed out, free of charge, to all the people who had lined up to donate blood.

Hour 3

Orlando updates.

SURPRISE! London’s New Muslim Mayor Bans Sexy Women in Advertisements

, ‘s first mayor, announced Monday that “body shaming” advertisements will no longer be allowed in ‘s public transport.


Daily : Monday, May 23

Freddie Gray Arresting Officer Nero Found Not Guilty On All Charges « CBS Baltimore

arresting officer Edward was found on all counts by City Circuit Court Judge Barry Williams Monday morning.

Baltimore Mayor Releases Statement After Police Officer Nero Found ‘Not Guilty’ in Freddie Gray Case

Breaking: Internal Explosion on EgyptAir Flight 804 – Graffiti on Plane said: “We Will Bring Down this Plane”

Data from the final moments before EgyptAir flight MS804 crashed into the Mediterranean suggest an “internal explosion” tore through the right side of the aircraft, a pilot said last night.

Tom Brokaw Is A Monumental Idiot | The Burning Truth

Inanimate objects don’t cause , ideology does.

Breaking: Four Obama Refugees Diagnosed with Active Tuberculosis in Indiana

Four sent to Indiana by the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement in 2015 were diagnosed with active tuberculosis once they arrived in the Hoosier State, according to the Indiana Department of Health.

Oregon HS Student Forced To Apologize For ‘Build That Wall’ Banner | The Burning Truth

God forbid we should live in the historical bastion of free speech, and say something as innocent as ‘ that wall.’ A phrase that, literally, means you want to prevent crime.

Maroon 5 Cancels North Carolina Shows Over Bathroom Bill; Still On To Play in Russia – Christine Rousselle

will be playing in several European countries–Russia, Georgia, Turkey, Poland, and Romania, among others–that have very questionable records on LGBT rights. According to ILGA-Europe, Russia is the second-worst country in Europe for gay rights

Robert McDonald, Veterans Affairs secretary, likens VA wait times to Disneyland experience

When you got to , do they measure the number of hours you wait in line?

Begrudging WaPo poll: Trump 46%, Clinton 44% | Washington Examiner

It’s not the headline, and it takes 219 words to get there, but a new Washington Post poll on the presidential race reveals that Republican Donald leads Democrat Hillary Clinton among registered voters 46 percent to 44 percent.

10 Most Heavily Funded Government Agencies | LifeZette

The Congressional Budget Office reports that the total federal deficit for 2016 will be $534 billion, an increase of nearly $100 billion over the previous year.

E-Liquid Business Takes On FDA In Legal Battle To Halt Deeming Regs

A Los Angeles business is taking the Food and Drug Administration () to court over regulations that could see 99 percent of the e-cigarette industry put out of business.

Tom Brokaw Is A Monumental Idiot

thought it would be a good idea to invite to be the commencement speaker this year. I think it was to show kids that huffing too much smug is bad for your brain.

For years now on my show, on my blog, in my public speeches, and TV appearances, I’ve pointed out that the media often bares large responsibility for in the United States. Every time they peddle false reports of discrimination, police abuse, hate crimes, and even threats of death, they cause fear, animosity, and hatred.

[Tweet theme=”basic-full”]Every time media peddles false reports of discrimination, & hate, they cause fear, & hatred. http://snip.ly/o18sd[/Tweet]

The media is largely responsible for anti-police violence by peddling a proven false narrative that police are systematically killing young black boys. The media’s lies led to the violence and rioting in Baltimore and Ferguson. As well as several police ambush murders.

The media’s insistence that there is common anti-LGBT hatred and abuse has led to people’s livelihoods being taken away from them for no reason. Might that lead to some negative feelings Tom?

The media peddling another false narrative that Americans hate Muslims, and are bigots against them leads to radicalization of young impressionable Muslims. This is gang recruitment 101.

[Tweet theme=”basic-full”]Media peddling false narrative that Americans hate Muslims leads to radicalization of Muslims. http://snip.ly/o18sd[/Tweet]

When the media constantly puts down a group of people, paints them as evil, violent, and dangerous … people treat them as such. Those people then respond in kind, and become radicalized themselves. All because of media sensationalism based on lies.

I saw news anchors in my own community post on social media that Michigan’s RFRA bill would literally lead to gay people being allowed to die in the streets because paramedics don’t want to treat homosexuals. The fear and anger that caused in the gay community led to them lashing out at religious people minding their own business. One side thinks they are defending themselves while attacking innocent people who are then forced to defend themselves. Now we have escalation. All because some asshat in the media legitimized a proven lie to their audience.

You can’t hammer into people on a daily basis that white Americans are racist, and not expect minorities to respond with things like the knockout game. Which in turn leads whites to be on edge about becoming the victim of a violent crime. Here’s one for ya … the largest ever done on the subject found that Americans are among the least racist people in the entire world. You wouldn’t know it from watching the every day.

So, here’s what said at the .

Like I said, he’s a monumental idiot.

He’s a member of the media. He’s one of the media’s elites. Yet he just peddled a debunked, proven lie that more leads to more crime. In fact, he doubled down on his baseless fear-mongering and said more lead to more . Inanimate objects don’t cause Tom Brokaw, ideology does. People don’t become terrorists because they have access to guns. Nor do they decide not to become terrorists because they don’t have access to them. What a monumentally stupid statement. Only the worst kind of idiot would ever give that statement credence. Besides, I thought not having jobs was why we have terrorists. Someone should also tell Tom Brokaw that 81% of all weapons used in terrorist attacks are explosives or incendiary weapons. Not guns. An elite member of the media should be well versed in tracking down this , don’t you think?

[Tweet theme=”basic-full”]Inanimate objects don’t cause terrorism Tom Brokaw, ideology does. http://snip.ly/o18sd Via @CaseyTheHost[/Tweet]

[Tweet theme=”basic-full”]81% of all weapons used in terrorist attacks are explosives or incendiary weapons. Not guns. http://snip.ly/o18sd[/Tweet]

So let’s look at the media’s influence on shall we?

Study: school shootings, mass killings are ‘contagious’

The , published in July the journal PLOS ONE, found evidence that school shootings and mass killings — defined as four or more deaths — spread “contagiously,” and 20% to 30% of such killings appear to be the result of “infection.” The contagion period lasts about 13 days, researchers found.

[Tweet theme=”basic-full”]Study: 20-30% of mass shootings caused by media sensationalizing mass shootings. http://snip.ly/o18sd @CaseyTheHost[/Tweet]

Hmm … no mention of guns causing . Just the media’s sensationalist coverage.

Media coverage of terrorism ‘leads to further violence.’

Violence, so the saying goes, begets violence. Now evidence is emerging that suggests even the reporting of violence can trigger further attacks. has found that sensationalist media coverage of acts of terrorism results in more such acts being committed.

[Tweet theme=”basic-full”]Study: Media’s sensationalist coverage of terrorist attacks leads to more terrorist attacks. http://snip.ly/o18sd[/Tweet]

Well, well, well … media’s coverage of mass shootings leads to more mass shootings. Who’d have thought?  More media coverage of acts of terror will lead to more acts of terror Tom Brokaw.

I even have a pacifist study I have issues with saying the same thing Tom.

The report, Mixed Messages: How the Media Covers “Violent ” and What You Can Do About It, reviewed more than 600 news items from 20 major U.S. news outlets. Articles were sampled during April-June 2015 from 15 national media outlets such as the New York Times and NPR, and five “influencer” outlets such as Politico and CQ Weekly that reach audiences of policymakers and government staff.

While that last study left some things out about terrorism, it still makes the valid point that sensationalist MEDIA coverage leads to more extremism. Something that is undeniably true.

Tom Brokaw says more guns leads to more violent extremism. Research shows more sensationalist media coverage leads to more extremism. It’s the media fueling hate Tom Brokaw, not inanimate objects like guns. The media whips people into a frenzy. The media radicalizes people. The media gives them the fame they seek. Then, and only then, do they choose to pick up a gun and use it. If they choose a gun at all.

[Tweet theme=”basic-full”]It’s the media fueling hate Tom Brokaw, not inanimate objects like guns. http://snip.ly/o18sd Via @CaseyTheHost[/Tweet]

[Tweet theme=”basic-full”]Media gives them the fame they seek. Then, & only then, do they pick up a gun and use it. http://snip.ly/o18sd[/Tweet]

Remember when commencement speeches were about encouraging and inspiring the graduating class? You know, the good old days when being a speaker wasn’t an excuse to hop on your soap box after a few drinks, and lecture a captive audience.