Daily Show Prep: Wednesday, Oct. 2

Intel Community Admission Of Whistleblower Changes Raises Explosive New Questions

Left Tries To Wave Away IG Changes Allowing Whistleblowers To Weaponize Hearsay

FLASHBACK: Suspicions Grow That “Whistleblower Complaint” Is a Put-Up Job Orchestrated by Adam Schiff

Schiff Knew Of Whistleblower Complaint Before It Was Filed

U.S. presidential hopeful Sanders has heart procedure, cancels events


Hour 2

Democrat James Mueller, Republican Sean Haas square off in only South Bend mayoral race debate

UK Rugby Referees Quitting Over Transgender Players Breaking Women’s Bones


Hour 3

Breaking: Our friend is no longer at Fox

The FBI’s annual crime report is out, and the anti-gun crowd won’t like it

New Evidence Suggests Prosecutors Pressured Michael Flynn To Lie

Pete Buttigieg Opposes Death Penalty for ‘Defenseless’ Terrorists