Penn-Harris Madison Schools Resume Without DEI Officer

Penn-Harris Madison Resume Without Officer

As PHM returns to school , you’ll notice some changes exclusively covered by Burning Truth over the past few months.

On April 15, 2024, we covered that PHM Schools were dropping the position.

Breaking: PHM Eliminates DEI Officer Position

Despite having multiple sources within the confirming this, we were called liars.

Protestations we were aside … a few days later another hammer at PHM.

PHM Student Handbook Changes Are Interesting

PHM stripped DEI from their handbooks.

All that was left was for the school board to make it official, there would be no DEI officer at PHM for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year.

On May 20, 2024 … they did just that.

PHM Confirms My Exclusive Story Was Correct

As we’ve been telling you the whole time, DEI will be hidden, renamed, and will rear its ugly head again. However, this was a victory a horrible discriminatory policy.

Unfortunately, some just couldn’t accept this and continue, to this , to deny the DEI officer position is perpetually vacant. It wasn’t ‘eliminated’ they say. It was just left vacant indefinitely and for it ceased with no plans to ever revive the position or its funding.

Totally not the same thing folks.

Today is back-to-school for PHM, and they do not have a DEI officer for the district.

PHM’s staff directory before …

PHM’s staff directory now …

You can verify this on their website.

Daily Show Prep: Thursday, August 15

Daily : , 15

Welcome to another episode of The with Casey . Below is a collection of links to sources used for today’s show.

Hour 1:

In the first hour of The , we discussed Kamala Harris’ Soviet- proposal:

Key Sources:  

Kamala Harris to Announce Soviet-Style Price Controls on Food Under Guise of ‘Gouging Ban’

EXCLUSIVE MRC POLL: Most Dem Voters Don’t Know About Harris’s Radicalism

Kamala Harris’s Competency Makeover: Magic Or Media Manipulation?

As much as I hate sending you to RNM, it is his story.

Hour 2:

In our second hour, we shifted gears to explore Kellyanne Conway and others have ties to Ukraine working to thwart :

Key Sources:  

Conway becomes latest DC power player linked to Pinchuk

Guess We Can Report This Now: FOIA Shows Hunter Asked US Embassy in Italy to Help Burisma When Joe Was VP

Secret Service Agent Abandoned Post Guarding Trump To Breastfeed: REPORT

Caught Sleeping on the Job? Trump’s Secret Service Detail Is an Absolute Disaster

Indiana IREAD results show increase in proficiency rates

Hour 3:

In the final hour, we wrapped up today’s show with . and the weird Indiana PAC:

Key Sources:  

Interview: Rep. Jim Banks

Indiana Attorney General taking legal action against Monroe County Sheriff’s Office over enforcement of immigration rules

Casey goes over the bizarre case of why Hoosier Honor PAC is running ads for Sen. , and why are they such a mystery?

Peter Schweizer: Tim Walz Tied to Chinese ‘Secret Police Stations’ That Kidnap CCP Critics

Watch the full show on video here.

PHM Confirms My Exclusive Story Was Correct

PHM Confirms My Exclusive Was Correct

On April 15, 2024, I broke the story that schools were eliminating their DEI officer position. This was confirmed by multiple sources inside PHM.

Since the school board had not yet to officially eliminate the position, few took issue with my story. Some said I was , some said I was lying and spreading “.” Ultimately, as I said the original story, they were arguing semantics. My sources were clear … the current DEI officer was being moved to a new job and there were no plans to ever fund or fill that position again in the district. It was eliminated. Arguing over whether the position was permanently vacant or if a vote officially eliminated it was silly and petty. The DEI position at PHM was no .

The PHM board’s dislike of me is well-known. This led to one of my sources saying that they’d probably keep the DEI officer position around just to make me look bad after the story was published. I also joked about this on social media.

Then the proposed changes to PHM student handbooks came out.

DEI was being stripped from the student handbooks in PHM. If PHM wasn’t eliminating the DEI officer position, this would be an odd development. Instead, the changes to the handbooks further confirmed my exclusive story was correct.

Then today:

On May 20, 2024, Superintendent of Schools, . Jerry Thacker confirmed my story was correct by saying: “We have no intention of filling that position.”

Dr. Thacker’s response was to Board of Trustees member Matt Chaffee’s direct question about that position being eliminated.

This was true in April, but every doubt has now been eliminated … just like the DEI officer position. The board voted to remove DEI from the student handbooks later that evening.

This does not mean the principles of DEI are going away. They will always be around but DEI is on the retreat … at least in an official capacity. This is something that would have been celebrated by nearly everyone just a few short months ago.

This is a very big deal and I can’t wait to see the local media coverage of it. Especially since the media has recently taken a newfound interest in PHM school board issues. So much so, that the board seats aside for local media to attend the meetings.

Too bad no media showed up to the meeting today.

Daily Show Prep: Friday, April 19

Daily : , April 19


Israel strikes back at Iran: Five key questions

Yesterday, . and I discussed

, this happened:

Screenshot 2024.04.19 12 38 01


Mike Johnson’s foreign aid package lives on with rare help from Democrats, teeing up Saturday vote


Hour 2

Report: The man who set himself on fire left a manifesto on the evils of capitalism, fascism, and climate change. Here are the details, along with his work history for Democratic campaigns.


JUST IN: Trump Juror Breaks Down In Tears After Revealing Connection To Chris Christie

Hour 3


Laken Riley murder suspect had been released over lack of detention space

: Joanna King is running for Representative District 49 as incumbant

Here are the massive tax increases coming your way in a second Biden term

Daily Show Prep: Friday, April 19

Daily : , April 18


4 Democrats out of running for mayor of Fort Wayne

South Whitley Officer’s Actions “Under Review” After Video Shows Teenager Being Thrown to the Ground

Tony Katz Today Enters National Syndication With Key Networks

GOP governor candidates spend $35 million in most expensive primary in state history

Centrist PAC endorses Chambers in gubernatorial primary race

Eric Doden has a reputation as a land-stealer.

Hour 2

Indiana sales tax on gasoline increasing in May for 3rd consecutive month

… Cringeworthy Comment

Doyel: Caitlin Clark, I’m so sorry. On Wednesday I was part of the problem.

Elkhart restaurant wins award at International Pizza Expo

January 6 insurrectionists had a great day in the Supreme Court today

The proof going vegan ISN’T better for you? Study finds plant-based meat products are full of salt and fat

Hour 3

: .

White House admits Biden uncle wasn’t eaten by cannibals, died in Pacific Ocean crash

Poll: 5.5 percent of 2020 Biden voters now supporting Trump as race shifts to persuasion with cost of living rising

Breaking News: Whistleblower Exposes State Senator David Niezgodski’s Alleged Sexual Misconduct

Redress SB broke this 6 days before Indy wrote and ignored RSB’s story.