Doug Chaffee Responds To Real News Michiana Article About Him

Doug Chaffee Responds To Article Him

On June 26, 2024, Michiana published an article about Doug Chaffee. Doug Chaffee is former Principal of Penn High School and is currently running for school board. Doug Chaffee is also the father of current PHM school board member Matt Chaffee. RNM recently published an article about Matt Chaffee as well.

the article about Doug Chaffee, RNM claimed that Doug Chaffee engaged in a “terrifying ” against Matt Chaffee’s girlfriend at the time.

Doug Chaffee reached out to me asking if I’d be willing to publish his response. He expressed that he felt I was the only media outlet that would be fair to him and publish his response without taking sides.

Here’s Doug Chaffee’s statement on Michiana article about him:

Clifton French of RNM has taken our conversation from September of 2023 out of context. He has not provided the between , and he has completely twisted my words to him to create a “hit piece” on myself and my son. I am guessing Mr. French has not released the full recording he claims to have due to threats he made about killing his ex-wife and others on that same call. My son and I are no longer going to entertain these defamatory articles as our focus is serving the PHM community and its constituents. Thank you to everyone who supported and continues to support the Chaffee family in our endeavors to better our community.

– Doug Chaffee

I can not verify the claims made by Doug Chaffee, but I’m told his attorneys approved the release to me. I’m also told there’s more to come in future releases.