Show Prep: Thursday, June 16

Orlando Gunman Apparently Searched Facebook During Attack – ABC News

“The real muslims will never accept the filthy ways of the west,”

Omar Mateen Told Us in His Own Words Why He Carried Out His Terror Attack… But Why Believe Him? | Truth Revolt

It is likewise plausible that Mateen’s alleged homosexuality catalyzed an internal desire to “prove himself” in the eyes of Islam and seek redemption all the more.

West Hollywood Inundated With AMAZING Pro-Gun, Pro-Gay Posters | Daily Wire

FDA approves stomach-draining obesity treatment – | Continuous News | Colorado Springs and Pueblo

The AspireAssist system consists of a thin tube implanted in the stomach, connecting to an outside port on the skin of the belly. About 20 minutes after finishing a meal, users connect the port to an external device, which drains some of the recently-consumed food into the toilet.

(8) American Flag Profile Picture Tool

We did not plan to launch this website yet, but considering the horrible attack, America needs unity more than ever. Here it is

Hour 2

Michigan man cited for illegal pit bull after posting happy photo online | Fox News

Detroit Dog Rescue says Diggy has paperwork from a veterinarian and animal control to prove he is not a .

Obamacare enrollees without subsidies face big premium increases « Hot Air

those making over $47,000 a year—who face paying the full cost of the mandated coverage. The Associated Press highlights what that looks like as rates are set to go up as much as 60 percent in some areas:

If liberals have no problem taking rights away from people on ‘lists’ then they should have no problem packing them up and deporting them.

Hour 3

Jo Cox dead after Labour MP is shot and stabbed by man in Birstall | Daily Mail Online

A Labour MP has died after she was shot three times and repeatedly stabbed in a shocking attack as she arrived at her constituency surgery.

Mass Shooters Prefer Gun-Free Zones

Of the 54 incidents that fit these criteria, the shooter chose locations where were banned 37 times (69 percent). Alternatively, the shooting occurred where guns were legally allowed only 17 times (31 percent). See graphic.

Daily : Wednesday, June 15

Demings: ‘No question’ 2-year-old boy dead after Disney gator attack – Orlando Sentinel

“There is no question the family will lose a 2-year-old boy,” he said Wednesday.

Alligator Dragged Boy Into Water Near Disney Resort: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

Sheriff Demings said the boy’s father tried wrestling with the as it pulled his son further into the water. The parents and lifeguard desperately searched for signs of the boy, but found none.

They recovered the boy’s body during my show today. Horrifying.

Terrified Brit family ‘chased by alligator’ at same Disney resort weeks before beast took toddler – Mirror Online

A British family has told of their terror after being ‘chased’ by an alligator at a luxury World hotel – just weeks before a toddler was attacked at the same resort.

RUSSIAN HACKERS Stole DNC’s Opposition Research on Trump

Russian government hackers penetrated the computer network of the and gained access to the entire database of opposition on GOP presidential candidate Donald , according to committee officials and security experts who responded to the breach.

After Russians hack DNC, White House blames the Republicans | Washington Examiner

The White House reacted to reports that Russian hackers penetrated the Democratic National Committee’s computer network by complaining that Republicans have blocked additional money for funds to enhance the nation’s cybersecurity.


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Hour 2

Man Dressed As Woman Molests Teen In Library Bathroom

Come to find out, the woman was actually a man dressed in women’s clothing – and this is where things took a turn.

Carl’s Jr. ridiculed for using ‘CGI burger’ in commercial


Common Core Does Not Prepare Students for College

A recently released report confirms what critics have suspected all along: Common Core State Standards do not adequately prepare students for college-level work.

Minnesota Man Faces $55K in Fines After Flying Drone

Then, on April 14, the FAA sent Caterina a letter telling him he had violated its regulations and was subject to fines totaling as much as $55,000.

Hour 3

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Alan Grayson claims AR-15 rifles can fire ‘700 rounds in a minute’ after Orlando terror attack – Washington Times

“If [Mr. Mateen] was not able to buy a weapon that shoots off 700 rounds in a minute, a lot of those people would still be alive,” the congressman said. “If somebody like him had nothing worse to deal with than a Glock pistol … he might have killed three or four people and not 50. It’s way too easy to kill people in America today, and we have to think long and hard about what to do about that.”

Microsoft Word – CPRC Mass Shooting Analysis Bloomberg Final.docx

Mass public shootings, where the shooter intends to commit mass murder in a public place, has not “exploded” over the last five years, as frequently claimed in the media,

These Are The Guns Used In The Last 30 Years Of Mass Shootings | Co.Design | business + design

50 years of U.S. mass shootings: The victims, sites, killers and weapons – Washington Post

The death tolls change, the places change: Nine in a church, 23 in a restaurant, 26 in an elementary school, now 49 in a nightclub. The faces in the memorial photos change the most.

Gun Facts | Gun Control Facts Concerning Assault Weapons

Fact: A decade long , covering 84 mass public shootings, found that pistols were used 60% of the time. Rifles were used 27%. But that is all types of rifles, and so-called “ weapons” (such as the or civilian versions of the AK-47) are a subset of these.

THE VIEW: Host Says Trump is Working With ISIS to Kill Americans (VIDEO)

BEHAR: He is basically working with to kill us. They are working together. Just remember what I’m saying.


Tom Brokaw Is A Monumental Idiot

thought it would be a good idea to invite to be the commencement speaker this year. I think it was to show kids that huffing too much smug is bad for your brain.

For years now on my show, on my blog, in my public speeches, and TV appearances, I’ve pointed out that the media often bares large responsibility for in the United States. Every time they peddle false reports of discrimination, police abuse, hate crimes, and even threats of death, they cause fear, animosity, and hatred.

[Tweet theme=”basic-full”]Every time media peddles false reports of discrimination, & hate, they cause fear, & hatred.[/Tweet]

The media is largely responsible for anti-police violence by peddling a proven false narrative that police are systematically killing young black boys. The media’s lies led to the violence and rioting in Baltimore and Ferguson. As well as several police ambush murders.

The media’s insistence that there is common anti-LGBT hatred and abuse has led to people’s livelihoods being taken away from them for no reason. Might that lead to some negative feelings Tom?

The media peddling another false narrative that Americans hate Muslims, and are bigots against them leads to radicalization of young impressionable Muslims. This is gang recruitment 101.

[Tweet theme=”basic-full”]Media peddling false narrative that Americans hate Muslims leads to radicalization of Muslims.[/Tweet]

When the media constantly puts down a group of people, paints them as evil, violent, and dangerous … people treat them as such. Those people then respond in kind, and become radicalized themselves. All because of media sensationalism based on lies.

I saw news anchors in my own community post on social media that Michigan’s RFRA bill would literally lead to gay people being allowed to die in the streets because paramedics don’t want to treat homosexuals. The fear and anger that caused in the gay community led to them lashing out at religious people minding their own business. One side thinks they are defending themselves while attacking innocent people who are then forced to defend themselves. Now we have escalation. All because some asshat in the media legitimized a proven lie to their audience.

You can’t hammer into people on a daily basis that white Americans are racist, and not expect minorities to respond with things like the knockout game. Which in turn leads whites to be on edge about becoming the victim of a violent crime. Here’s one for ya … the largest ever done on the subject found that Americans are among the least racist people in the entire world. You wouldn’t know it from watching the every day.

So, here’s what said at the .

Like I said, he’s a monumental idiot.

He’s a member of the media. He’s one of the media’s elites. Yet he just peddled a debunked, proven lie that more leads to more crime. In fact, he doubled down on his baseless fear-mongering and said more lead to more . Inanimate objects don’t cause Tom Brokaw, ideology does. People don’t become terrorists because they have access to guns. Nor do they decide not to become terrorists because they don’t have access to them. What a monumentally stupid statement. Only the worst kind of idiot would ever give that statement credence. Besides, I thought not having jobs was why we have terrorists. Someone should also tell Tom Brokaw that 81% of all weapons used in terrorist attacks are explosives or incendiary weapons. Not guns. An elite member of the media should be well versed in tracking down this , don’t you think?

[Tweet theme=”basic-full”]Inanimate objects don’t cause terrorism Tom Brokaw, ideology does. Via @CaseyTheHost[/Tweet]

[Tweet theme=”basic-full”]81% of all weapons used in terrorist attacks are explosives or incendiary weapons. Not guns.[/Tweet]

So let’s look at the media’s influence on shall we?

Study: school shootings, mass killings are ‘contagious’

The , published in July the journal PLOS ONE, found evidence that school shootings and mass killings — defined as four or more deaths — spread “contagiously,” and 20% to 30% of such killings appear to be the result of “infection.” The contagion period lasts about 13 days, researchers found.

[Tweet theme=”basic-full”]Study: 20-30% of mass shootings caused by media sensationalizing mass shootings. @CaseyTheHost[/Tweet]

Hmm … no mention of guns causing . Just the media’s sensationalist coverage.

Media coverage of terrorism ‘leads to further violence.’

Violence, so the saying goes, begets violence. Now evidence is emerging that suggests even the reporting of violence can trigger further attacks. has found that sensationalist media coverage of acts of terrorism results in more such acts being committed.

[Tweet theme=”basic-full”]Study: Media’s sensationalist coverage of terrorist attacks leads to more terrorist attacks.[/Tweet]

Well, well, well … media’s coverage of mass shootings leads to more mass shootings. Who’d have thought?  More media coverage of acts of terror will lead to more acts of terror Tom Brokaw.

I even have a pacifist study I have issues with saying the same thing Tom.

The report, Mixed Messages: How the Media Covers “Violent ” and What You Can Do About It, reviewed more than 600 news items from 20 major U.S. news outlets. Articles were sampled during April-June 2015 from 15 national media outlets such as the New York Times and NPR, and five “influencer” outlets such as Politico and CQ Weekly that reach audiences of policymakers and government staff.

While that last study left some things out about terrorism, it still makes the valid point that sensationalist MEDIA coverage leads to more extremism. Something that is undeniably true.

Tom Brokaw says more guns leads to more violent extremism. Research shows more sensationalist media coverage leads to more extremism. It’s the media fueling hate Tom Brokaw, not inanimate objects like guns. The media whips people into a frenzy. The media radicalizes people. The media gives them the fame they seek. Then, and only then, do they choose to pick up a gun and use it. If they choose a gun at all.

[Tweet theme=”basic-full”]It’s the media fueling hate Tom Brokaw, not inanimate objects like guns. Via @CaseyTheHost[/Tweet]

[Tweet theme=”basic-full”]Media gives them the fame they seek. Then, & only then, do they pick up a gun and use it.[/Tweet]

Remember when commencement speeches were about encouraging and inspiring the graduating class? You know, the good old days when being a speaker wasn’t an excuse to hop on your soap box after a few drinks, and lecture a captive audience.


Show Prep: Thurs, Dec. 17

Arrest Warrant Issued for ‘Affluenza’ Teen Who Avoided Jail Time After Killing Four in Drunk-Driving Accident |

Ethan Couch, the “” teen who received only a 10-year probation for killing four people after driving drunk, has reportedly disappeared, prompting authorities to issue an arrest warrant.

Indiana school considering arming teachers

West Clark School Board announced they are considering the proposal for teachers who have had military or police training. The would be kept in a safe to prevent students from getting a hold of it.

St. Paul Teachers Discuss Strike Amid Rising School Violence « CBS Minnesota

Police say a 16-year-old boy attacked a teacher at St. Paul Central High School last week, putting him in the hospital with a brain injury.

HILARIOUS=> Donald Trump Joins Jimmy Kimmel in Reading Children’s Book FOR WINNERS (VIDEO) – The Gateway Pundit

Winners do deals And winners get rich! While sad little losers Just sit there and bitch.

So much for that Reset Button… Putin Says Donald Trump “Outstanding, Unquestionably Talented” (Video) – The Gateway Pundit

President Vladimir on Thursday described US Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump as “talented” and “outstanding,” welcoming his stance on .

New Movie to Rewrite History of Drunk Democrat Ted Kennedy WHO LET A WOMAN DIE – Progressives Today

“I’ve done a lot of true life stories, many sports stories, but this one had a deep impact on this country,” said Ciardi. “Everyone has an idea of what happened on Chappaquiddick, and this strings together the events in a compelling and emotional way. You’ll see what [Senator ] had to go through.”

Teen’s photo featuring American flag rejected from yearbook |

The school won’t publish it, however, saying it’s disrespectful. Principal Diana M. Myers-Pachla issued a statement to WFXT saying “The photo showed the United States flag hanging on a wall with the lower portion lying on the floor and the student standing on the flag. We do not view standing on the US Flag as respectful or appropriate.”

New Terrorism Level in the U.S. Includes Credible Threats – Costa Rica Star News

U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson on Wednesday added another alert level to the system created in 2011, which consists of two scales and never has been implemented due to the lack of credible threats.

Team Led By Middle Eastern Woman Caught Surveilling US Border – The Gateway Pundit

A was caught surveilling a U.S. port of entry on the Mexican holding a sketchbook with Arabic writing and drawings of the facility and its security system, federal law enforcement sources tell Judicial Watch.

Criminal Charges to Be Brought Against Enrique Marquez, Ex-Neighbor of San Bernardino Shooters – NBC News

Federal prosecutors have decided to bring criminal charges against the friend and former neighbor of one of the San Bernardino shooters.

BREAKING: Memo Shows Obama Admin Rejected DHS Screening of Social Media in 2011 (Video) – The Gateway Pundit

Top officials at the Department of Homeland Security considered a specific policy to strengthen security screenings for foreign visa applicants’ social media accounts, but the proposal was ultimately rejected, according to an internal department memo obtained by MSNBC.

Government Monitors Your Social Media Posts, But Not Potential Terrorists? – The Burning Truth

We learned this week that the same government that actively monitors the social media posts of US citizens is intentionally ignoring social media posts by foreigners seeking to come to the United States. At least one of which has ended up being a terrorist.

Force Block Avoids Spoilers and Blocks Every Mention of Star Wars

This Chrome extension thoroughly blocks every single mention of Star Wars, including sites that may not be talking about Star Wars right now, but have been known to do so. It’s not as clumsy or random as a keyword filter. An elegant tool, for a less civilized internet.

Zombie apocalypse study makes top scientific journal – Yahoo News

Are you afflicted by a shambling gait, a tendency to moan and the desire to bite and eat flesh? Watch out — you could be becoming a , according to the respected British Medical Journal (BMJ).

Suffix ‘ism’ declared 2015 word of the year by Merriam-Webster –

2015 over the year before are socialism, fascism, racism, feminism, communism, capitalism and terrorism.

‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ One of Biggest Lies of 2015: Washington Post

“Hands Up, Don’t Shoot”

Russia, , And Now Outclassing U.S. In Fight Against – Podcast

Russia destroys 472 ISIS targets in Syria bombing missions over the weekend | Daily Mail Online

air force flew 141 bombing raids over Syria this weekend, destroying almost 500 targets in the country

Russia Sends France A Puppy To Replace Diesel, The Police Dog That Died In Raid After Paris Attacks

Russian Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev said the offering was a “sign of solidarity with the people and police of .” He shared a picture of the puppy on Twitter and wrote a letter to France saying, “I ask you to accept from ‘s police dog handlers this shepherd puppy, who will be able to take his place in the ranks of Diesel, your dog who died doing his duty.”

South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg among 3 Indiana mayors signing letter supporting Syrian refugees –

Three mayors are among 62 U.S. mayors who’ve signed an open letter supporting the resettlement of refugees in the United States.

Federal Law Enforcement: ‘No Effective Means’ to Block ‘Prospective Terrorists Hidden Among Throngs of Refugees’ |

“The truth of the matter is there is no effective means or magical litmus test to assess prospective terrorists hidden among the throngs of refugees applying for entry into the United States,” said Nathan Catura, president of the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association.

China declares war on ISIS after terrorists claim to have executed Chinese hostage – Mirror Online

will join the war on ISIS after four of its citizens were killed by Islamist terror groups in two separate attacks this week.

Report: Canada to Exclude Single Men from Syrian Refugee Welcome Plan |

In an effort to prevent the infiltration of terrorists, the Canadian government is set to limit its Syrian acceptance program to only women, children and families, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation reported Sunday night.

Obama Blocking 75 Percent of Air Strikes Against ISIS

The Washington Free Beacon is reporting that U.S. military pilots fighting against the Islamic State in Iraq were blocked from dropping 75 percent of their ordnance on terror targets because the Obama administration would not give clearance to launch a strike.

Barack Obama Dropped Leaflets- Gave ISIS 45 Minutes Before Bombing Them – The Gateway Pundit

The worst part is that this is Obama’s version of an “escalation”. He could have taken out ISIS tanker trucks a long time ago, but then the drivers would have died. (Via J.E. Dyer)

Jordan’s King Abdullah: This Is a War ‘Within Islam’

President Obama, Secretary of State John Kerry and Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton can’t bring themselves to publicly acknowledge that Islam and “Muslims” are inextricably linked to . Remarkably, however, one world leader has no problem in speaking openly about the war “within Islam.”


Three Syrians traveling with fake Greek passports are being held in the Dutch Caribbean island of St. Maarten, authorities said, while officials in the Central American nation of Honduras reported detaining a Syrian and two Pakistanis traveling by bus Saturday.

DHS Knew Illegal Aliens Falsely Claimed “Credible Fear” to Stay in U.S. – Judicial Watch

The Obama administration let hundreds of illegal immigrants stay in the U.S. even though federal authorities knew in advance that an open borders group coached them to falsely claim “credible fear” to get asylum, according to documents obtained by Judicial Watch from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

Congress Learned Of Syrian Refugees Entering The U.S. Just Recently

The Obama administration did not tell Congress, until recently, that Syrian Refugees were arriving in Louisiana. According to a House Homeland Security Committee aide, Congress did not know about 13 Syrian refugees who arrived in New Orleans over the past two fiscal years until it was reported by a local news outlet 10 days ago.


The son of a New York mob boss has given Islamic State a stark warning, saying if they are planning any attacks in New York, they will have to contend with the Sicilian mafia. The notorious crime syndicate say they want to do their bit to protect locals.

Asylum Seekers Buying Fake Taliban Threat Letters to Get Into Europe

Afghan asylum seekers are buying fake Taliban threat letters in order to get into Europe.