Daily Show Prep: Monday, Dec. 9

Hour 1

Letters: I’ll take more of the same in South Bend

Warren, Buttigieg scrap puts Democratic divide on display

Buttigieg calls on McKinsey to release list of his clients – 95.3 MNC

DOJ IG: FISA Application for Spy Warrants Against Trump Official Riddled with Errors

IG Report Lays Out Seven Major Inaccuracies And Omissions From First FISA Application


Hour 2

WATCH: Border Patrol Agent Debunks Viral Video Showing Illegal Immigrant Scaling Trump Wall

HATE HOAX: Gay Activist Confessed to Spray-Painting Anti-Gay Slur, ‘Heil Trump,’ Swastika On LGBT Church

Portland Wants Private Property Owners To Add ‘Mandatory Rest Spaces’ For The Homeless

Authorities searching for unaccounted Saudi nationals following Pensacola shooting

Twitter Suspends Fox News Host For Showing Tweet From Saudi Terrorist Who Attacked U.S. Military Base In Florida

Special Edition Coke Bottles With OLED Lightsabers (In Singapore)


Hour 3

Steele Dossier Played ‘Central And Essential Role’ In FBI Decision To Apply For Surveillance Warrants

FBI Making Changes to FISA Warrant Processes in Wake of IG Report

Attorney General William Barr: IG Report ‘Makes Clear That the FBI Launched an Intrusive Investigation’

U.S. Attorney John Durham: ‘We Do Not Agree’ with Inspector General Conclusion


Monday, Dec. 2 – Hour 2

Hour 2

MSNBC Mistakes Ousted Navy Secretary with White Supremacist Richard Spencer

ICE used a fake university to weed out student visa fraud. But the students say they were duped.

London Bridge stabber belonged to jihadist group that admired Hitler

Revealed: Six of London Bridge terrorist Usman Khan’s fellow Stock Exhange bomb plotters have also been freed from prison since 2012

Newsweek Fires Reporter Who Wrote That Trump Would Be Tweeting And Golfing On Thanksgiving

Wisconsin high school resource officer shoots armed student who wouldn’t ‘hand over the gun,’ police say

Daily Show Prep: Monday, Nov. 11

Hour 1

Big Indiana teachers rally prompting many school closings on Nov. 19

Socialist-led #RedForEd Movement Aims to Reinvigorate Labor, Defeat Trump


Teacher pay: Find the average salary in every Indiana school district

Joe Biden: No One Needs a ‘Magazine with 100 Clips in It’

Michigan Supreme Court takes case of foreclosure windf


Question for ABC and CBS: Will Ashley Bianco Get Her Job Back?


Hour 2

U.S. Military Has Chinese Surveillance Tools Installed Thanks To New York Company Accused Of Lying About Who Made The Products

Amy Klobuchar Suggests Buttigieg’s Rise Is Due To Sexism, Not Better Qualifications

Schiff Rejects GOP Request For Whistleblower To Testify In Impeachment Proceedings

Kevin McCarthy: This is a calculated coup orchestrated by

Horowitz Report Will Be Damning. Criminal Referrals Likely

Liberals, media claim Vindman fired from NSC, immediately bash Trump. Turns out it was completely false

Excerpts From Alexander Vindman’s Testimony To Congress Raises Questions About Credibility


Hour 3

Report: FCC Has Collected Just $6,790 Since It Began Fining Robocallers

U.S. Boasts Most Affordable Grocery Basket

Latest ICE Arrest of Irish Terrorist Shows Trump’s Immigration Policy Is Indiscriminate

Maryland County’s Ban On Displaying Pro-Police Flag At Police Station Prompts Outrage From State Republicans

Harvard ‘Recruited to Reject’ Thousands of Black Kids, Study Shows

Bombshell: Nikki Haley claims senior officials tried enlisting her to sabotage President Trump


Thursday, Nov. 7 – Hour 1

WATCH: Trump Reads Whistleblower’s Lawyer’s Tweets At Rally, Crowd Goes Nuts

Wojciech Pawelczyk 🇵🇱🇺🇸@PolishPatriotTM

.@realDonaldTrump is reading lawyer’s tweets

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Alleged Whistleblower’s Name Appears In Transcript Released By Democrats



Um – why is Eric Ciaramella’s name in the congressional testimony?

Dems said they would redact the name of the “whistleblower.”

2 explanations:

1. Ciaramella is not the whistleblower

2. Dems messed up BIG TIME & printed the name of the leaker in their own document

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Fox News brass to network hosts and personalities: Do not identify the whistleblower



After Facebook Eliminates Conservative Content to Suburban Voters Democrats Have Another Big Night in Kentucky and Virginia

WATCH: Terrorist Attempts to Stab Marine Veteran

There’s a reason I don’t capitalize ‘.’ You should start doing it too.


The independent journalist who goes by Brandon demonstrated with the footage how the ANTIFA mob targeted a marine who was simply riding his minding his own business as the domestic terror group blocked traffic.

Patriotic activists and Portland police attempted to disperse the mob so the vehicle could get through unimpeded. Finally, the mob parted so the car was no longer blocked from travel. This is when the mob took special attention to the marine.

The marine attempted to bike away but was blocked by a rotund masked terrorist while another ANTIFA member struck his bicycle so he could not move. Once another patriot unhooked his bike, the marine was able to make his way to the sidewalk.

This was when ANTIFA started to escalate their violent tactics. The marine was sprayed in the face by a domestic terrorist with a substance that appeared to be mace. After that, bottles were thrown toward the veteran as he was trying to peacefully walk away. His life was in danger at this point, as the mob worked themselves into a frenzy.

A domestic terrorist was shown with a knife in the video footage and walked behind the marine in a position to put it into the marine’s neck, but independent journalist Brandon got in the way before he was able to do it. The terrorist then slunk back into the audience and put his knife away.

“This is clear cut evidence of them being a terrorist organization,” Brandon said regarding the footage while imploring President to declare ANTIFA a terror group.

“What the hell are you thinking? This is the United States of America, [and] you’re going to stab somebody who served our country from the back with your mask on like a coward? You’re cowards,” he said.