Daily Show Prep: Monday, July 29

Daily : , July 29


US debt reaches $35 trillion 🍾

Leaked text messages between Trump rally countersnipers show they were aware of shooter 90 MINUTES beforehand

New video shows building where Trump shooter was perched being surrounded by cops while Trump was allowed to remain on stage

Guess what is suggested when you try to Google Trump’s assassination attempt? That’s right, nothing.

CIA denies claims that Trump shooter was part of MKUltra mind control program (come see the comments)

Tech company pulls Olympics advertising after opening ceremony display many deem to be anti-Christian

The opening ceremony at the Olympics parodied the Last Supper with drag queens and an obese woman in an aureole

“Very Ballsy”: Eagle-Eyed Viewers Spot Performer’s “Scrotum” At Paris Olympics

The Olympic Village is already running out of meat and eggs because officials are pushing plant-based foods on the athletes 😬

Hour 2

Hour 3

On his way out, Biden is pushing Congress to impose term limits and “code of conduct” for Supreme Court

Harris Campaign Admits to Misleading Voters on Trump, Project 2025

The FBI confirmed that, yes, Trump was shot. But Blue Anon is still insisting that they need more evidence

Mayor Pete made the rounds this weekend to claim crime is down so let’s school him, shall we?

REPORT: 3 Suspected Palestinian Terror Suspects Caught After Illegally Crossing Border into California

Charges Dropped Against D.C. Rioters Who Assaulted Cops & Vandalized Property

Daily Show Prep: Tuesday, Jan. 24

Daily : , Jan. 24


Classified Documents Discovered at Home of Former Vice President Mike Pence

BREAKING: Indiana School Places Counselor Who Leaked Secret Transgender Policy on Leave

EXCLUSIVE: Rep. Chip Roy, Sen. Ted Cruz Introduce Legislation To Bar Illegal Immigrants From Voting In DC

EXCLUSIVE: Ted Cruz Introduces Legislation To Impose Term Limits For Congress

Ted Cruz Calls For Search Of Biden’s Senate Papers At University Of Delaware

Hour 2

Parody trans account TCMA DROPS media for treating obvious Aretha Franklin parody as REAL story and LOL

Michigan School Board Member Said Whiteness is ‘Evil,’ White People are More Dangerous Than Animals

Discipline Is Indigestable: Health Official Warns Against Workplace Cake, Compares It to Secondhand Smoke



Hour 3

Horowitz: 12 new safety signals showing devastating dangers from COVID shots

The Recycling Religion

California Destroys Its Independent Truckers

With PRO Act, Congress Readies National Version of California’s AB5 Fiasco

CNN Dweebus Makes Fool Of Herself On Limits

I’m just going to warn you … you are about to nuke several brain cells by watching this video.

Donald Trump recently called for term limits for members of Congress. It’s an idea that has become far more popular over the past decade than it used to be. The Founders always envisioned government service to be temporary, not a career. Americans have always been comfortable with the quo because they thought they could just anyone they don’t like . However, after decades of very unpopular politicians retaining their seats, people started to wonder how it was possible unpopular politicians could stay in office. Turns out, it wasn’t just tribalism. The party apparatus that exists disproportionately benefits incumbents regardless of popularity. Furthermore, the party leadership further impacts will get money, support, and infrastructure for reelection.

If you vote the way party leadership wants you to vote, you’ll have their help in your reelection bid. If you don’t, they’ll throw you to the wolves, and replace you with someone who will fall in line with the establishment.

Enter the conventional media. They deem themselves the gatekeepers of knowledge. One must only look at ‘It’s not , it’s’ CNN’s Chris Cuomo’s recent comments that only media was allowed to look at Wikileaks documents. He actually claimed it was illegal for you to read them. FYI, it isn’t, and he’s an idiot. It’s not all that unlike the old doctrine that only the clergy were allowed to look at, read, and interpret the Bible. The media see themselves as your elites. They are better, smarter, more informed than you could ever hope to be.

The reality … often they are little more than eye candy devoid of substance, knowledge, or comprehension of the issues they discuss. They rely on AP wire service scripts, and guests to get through their shows.

Enter CNN’s Brooke Baldwin (yes, another CNN amoeba). She had a panel on to discuss Trump’s call for term limits. It’s at that point, I actually blacked out from lack of oxygen by laughing at her. It’s ok though, I watched the video several more times to ensure I really heard I heard.

Keep in , she’s a featured face on CNN covering politics on a regular basis. This isn’t another example of bias media covering for Hillary, or a simple while doing live TV (it happens to all of ). This is genuine confusion wrapped with a sanctimonious smirk of self-confidence. She had no idea she was making an idiot of herself.

Full credit goes to the other three panel members for not bursting out laughing at her on live TV. Dana Bash did the best she could to ramble on and on and on in an effort to both distract herself from what she’d just heard on her network, and cover for Baldwin.

Bottom left square looks like he’s not even cognizant of what’s going on around him, and bottom right square looks like it took all the effort in the world to hold back his laughter. Thus causing his face to look as if he was sniffing a brutal fart the whole segment.

