Daily Show Prep: Tuesday, April 30

Daily : , April 30


Allen County Republican Party Chairman Steve Shine, Has Announced The ACGOP’s Plans For Primary Election Night, As Well As The Traditional Post-Election Day “Coney Dog Luncheon”

3rd Annual Penny Pitch ‘N’ Putt Golf Outing Set For July

Walmart launches new grocery brand, as it tries to hang on to inflation-fueled growth

Tithe with

Catholic ministry launches “Father Justin” AI, defrocks him after backlash

Trump’s DJT Stock Soars Again after Nunes Requests House Probe

Hour 2

Go Gators: Statement From University of Florida After Arrest of Campus Occupiers Was Perfection

Liberty Students Honor God in Huge Outdoor Event as Antisemitism Sweeps Secular Colleges

Affluent Americans are driving US economy and likely delaying need for Fed rate cuts

Interview: Corey DeAngelis is coming to Benton Harbor, MI

Well, That Was Fast: 3 Federal Lawsuits, Dropping Simultaneously, Challenge Education Department’s New Title IX Rule

They banned middle school girls who didn’t want to compete against a boy. Here’s how we fight back.

Hour 3

AstraZeneca admits for first time its Covid vaccine CAN cause rare side effect in tense legal fight with victims of ‘defective’ jab

New US cars will be required to have automatic emergency braking in 5 years

Biden Administration’s New Climate Rules Add $31,000 to Price of New Home, Industry Groups Say

Episode 5: Proud to be an American

Episode 5: Proud to be an American

The Common Veteran’s Season 2

Episode 5: Proud to be an

The Common Veterans are all United States Veterans. Pride in the country is pride in their service because they were willing to write a blank check to include up to their lives. The life of a Veteran often revolves around their service and how much they love their country. The Common Veterans discuss their love for God and country and the transition into a noncombatant once back home…
I) Correlation Often Relates to Causation
a. an American
i. Being proud to be an American often stems from upbringing and family members loving their country
b. Becoming a Veteran
i. Marketing or family heritage… Maybe something else
1. The Few… The Proud… The Marines
2. An Army of One
3. Aim High
4. Family Heritage – , Grandpa, Uncle, etcetera were Veterans
5. College
6. The recruiter saw you coming
II) Service = Citizenship – Love of Country
a. Becoming a promotes love of country
i. Have to love the country to be willing to die for it
ii. Path to citizenship through the Green Card Program
b. Any stories of war that can be told to
III) American’s Take Veteran’s for Granted… or do they?
a. Soldiers go to war and often come back loving their country more…
i. Notwithstanding bad pullouts of combat areas
ii. Provides love of Country because they don’t know what they have till they don’t have it anymore.
iii. Americans love our soldiers, but don’t understand what Veterans did for this great country
IV) Pride is Pride Not Your Knees or Flags
i. There is one American
1. Flag code
ii. Don’t take a knee over the National Anthem – that is a military anthem about the soldiers who died
V) : Episode 6: Daddy’s Mad, or is He?
a. The Common Veterans figure out and discuss having kids and how they teach their kids to cope with “Daddy’s Mad,” even though Daddy may not be mad, just dealing with PTSD.