Daily : Thursday, May 5

Downtown South Bend wrapped in free Wi-Fi – South Bend Tribune: Local

Mayor Pete Buttigieg will announce Thursday that free, public is now available from more than 30 access points within a new, downtown wireless network.

The FDA Wants More People To Die Of Lung Cancer, Moves To Stamp Out Vaping | The Daily Caller

If the Food and Drug Administration’s () statutory purpose is to protect public health, why is the agency using its regulatory power in a way that stands to undermine advances in public health?

FDA to Regulate E-Cigarettes, Ban Sales to Minors – WSJ

“We’re looking at the flavor issue with e-cigarettes,” said FDA Tobacco Center Director Mitch Zeller during a conference. Later, he said, that while the agency was aware of “anecdotal reports” that e-cigarettes have helped smokers kick their habit, those benefits were outweighed by concerns about youth using the devices.

The FDA’s $36 million campaign to curb LGBT tobacco use « Hot Air

The Obama Administration has launched a $35.7 million Food and Drug Administration anti-tobacco campaign focused on lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transgender youth.

Our Opinion: Goal achieved, now let city’s new flag fly – South Bend Tribune: Our Opinion

Now that the city of has a new for the first time since 1965, it’s time to let it fly and move on.

Facebook Censoring Right-Wing Websites | LifeZette

Evidence has emerged that social media giant Facebook is effectively censoring right-wing news and websites.

Studebaker tech project lands almost $23 million to rehab former plant – South Bend Tribune: Business

The local company that’s turning the old assembly plant into a technology hub announced Wednesday that it has secured $22.9 million in financing to move ahead with the project. The complex consists of three connected buildings along Lafayette Boulevard, south of the railroad viaduct across from Four Winds Field and Union Station Technology Center.

Video: Did Trump reverse his position on a minimum-wage hike? « Hot Air

No, not exactly, despite what CNN and The Hill reported last night.  CNN’s Wolf Blitzer challenged Donald in an interview yesterday about Trump’s claim that he would attract many of Bernie Sanders’ supporters in a general by focusing on the minimum-wage hike promised by both Sanders and Hillary Clinton.

It has begun. Hillary ordered the media to start going after Trump today, and Wold Blitzer is the first one to oblige. He cut Trump off right when he was explaining that messing around with the minimum wage too much hinders competitiveness. He did it later when Trump correctly pointed out Hillary’s campaign was the first to float the Obama birth certificate story too. CNN cut from the interview to Blitzer saying Hillary never made that claim. Her campaign was the original source.

Ben Carson: What if we make Ted Cruz Attorney General and have him prosecute Hillary Clinton? « Hot Air

“I think he would be terrific on the Supreme Court, or I think he would be a terrific . Or he could be both,” Carson said. “He could be attorney general first, you know, go ahead and prosecute Hillary, and then go on the Supreme Court.”

Watch: Ann Coulter Get Laughed At For Saying Trump Had Best Chance To Win | The Burning Truth

On June 19, 2015, Ann Coulter called it … sort of … but mostly.

Exclusive: President Fox Apologizes, Invites Trump to Mexico – Breitbart

“I apologize. Forgiveness is one of the greatest qualities that human beings have, is the quality of a compassionate leader. You have to be humble. You have to be compassionate. You have to love thy neighbor,” Fox explained to Breitbart News while sitting in the hotel of the J.W. Marriott in Santa Monica, California on Wednesday afternoon.

McCain on tape: Trump damages my reelection hopes

Publicly, insists will have a negligible effect on his campaign for reelection. But behind closed doors at a fundraiser in Arizona last month, the Republican senator and two-time presidential hopeful offered a far more dire assessment to his supporters.

Hacker ‘Guccifer’ Says He Hacked Hillary Clinton’s Email Server | The Burning Truth

“It was like an open orchid on the Internet,” Marcel Lehel Lazar, who uses the devilish handle Guccifer, told NBC News in an exclusive interview from a prison in Bucharest. “There were hundreds of folders.”

Daily : Wednesday, May 4

Ted Cruz vs Donald Trump – Candidates Comparison


Gary Johnson vs Ted Cruz – Candidates Comparison


Newt Gingrich: Trump Could Be ‘The Most Effective Anti-Left Leader in Our Lifetime’ (VIDEO)

First of all, may turn out to be the most effective anti-left leader in our lifetime.

Cuban Arrested for Waving American Flag as Cruise Ship Arrives in Havana | Truth Revolt

The man, Daniel Llorente, was holding the across his back at the waterfront as the ship approached. He was detained after making a speech about liberty on the communist island. It’s unclear what charges were leveled against him.

Elementary School Cancels Father-Daughter Dance Over Lack of ‘Inclusion’ | Truth Revolt

Plans for a at a Midlands elementary school have hit a wall following complaints by some .

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FSU Students: No Native American Headdresses at Seminoles Games | Truth Revolt

The Student Government Association resolution, which passed April 20 by a 27-4 vote, is a nonbinding, formal opinion. It asks the university administration to consider adding the wearing of headdresses as a violation of the student code of conduct.

Color Prejudice: Park Ranger Uniforms “Culturally Threatening “ To Latinos Because They Look Like Border Patrol Uniforms | VDARE – premier news outlet for patriotic immigration reform

A coalition calling for “more ” national parks says that park ranger can be “threatening” to Latinos.

Monday, March 28 – Hour 3 Podcast

CBO cuts Obamacare enrollment projection « Hot Air

The latest enrollment estimate is an even steeper drop from the ‘s estimates from 2015, which predicted 21 million people would have marketplace coverage by this time.

Here’s What You Need To Know About Supposed Ted Cruz Sex Scandal

has been accused of having multiple , but there is no evidence the story is true at this time.

Kirsten Powers: Anti-Trump Operative Was AGGRESSIVELY Shopping Cruz Sex Scandal (VIDEO) – The Gateway Pundit

“The Daily Beast reported it was shopped around by two — reporters by somebody who was a Rubio person. I also happen to know that one of the people who was shopping the story around very aggressively was somebody who was completely anti-, and was anti-Cruz also, but who was not a person who in anyway was supporting Trump.”


Daily : Monday, March 28

Parents ‘Bum-Rushed’ Easter Egg Hunt, Injured Children In Mad Scramble To Be First (VIDEO) | Truth Revolt

Welch told Eyewitness that children were trampled, knocked over children and eggs were stolen out of peoples’ baskets. Peterson said the crowd was “kind of like locusts.”

US Capitol on lockdown after reports of shots fired | Fox News

One person is in custody after gunshots reportedly were fired at the U.S. Capitol Visitors Center, according to The Associated Press.

Legislator renews call for seatbelts on school buses – 953MNC.com

Calls for on ‘s are growing after a bus carrying a high school basketball team overturned in a crash.

Capitol Hill shooter caught after shots fired | Washington Examiner

“No one will be allowed to enter or exit any buildings,” the police emailed all Capitol buildings. “You may move about within the buildings and underground between buildings.”

Let’s Scrap the Homework Our Little Kids Are Doing | LifeZette

is mainly a problem because it’s a theft of time,” Heather Shumaker, author of “It’s OK to Go Up the Slide – Renegade Rules for Raising Confident and Creative Kids,” told Today.com. “It’s a grave opportunity cost. And kids feel it. Homework steals kids’ time at home — time they desperately need to play, connect with family, cope with big emotions, be outside and get (a) good, long sleep.”

Ex-Social Worker for 6-Year-Old Girl Who Was Seized From Her Longtime Foster Home Because She Is One-and-a-Half Percent Native American Reveals Her ‘Biggest Shock’ | TheBlaze.com

The former social worker for a 6-year-old girl who is one-and-a-half percent Choctaw Native American and was recently removed from her longtime foster home due to a 1978 federal law mandating that “Indian children” be raised by Native Americans, is speaking out.

CBO cuts Obamacare enrollment projection « Hot Air

The latest enrollment estimate is an even steeper drop from the ‘s estimates from 2015, which predicted 21 million people would have marketplace coverage by this time.

Here’s What You Need To Know About Supposed Ted Cruz Sex Scandal

has been accused of having multiple , but there is no evidence the story is true at this time.

Kirsten Powers: Anti-Trump Operative Was AGGRESSIVELY Shopping Cruz Sex Scandal (VIDEO) – The Gateway Pundit

“The Daily Beast reported it was shopped around by two — reporters by somebody who was a Rubio person. I also happen to know that one of the people who was shopping the story around very aggressively was somebody who was completely anti-, and was anti-Cruz also, but who was not a person who in anyway was supporting Trump.”