Daily : Friday, Nov. 3


Breaking: Bergdahl gets no prison time; Update: “A complete and total disgrace” – Hot Air Hot Air

Was five years in Taliban captivity enough punishment? The military judge in ‘s court-martial for desertion and misbehavior before the enemy has apparently reached that conclusion. Bergdahl will get a at a lower rank and forfeit his back pay, but will leave the military a free man otherwise:

Las Vegas shooting: Paddock’s girlfriend may be hiding something, sheriff suggests | Fox News

Stephen ‘s girlfriend may be hiding something from investigators who are trying to piece together the motive behind the massacre, the city’s sheriff suggested in a wide-ranging interview with a local television station.

Moronic MSNBC Contributor Rips POTUS Trump For Not Demanding Death Penalty For Already Dead Vegas Shooter (VIDEO)

On Thursday afternoon, Wall Street Journal reporter and MSNBC contributor  ripped into for not demanding the death penalty for already dead Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock.

#FakeNews in Action: CNN Split Screens 2 Reporters Standing Right Next to Each Other (Video)

The Clinton Network used a split screen to fool their audience that two reporters standing right next to each other were worlds apart.

Walmart shoppers drew their own handguns during shooting | Daily Mail Online

The shoppers’ immediate response to the violent event ‘absolutely slowed’ investigation as it left authorities scanning through surveillance tapes in pursuit of the single armed attacker.

Gas prices in Michigan could soon rise to $3, analyst says | MLive.com

, and the Great Lakes region, could soon rise to their highest levels since 2015 thanks to a number of issues, according to a GasBuddy analyst.

Students Were Offended By a Play That Mocks Political Correctness, So Brandeis Cancelled It – Hit & Run : Reason.com

Don’t think political correctness is a problem on campus? Try producing a play about it.

Fusion GPS: Team Hillary paid $168,000 for Steele dossier – Hot Air Hot Air

Just think what $168,000 could have done for in the 2016 election. She could have flown a few times to Wisconsin and Michigan, for instance, or possibly have paid for some Facebook memes. The possibilities are endless! Instead, as Fusion GPS disclosed in a statement today, paid almost the same amount of money that Russian trolls paid Facebook to Christopher Steele for the infamous “dossier” on Donald Trump — and then failed to make use of it:

Disabled Navy vet refuses to receive award from Saints over national anthem protests | Fox News

“Although I am touched and honored to be selected for such an award, the ongoing controversy with NFL players’ disrespect for the national flag forces me to decline to participate in the presentation,” Wells said. “I am unable, in good conscience, to enter an NFL stadium while this discourtesy prevails. Since this award is tainted with the dishonorable actions of the NFL and its players, I cannot accept it.”