Watch this girl absolutely melt after she’s snubbed by President Biden

Biden’s big interview did NOT go well, and we have all the lowlights

Joe Biden Takes Jab At Donald Trump: “I’ll Beat Him Again In 2020” 🥴

Biden Incoherently Attempts to Make His Case to Stay in the Race on Morning Joe

Brace for Incoherent Venting! An Angry President Biden Called MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe’ and YIKES

Biden tells Democrats in Congress he’s staying in presidential race

‘Look Who’s Joining the Party’! NYT Decided It Was Time to Report Who Repeatedly Visited the WH

Trump offers ‘Sleepy Joe’ sage campaign advice amid calls to step aside – urges Biden to ‘ignore critics’

Hour 2

petitions U.S. Supreme to evaluate ‘s party affiliation statute

Teachers’ Union President Gives Best Homeschooling Advertisement Of All Time

Walmart facing class-action lawsuit over ‘deceptive and unfair pricing practices’

House Dems launch united effort against election bill requiring voters prove citizenship

10% of illegal aliens admit they’re registered to vote: Heritage Foundation survey

Hour 3

: Tim

ACLU to seek prisoner release without “dramatic turnaround” in Allen County Jail population

Leaked notes show Biden gets detailed instructions on how to walk to podiums. Check out the reactions 😭

Daily Show Prep: Tuesday, May 28

Daily : , 28



‘His Slogan Should Be ‘F— America’: De Niro Says Trump, His Supporters Filled with ‘Anger and Hate’



LOOK on Pete Buttigieg’s Face When CBS Journo DARES Disagree With Him About EVs is GLORIOUS (Watch)

Climate change is behind increasing flight turbulence, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg says

Copper supply insufficient for global EV transition by 2035, report says

Hour 2

Studies Of 10 Million People Find Ultra-processed Foods Linked To Serious Health Issues

Studies Of 10 Million People Find Ultra-processed Foods Linked To Serious Health Issues

Why did ‘The Science’ delete emails and use secret back channels to hide from FOIA requests?

Hour 3

UCLA med students graduate ‘unqualified’ to practice medicine as admissions team boosts diversity over merit: report

Indiana softens new reading training requirements after teacher outcry

US Special Forces Operator Kills Undocumented Chechen Outside Home In Possible Spy Incident

Daily Show Prep: Wednesday, May 22

Daily : , 22


Biden’s newest gaffe had some rhythm so I set it to music with a few of his greatest hits


The media lost it when Trump reposted a vid that included the words “Unified Reich” in the background of the stock template. It’s not even THAT reich.

Check out these charts showing how much fast-food prices have jumped since 2019 🤯

“No hyperbole: I genuinely think this is the most devastating chart I’ve ever seen amid a presidential election cycle.”

Hour 2

Fake News Called Out for Claiming Tucker Carlson Planned Russian TV Show

Men’s Feminist Identification and Reported Use of Prescription Erectile Dysfunction Medication

Report: Michigan teacher salaries aren’t keeping pace with other states

are increasing every . Starting salaries are low. Average salaries are than average Michigander.



Watchdog Warns of Oreo-Maker’s Ties to Radical Globalist, Marxist Organizations

Hour 3

Julie Kelly, Mollie Hemingway and Others Don’t Buy FBI’s Spin on OK’ing Deadly Force for Trump Raid

Calif. Middle Schooler Censored from Giving Speech on ‘Patriotism’ Goes Viral

Alvin Bragg’s Team Is Pushing for Jurors to Use a Lower Standard of Proof in Order to Convict Trump No Matter What

Jack Smith’s Appointment Violated the Constitution, Some Legal Experts Argue

Uh-oh: Apple users are complaining that a new software update is resurfacing their deleted nudes

Daily Show Prep: Wednesday, May 22

Exclusive: Board Member, Chaffee, Responds To Demands He Resign

Penn-Harris Madison school board member, Matt Chaffee, has responded to last night’s special session vote demanding he step down from the school board with an exclusive press release to me.

In an exclusive press release to me, Matt responds to the vote and hints at ‘s to come regarding the allegations against him.

month, Real News Michiana published a story accusing Matt Chaffee of hypocrisy in demanding PHM board members resign in the wake of numerous violations by members. The claim is that Matt was himself engaging in activity that warranted his resignation.

Most local media outlets showed up to last night’s vote to call for Chaffee’s resignation. The media was disinterested in previous press releases they received highlighting several examples of the board president, Chris Riley, and his actions, and the subsequent calls by Matt Chaffee for Chris Riley to resign as a result.

These previous issues included, but are not limited to:

  • The board losing an illegal SAC complaint with the state.
  • A parent winning a Civil complaint against the board.
  • The harassing of critical of the board. Including and employer harassment.
  • Board President Chris Riley committing several policy violations.
  • And refusal to punish PHM faculty caught violating policies.

None of well-documented issues have caught the attention of local media. This angle, however, did.

The same goes for the teacher’s union representatives who circulated an email recruiting people to be at last night’s . They were never interested in showing up to proven issues with the PHM school board previously.

I wanted to point that the media has been completely disinterested in corruption and abuse on the PHM board, but the moment a conservative member faced criticism, they showed up.

Here’s Matt Chaffee’s response to what happened last night and the allegations against him:

Meet 2

We’ll continue to update you on any developments.

Episode 5: Proud to be an American

Episode 5: Proud to be an American

The Common ‘s Season 2

Episode 5: Proud to be an American

The Common are all United States Military Veterans. Pride in the country is pride in their service because they were willing to write a blank check to include up to their lives. The life of a Veteran often revolves around their service and how much they love their country. The Common Veterans discuss their love for God and country and the transition back into a noncombatant once back home…
I) Correlation Often Relates to Causation
a. Being an American
i. Being proud to be an American often stems from upbringing and family members loving their country
b. Becoming a Veteran
i. Marketing or family heritage… Maybe something else
1. The Few… The Proud… The Marines
2. An Army of One
3. High
4. Family Heritage – Dad, Grandpa, Uncle, etcetera were Veterans
5. College tuition
6. The recruiter saw you
II) Service = – Love of Country
a. Becoming a soldier promotes love of country
i. Have to love the country to be willing to die for it
ii. Path to citizenship through the Green Card Program
b. Any stories of war that can be to
III) American’s Take Veteran’s for Granted… or do they?
a. Soldiers go to war and often come back loving their country more…
i. Notwithstanding bad pullouts of combat areas
ii. Provides love of Country because they don’t know what they have till they don’t have it anymore.
iii. love our soldiers, but don’t understand what Veterans did for this great country
IV) Pride is Pride Not Your Knees or
i. There is one American flag
1. Flag code
ii. Don’t take a knee over the Anthem – that is a military anthem about the soldiers who died
V) Next Podcast: Episode 6: Daddy’s Mad, or is He?
a. The Common Veterans figure out and discuss having kids and how they teach their kids to cope with “Daddy’s Mad,” even though Daddy may not be mad, just dealing with .