Episode 4: Let’s Talk About War

Episode 4: Let’s War

Common Veteran’s Season 2
Episode 4: Let’s Talk About
“War, huh, yeah… What is it good for?” The Common Veterans take on war – the amount of Veterans that have fought in combat – or been to a combat zone, and why it is so hard to transition back into a noncombatant once back home…
I) Defining War and Combat Experiences
a. What is war?
i. Is it just a of or an actual state of being?
b. What is considered a combat experience?
i. Combat arms vs. Support
1. Define POG
2. Define Combatant
II) What does war do to Veterans?
a. Is it an all-one-size-fits-all situation?
i. How much does one’s mindset play a role in combat?
ii. Does being physically fit change the mental aspect of things?
b. Any stories of war that can be told to emphasize what it means to be a warrior?
i. Combat explosions
ii. Door kicking
iii. aspects
iv. Support for…
III) Transitioning back to civilians… Uh what?!
a. Support that… well.. support!
i. Family doesn’t always understand
ii. Vet organizations such as VFW, DAV, American Legion
iii. Nonprofits: FSO, Team RWB, Get Wet for a Vet. Etc…
b. Linking PTSD to TBI to survivor’s guilt to readjusting to civilian life
i. Mental is not often right away
IV) Continuing on, what’s next?
a. Figure your triggers are:
i. What is a trigger?
ii. How do we become the next level combatant?
V) Next Podcast: Episode 5: Proud to be an American
a. The Common Veterans are all Military Veterans. Pride in the country is pride in their because they were willing to write a blank check to include up to their lives. The life of a Veteran often revolves around their service and how much they love their country. The Common Veterans discuss their love for God and country.

PHM Student Handbook Changes Are Interesting

PHM Handbook Changes Are Interesting

This is the PHM high school student handbook proposed changes for next year. The school board will have first reading of these proposed revisions publicly this Monday. On May 20, the board will vote to approve potential changes.

Page 18 might be of particular interest. Notice the red ink?


can read the full proposed student handbook here.

A recent district-wide email went out to PHM employees notifying them that current DEI officer, Derrick White, will leave that post and take over as Director of Alternative Education and Special Projects starting on July 1. This leaves the PHM DEI officer position open and vacant. I wrote about this change recently.

my previous article, I wrote that PHM is eliminating the DEI officer position. People took issue with my using the word ‘eliminate’ because the board hasn’t voted to officially eliminate it yet, and may not vote to do so. This was a . However, numerous sources inside PHM tell me are no plans to fill the DEI officer position in PHM. This would effectively leave the position open indefinitely and it would only remain in derelict status. Given that DEI is being rolled back all over the right now due to political pressure, I can see this position remaining vacant and effectively being eliminated. Arguing over semantics whether a perpetually vacant position is actually ‘eliminated’ seems like a waste of time and . My sources say the position won’t be filled. If that changes, I’ll tell you.

In 2023, DEI jobs fell 5%, and so far they are down 8% in 2024. 30 states have introduced legislation to ban DEI in public education at all levels. Many have succeeded and DEI is being rolled back in many states. In last years Indiana legislative session, HB 1338 would have effectively banned DEI in Indiana education. It didn’t pass, but SB 202 did pass in the 2024 session. DEI has become politically toxic and is in retreat in the corporate world as well as public education.

Now, that doesn’t mean the battle is won. As I’ve highlighted on the show for many years, DEI, CRT, etc. are hidden within other programs like SEL. Just because PHM appears to be leaving the DEI officer post vacant and striking DEI language from the high school student handbook doesn’t mean the tenets of DEI are going away. A point highlighted by Accuracy In Media’s deep-dive investigation into Indiana public schools hiding DEI and CRT from not only parents and the public, but from as well.

Alternative media, activists, and parent groups pushing back against DEI are effectively driving it underground but the fight is long from over.

Episode 3: Free Lunch Day

Episode 3: Day

The Common Veteran’s Season 2
Episode 3: Lunch Day
The Common discuss Free Lunch Day. Free Lunch Day is and was Veteran’s Day. The Common Veterans talk about their favorite meals and why it is now been adopted by this pet name. The dangers of it and the gratitude that comes with getting a free meal, or are they free?
I) Free Lunch Day?
a. Discuss the historical significance of Veteran’s Day and how it has evolved into being referred to as “Free Lunch Day” among veterans.
i. Veterans were not always recognized.
ii. Soldiers to expect it.
1. Overdo it – some go to many , and it becomes a lot
b. Explore the reasons behind this shift in terminology and what it means to the Common Veterans.
II) Favorite Meals and Restaurants
a. Share personal stories from the Common Veterans about their favorite meals on Free Lunch Day.
i. What changes when a Veteran dines with another Veteran?
1. Shared experiences
ii. Traditions that
1. Common Veterans is a for us to , rehearse, record, then reminisce!
2. Changes hearts and minds.
a. Caleb
i. Best V-Day Ever.
III) Gratis is Awesome, But Does it Attract Scammers?
a. Examine the potential dangers of Free Lunch Day, including overindulgence and exploitation of veterans.
i. Discuss the differences between restaurants that care vs those that create a “free meal” for marketing
1. Offer no drink.
2. Require to eat in a restaurant rather than at home
ii. Does it matter that it is a “free lunch?”
1. Better to have a free lunch or get together as Veterans and brothers/sisters in arms?
b. Discuss the stolen valor people that it attracts.
c. Stigma of being, “Anyone would do what I did” (Not a hero.)
IV) Next : Episode 4: Let’s Talk About
a. The War, huh, yeah… What is it good for?” The Common Veterans take on war – the amount of Veterans that have fought in combat – or been to a combat zone, and why it is so hard to transition back into a noncombatant once back home…
b. Until next time

Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/commonveterans/message

Daily Show Prep: Monday, April 8

Daily : , April 8


is to eclipse totality

Lake Shasta is suddenly full again. Proving climate alarmists wrong.

Country star Morgan Wallen arrested on felony charges in downtown Nashville

FDA to examine if decaf coffee is safe to drink

Trump files last-minute appeal to change hush money trial venue and pause gag order

Hour 2

Tesla Trial to Size Up Cause of Fatal Autopilot Crash: Driver or Tech

Sean Hannity Warns Republicans No Exception Abortion Stance ‘Political Suicide’ After Trump Says Leave It Up to the States


Media Elite Belittle Inflation Struggles of Ordinary Americans

Hour 3

Andy Rutten for District I . Joseph

Appeals Court Overturns Punishment Imposed on J6er For Going on Tucker Carlson’s Show

Democrats ripped for admitting ‘quiet part out loud’ after panic about key strategy helping Trump

With no way out of a worsening war, Zelensky’s options look bad or worse

Daily Show Prep: Monday, April 8

Daily : , 28


talks current political infighting because no one listens to him before season.

Indiana education officials propose new high school diplomas for students

SUB PAR ‘I will never submit,’ shopper cries after major grocery chain CEO rolled out new ‘intrusive’ way to check your receipt

Hour 2

Casey solves timezone

BREAKING NEWS: Fort Wayne Mayor Tom Henry in hospice care following cancer diagnosis

Pennsylvania: Court Rules in Favor of Signature Verification for Mail-In Voting

US changes how it categorizes people by race and ethnicity; first revision in 27 years

Stores pull Cadbury “Gesture Eggs” promo after some genius removed the word “Easter” and caused public outcry

Hour 3

Palisades nuclear plant gets $1.5B federal loan in bid to reopen, a national first

There Was Very Little Pete Buttigieg Was Able to Tell Us About Bridge Collapse

If It Ain’t Woke, Don’t Fix It: Biden Urged To Use Baltimore Bridge Rebuild For Race Reparations

Leader of Princeton’s “queer alumni club” arrested on charges of child pornography

Biden To Visit NYC For Record-Shattering Celeb Fundraiser Same Day Trump Honors Fallen Cop

Governor Holcomb Issues Executive Order to Prepare for Solar Eclipse

It’s Official: Nobody Wants to Read About President Zero