Tuesday, August 29 – Hour 2 Podcast


In Brutal Takedown, Judge Boots #BernieBackers Fraud Lawsuit Out of Court | Law News

The Plaintiffs asserting each of these causes of action specifically allege that they donated to the DNC or to ‘s campaign.  But not one of them alleges that they ever read the DNC’s charter or heard the statements they now claim are false before making their donations. And not one of them alleges that they took action in reliance on the DNC’s charter or the statements identified in the First Amended Complaint (DE 8). Absent such allegations, these Plaintiffs lack standing.

Liberals attack restaurant for adding ‘minimum wage surcharge’ on receipt – Red Alert Politics

Social justice warriors lashed out against one of the most successful restaurant conglomerates in the nation over a new surcharge instituted at one of its chains.

(2) Casey Hendrickson – Radio Talk Show Host – Home

EPA Mismanaged A Program To Insolvency | The Daily Caller

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) botched the operation of its Voluntary Leave Bank Program, making federal investigators question the program’s solvency and integrity, the EPA Office of Inspector General (OIG) reported Monday.

This ‘Endangered Species’ Story Was Government-Sponsored Fake News

Leave it to the federal government to make a costly mistake, obscure it for decades at taxpayer expense, and then try to claim it was a success.

Free college is more expensive than Oregon planned – Red Alert Politics

Last year, declared free tuition for new students at community colleges. This year, the state is walking back its promises.


I did some research and discovered some on ‘assault’ weapons that will absolutely blow your mind.

Segment from my show on January 21, 2013
