Show Prep: Mon, Nov. 16

“The first of the storm” – translation of Islamic State statement after Paris attacks – Spectator Blogs

This morning, the Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attacks – the first time it has laid claim to any attacks in Europe. It released a rambling statement in French, referring to a music concert as a “profligate prostitution party”. It also seemed to reference Charlie Hebdo. Here is an English translation:-


The shocking development suggests the killer may have been posing as a refugee before travelling across the continent to carry out the atrocity.

Snyder suspends efforts to settle Syrian refugees in Michigan

Gov. Rick Snyder’s decision to suspend efforts to bring Syrian refugees to Michigan in light of the deadly attacks in Paris on Friday has sparked controversy and launched the state into the national  of how to protect U.S. citizens while providing a haven for those who desperately need help.

Gov. Pence suspends resettlement of Syrian refugees to Indiana following Paris terror attacks | Fox 59

“In the wake of the horrific attacks in Paris, effective immediately, I am directing all state agencies to suspend the resettlement of additional Syrian refugees in the state of Indiana pending assurances from the federal government that proper security measures have been achieved. Indiana has a long tradition of opening our arms and homes to refugees from around the world but, as governor, my first responsibility is to ensure the safety and security of all Hoosiers. Unless and until the state of Indiana receives assurances that proper security measures are in place, this policy will remain in full force and effect.”

“We have contained” ISIS… | Wizbang

President Barack said that ISIS was ‘contained’ just a day before the terrorist group claimed responsibility for a horrific in Paris that killed 128 people on Friday.

Growing Number Of Governors Say They Won’t Accept Syrian Refugees | The Daily Caller

A growing number of governors, in wake of the terrorist attacks in Paris, say they will not accept Syrian refugees into their states.

West WARNED of suicide bomb threat a DAY BEFORE Paris attacks!! MULTIPLE intelligence failures admitted » The Right Scoop –

The Daily Mail has the details of what the French government is admitting was a “failure of intelligence” as Iraqi spies warned the West of the possibility of a suicide bomb threat.

27-year-old ‘mastermind’ of Paris attacks also linked to thwarted train attack

Officials believe he is linked to the thwarted attacks on a Paris-bound high-speed train and Paris area church earlier this year, according to The Associated Press. The train attack was stopped by three young American passengers on board.

Terrorists May Have Used The Playstation 4 To Plan Deadly Paris Attack

French authorities are scrambling to find exactly how these ISIS terrorists were able to plan such an elaborate, multifaceted attack right under their noses. Standard communication channels such as land lines, cell phones and email are all monitored, but terrorists may have utilized the PS4 to facilitate their evil doings.

Blog: You will never guess how the U.S. is ‘vetting’ Syrian refugees

The UNHCR referral is a crucial first step to gaining admittance to the U.S., but the candidate must then pass “the highest level of security checks conducted on any category of traveler to the United States,” a State Department official said.

Reporter Uncovers Terrifying Reality After Spending $2,000 to Obtain Fake Syrian Passport: ‘Clearly, He Was Right’

The expert quickly dismissed the driver’s license and ID card as fake, but was unable to distinguish the fake from a real one, the reporter said.

The Real Tragedy Of Paris Is Campus Protests Being Ignored | RedState

Even as French police were looking for terrorists last night the dimwitted, race-baiters at University of Missouri were actually complaining about how the terror attack was taking attention away from them. These screenshots via TheRightScoop, please visit the link for more:

Black Lives Matter Use #FuckParis For Attacks | The Daily Caller

Along with most Americans, “” supporters voiced views on the attacks via Twitter, yet instead of messages of love, the movement responded with a despicable “#FuckParis” tag

When Sanders Presses Her on Wall Street Contributions, a Seemingly Offended Clinton Offers Bizarre Rebuttal

“I did spend a whole lot of time and effort helping them rebuild,” Clinton said, her voice growing louder. “That was good for New York, it was good for the economy and it was a way to rebuke the terrorists who had attacked out country.”

WSJ Pundit on Dem Debate: “Remarkable Display of Unintelligible Garbage Rhetoric” (VIDEO) – The Gateway Pundit

It was one of the most remarkable displays of unintelligible garbage rhetoric that I have ever seen.

Flashback 1974: CIA Warned GLOBAL COOLING Would Cause Terrorism | The Daily Caller

Decades before Sen. Bernie Sanders warned that global warming was driving terrorism, U.S. intelligence officials warned that global cooling would cause massive crop failures, destabilize government and drive violent conflict.

World Exclusive! Charlie Sheen Is HIV Positive — Inside His Shocking Diagnosis – The National Enquirer

In a bombshell world exclusive, The National ENQUIRER can reveal that the bad boy actor has been hiding an explosive secret from the world: He is HIV positive.

Charlie Sheen Is HIV-Positive, Sources Tells PEOPLE :

is going on the Today show to discuss being HIV-positive, sources tell PEOPLE.

Soda Tax Campaigners Baffled: Obesity Rises As Soda Declines | The Daily Caller

The number of obese Americans has risen to its highest point in a decade despite a wave of public health campaigns to get people to change the way they eat and drink.

News from The Associated Press

Bernie Sanders persisted in using shopworn stats on income inequality and Hillary Rodham Clinton glossed over the well-heeled to her campaign in the latest Democratic presidential debate.

FBI: Weapons missing after break-in at Army facility in Worcester…

Police are searching for a man after an FBI spokeswoman said weapons have gone missing following a break-in at an Army Reserve center in Worcester on Sunday.

Affordable Care Act Falls Short on Key Goal: Preventive Medicine

In fact, per-capita public health spending has dropped 9.3 percent since 2008 — including a $40.2 billion decrease in disease-prevention and related programs through 2014, according to an article published in the American Journal of Public Health.

Show Prep: Mon, March 31 – The Burning Truth

is a community of more than 70,000 Christians who follow the biblical model of sharing and paying each other’s medical bills much like the early church did 2,000 years ago. Members of this not –for-profit ministry live healthy biblical lifestyles, which keep costs down—family options are about $300 per month. With seven levels of sharing, you’ll find flexible convenient choices to fit your family.

Interview: Stu Wolfarth On Obamacare Exempt Healthcare Options – The Burning Truth

Learn more about the options covered in this interview here.

Minnesota Democrat’s Shocking ISIS Tweet: They’re Just Doing What They Think Is Best | Truth Revolt

Minnesota State Representative Candidate Withdraws From Race After Saying ‘ISIS Isn’t Necessarily Evil’ |

“I am folding up my campaign tent,” Kimmel said, adding an apology for those who volunteered or donated to his campaign.

Show Prep: Wed, Oct. 28

House GOP begins impeachment against IRS chief – Washington Times

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz began the impeachment process against Commissioner John Koskinen on Tuesday, accusing him of misleading the public and destroying documents that were sought under a congressional subpoena.

Sicko Jared bragged about child sex on secret recordings | New York Post

Disgraced Subway pitchman Jared Fogle was caught on secretly recorded audio tapes boasting of his sick attraction to children — and said he wanted to travel “across the world” to fulfill his desires.

Why “5+5+5=15” is wrong under Common Core – Business Insider

If you answer the question with 5+5+5=15, you would be wrong.

US troops heading back to combat in Iraq AND Syria | RedState

The third and final “R” is raids, signaling that we won’t hold back from supporting capable partners in opportunistic attacks against ISIL, or conducting such missions directly, whether by strikes from the air or direct action on the ground. Last week’s rescue operation was led by Iraqi Kurdish forces, with U.S. advisers in support. One of those U.S. accompanying advisors, Master Sergeant Joshua Wheeler, heroically acted to ensure the overall success of the mission and lost his life in the process. The death of any service member is a tragedy, and as I told his family and teammates this weekend, I offer my condolences to Master Sergeant Wheeler’s loved ones for their loss. While our mission in is to train, advise, and assist our Iraqi partners, in situations such as that operation – where we have actionable intelligence and a capable partner force – we want to support our partners.

Denmark Punishes Woman for Fighting Against ISIS

A 22-year-old Danish-Kurdish woman who fought against the terror group in Iraq has had her confiscated by Danish authorities.

Scientists Claim High CO2 Levels Are Making People Dumber | The Daily Caller

“Data collected on nine nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines indicate an average concentration of 3,500 ppm with a range of 0-10,600 ppm, and data collected on 10 nuclear-powered submarines indicate an average CO2 concentration of 4,100 ppm with a range of 300-11,300 ppm,” according to a 2007 National Research Council report on exposure issues facing submarine crews.

Kansas City Royals, MLB Broadcasters Kept Painful Secret From Starting Pitcher Until After Game 1 of World Series |

Edinson Volquez strode purposefully to the mound for Game 1 of the World Series on Tuesday night, apparently unaware his father had passed away hours earlier in the Dominican Republic.

Grocery Store Refuses to Sell Eggs to Minors Ahead of Halloween Due to ‘Safety Concerns’ | Video |

That’s right. Minors will not be able to purchase at Warehouse Market in Quakertown, Pennsylvania, until after November 1.

Republicans Nominate Paul Ryan for House Speaker

Behind closed doors and by secret ballot, 200 Republicans nominated Ryan for speaker. The only other competitor, Rep. Daniel Webster, R-Fla., received 43 votes, mostly from members of the conservative House Freedom Caucus.

SLEEP Is Racist Now, Scientists Assure America

Scientists have determined that is the latest thing to be racist.

Feminist Freshman: The Word ‘Too’ has Ravaged Women Long Enough | Truth Revolt

We should call on both genders to cut the word too from their vocabulary when discussing women. If we ever want an end to the way females are put in boxes, this is the beginning of an important and tumultuous journey ahead.

Student Told He Can’t Wear Halloween Costume Because It Appropriates HIS OWN CULTURE – Progressives Today

Joshua Sewerynek, a ninth grade student at St. Thomas Aquinas Secondary School, planned to dress up as part of a mariachi band with his friends. The school, however, stated the Colombian student’s  is “very ” and would not be allowed because “culture is not a costume.”

WALMART Israeli soldier costume for children sparks outrage…

“Might as well sell a Hitler outfit for children as well!”

Show Prep: Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Clippinger admits to deadly shooting of brother, sister-in-law

“That was my brother… That was my sister-in- law, that I did that to.” Words from 41 year-old Steven Clippinger of South Bend who requested a speedy trial during his court appearance on Monday.

Wisconsin voters head to polls in recall to decide whether to keep or oust Gov. Walker | Fox News

voters heading to the polls either to keep the state’s governor or throw him out of office in the middle of his term.

U.S. News – Sandusky arrives at courthouse ahead of jury selection in sex abuse trial

Jurors are being chosen from among people who live in the State College area, where Penn State’s main campus is located, The Associated Press reported.

Police think alcohol involved in fatal S.R. 23 crash

St. Joseph County Police say they believe alcohol played a role in a deadly crash on S.R. 23 in Granger early Sunday morning.

UN, Syria sign aid agreement but access wi… JPost – Middle East

United Nations, struggling to deliver humanitarian aid to an estimated 1 million people in , says “good faith” of Syrian gov’t will be tested; Syria bans 17 Western envoys.

North Korea threatens South’s media

‘s military warned Monday that have aimed artillery at the specific coordinates of South Korean media groups as Pyongyang threatened a “merciless sacred war” over perceived insults.

Nearly 90% who gave Obama $200 or more in 2008 haven’t donated this time – The Burning Truth | The Burning Truth

88% of the people who gave $200 or more in 2008 — 537,806 people — have not yet given that sum this year.

Should A Business Be Allowed To Hire Who They Want Based On Appearance? – Podcast – The Burning Truth | The Burning Truth

A coffee business is getting heat from the feds because they hire young attractive girls, but shouldn’t a business be able to hire the employees they want?

Letters FINALLY make it home to family of American soldier who fought and died in Vietnam after they are handed over by Vietnamese who used them as propaganda | Mail Online

Ron Ward, U.S. casualty resolution specialist at the Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command in Hanoi, said there are at least four U.S. troops believed to be lost in the three areas that are being opened.

Last Mishawaka High School wrestler found guilty in sexual assault –

The sixth and last Mishawaka High School wrestler accused in the sex-type assault on a then 15-year-old teammate two years ago has been found guilty.

TSA agents fired after internal probe reveals they failed to carry out random checks | Mail Online

Five workers fired and 38 more suspended after failing to conduct extra screenings on passengers and their bags

Catholic priest Thomas Harkin works at TSA after he was ‘defrocked after sexually abusing two young girls’ | Mail Online

A disgraced priest who was kicked out of the church after he allegedly abused two young girls has found new employment supervising airport security screeners for the .

Sgt. Joel Morgan: Pace activist landlady refuses to rent to veteran as ‘he fought in wars’ | Mail Online

A landlady who doubles as a has refused to let a war her property, citing ‘conflicts of interest’, he has claimed.

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Massachusetts Man Catches Fire After Applying Sunscreen – ABC News

A Massachusetts man said he suffered second-degree burns from a grill after applying sunscreen lotion on parts of his body.

Poll: Most independents in 75 years – MJ Lee –

There are now more Americans who consider themselves politically than at any other point in the last three-quarters of a century, according to a new report Monday that emphasizes the critical role this demographic will play in the 2012 election.

Sun men trick way into North Korea | The Sun |News

Posing as businessmen, Sun men Alex Peake and Simon Jones spent a week inside the poverty-stricken state, ruled by the most oppressive regime on the planet.