Show Prep: Wed, Oct. 29

Men who sleep with multiple women REDUCE their risk of prostate cancer  | Daily Mail Online

Men who have slept with more than 20 women slashed their risk by 28%

How Our Unreasonably Fearful Society Is Ruining Halloween : The Burning Truth

The Monday after always has the same conversation … ‘I didn’t have hardly any trick or treaters, did you?’ Every year for many years, the holiday is being destroyed by the fear-mongers.

Mom Demands Law to Force Kids to Wear Bright Clothes – Hit & Run :

Life jacket / Public DomainMel Finnemore, a mom of four in the UK, is trying to get the government to pass a law requiring all children to wear brightly colored coats or bookbags. Her goal is to increase kids’ visibility, thus preventing accidents. To this end, she organized a parade of school children in hi-viz outerwear, telling the press, “I want to get the message across to children that it is ‘hip and happening’ to wear high visibility jackets.”

Worried About Marijuana-Infused Halloween Candy? There’s a Kit for That. – Hit & Run :

In a recent column, I noted the lack of evidence that people try to get kids high on Halloween by passing off cannabis as ordinary treats. The Denver Police Department’s inability to cite a single actual example of such a prank in Colorado or anywhere else has not stopped it from warning parents about the possibility, over and over again. With Halloween approaching, the department has been hyping this mythical menace on its Facebook page, building on the alarm generated by the  and video it produced on the subject. Recently the Pueblo Police Department joined the fear mongering.

Grammy-winning violinist Joshua Bell delights masses at DC subway concert | Art Beat | PBS NewsHour

Back in 2007, pedestrians hurried by without realizing that the busker playing at the entrance to a Washington D.C. Metro stop was none other than the Grammy-winning . Gene Weingarten wrote about the Washington Post social experiment (“In a banal setting at an inconvenient time, would beauty transcend?”) and later won a Pulitzer Prize for his story.


Taunton teens suspended over Airsoft Homecoming photo – 7News Boston WHDH-TV

Two teens from Taunton are facing 10-day suspensions over some pictures they took before .

Half of MIT Students Think It’s Possible to “Accidently” Rape Someone (Thanks, Affirmative Consent!) – Hit & Run :

I just want to repeat that one more time: Half of the students surveyed think it’s possible to “accidently” rape someone. When you consider undergraduates alone, this rises to 67 percent.

TSA Confiscates Raygun Belt Buckle BECAUSE TERRORISM! – Hit & Run :

Maybe Your Kid Won’t Be Ear-Tagged After All. Student-Tracking Loses Favor. – Hit & Run :

They’ve tried monitoring students with RFID chips, video cameras, intrusive phone apps, fingerprint scanners, and demands for social media passwords. And along the road to clasping school kids in the smothering embrace of complete and total safety at every single moment (guaranteed!) public school educrats have managed something extremely impressive: they’ve freaked normal human beings