Daily : Tuesday, July 18


BREAKING: McConnell Abandons ‘Repeal and Replace’ — May Just Repeal Obamacare Law Instead

late Monday announced he was abandoning efforts to pass a bill to “repeal and replace” Obamacare, and said he would instead push a bill to fully repeal the law and give Congress two years to figure out a replacement.

Trump Fires Off Tweet After GOP Senate Fails to Repeal Obamacare

VIDEO: Students love socialism!…whatever that is…

Last year, a poll was released showing 53 percent of Americans under age 35 are dissatisfied with our nation’s current economic system and think socialism would be good for the country.

Hour 2

Second Amendment Foundation

“We know we are violating numerous constitutional rights here, but if you do not comply, we will remove the boy from your home.”

Attorney General Jeff Sessions is preparing to ramp up asset forfeiture – The Washington Post

“We hope to issue this week a new directive on — especially for drug traffickers,” Sessions said in his prepared remarks for a speech to the National District Attorney’s Association in Minneapolis. “With care and professionalism, we plan to develop policies to increase forfeitures. No criminal should be allowed to keep the proceeds of their crime. Adoptive forfeitures are appropriate as is sharing with our partners.”

The IRS raided their store and sold their stuff within hours. Now they’re fighting back – Red Alert Politics

Although the Thangsongcharoens’ accountant demonstrated they actually owed no debt, 20 IRS agents and Dallas officers entered the store and asked for a $10,000 check or forfeit their inventory. Four hours later, the IRS had auctioned off 1,600 designer dresses and other store items $598,000 underneath the IRS’ own valuation — violating perishable good sale requirements.

Hour 3

$1 million in marijuana found in brand new Ford Fusions | Fox 59

Authorities are looking into how marijuana worth $1 million was hidden in the trunks of brand new, Mexican-made at a dealership in Ohio, according to Silverio Balzano, agent in charge of the Drug Enforcement Administration’s Youngstown office.

No Justification for Importing More Low-skilled Labor, Study Claims

At the national level, it is worth pointing out that there is no evidence at all of labor shortages in the labor market that are significant enough to move national data trends. Despite much-welcome progress in reducing the national unemployment rate in recent years, and despite the fact that the unemployment rate has now reached pre-Great Recession levels, many other labor market indicators signal an economy that still has some way to go before genuine full employment is attained.

Maine town resorts to hiring Americans as visas run out – Hot Air Hot Air

Because the program has already reached its annual quota, ‘s hotels, restaurants and shops can’t bring in any more foreign workers for the rest of the busy summer tourist season. Like hundreds of similar coastal resort towns, Bar Harbor has for many years depended on the H-2B visas for temporary workers. The program allows non-agricultural companies to bring in foreign labor if they are unable to find suitable employees domestically.

Trump, McConnell, Call For Clean Repeal | The Daily Caller

President Donald Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell called for the full, clean repeal of Obamacare in late-night statements Monday.

Straight Obamacare Repeal Is Dead | The Daily Caller

Sens. of West Virginia, of and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska said they won’t vote in favor of the proposal.