UPDATE: Middle Pulled

The other day I had the exclusive story an LGBT given to students at Goshen Middle . Today we have an update.

Goshen News:

A Goshen Middle School was found to be in violation of school policy after a -designed survey containing questions about the LGBT community was shared with part of the student body before being thoroughly vetted.

The survey in question was written by a group of middle school students in a social studies class who were discussing social issues, Goshen Community Schools Superintendent Diane Woodworth said Wednesday.

As part of project-based learning through the New Tech Program, students are encouraged to discuss how the social issues around them affect their own lives, she said.

The survey was sent to about 500 students, but it’s claimed that it was taken down before most of them saw the survey.

A screenshot of the surveymonkey.com website, which was shared by a South Bend-based syndicated radio talk host, began circulating on social media after a student sent a photo to his or her parents.

Geez Goshen . You can at least say my name, and credit me with breaking the story.

Woodward said GMS Principal Lori Shreiner took the survey down as soon as she learned about it. The teacher was spoken to, but any disciplinary measures were not released due to this being a personnel .


Exclusive: ‘s Causing Stir

A at is having students take an LGBTQ survey, and ‘s apparently causing stir.

This ‘t public yet, and I’m told the teacher is an 8th grade teacher, but the students taking the survey were 6th grade. Not sure why that is yet.

‘s the survey:

I’m told some parents of students took the survey raised some issues with it. There was apparently a board meeting, or school faculty meeting addressing this issue this week.

I’m also told the superintendent spoke to the teacher, but I’m not sure if it is Diane Woodworth, or an assistant superintendent. The teacher’s has not been released yet.

Updates will be posted as new developments come .


Thursday, March 31 – Hour 2 Podcast

REPORT: DC Madam’s Attorney Says He Has Record Log That Could “Upend 2016 Election” – The Gateway Pundit

lawyer represented so-called “D.C. madam” says he has phone records that could influence the outcome of the presidential election, and he’s threatening to release one or more names on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court if he’s denied a hearing on his right to distribute them.

UNC diversity workshop says beige bandaids are white privilege

During the workshop, students can participate several activities that “examine and how it is more powerful than other types of benefits afforded by society.” One activity in particular, called the “ privilege survey,” requires students to quantify privilege based on their responses to a series of statements.

State Department Deletes Tweet After Accusations Of Sexism | The Daily Caller

The Department of State has apologized after attempting to use Twitter to issue a bizarre series of recommendations to those enjoying .

DC Is The Most Financially Illiterate Place In America | The Daily Caller

A new analysis published by the personal finance website WalletHub finds that Washington, D.C. is more financially illiterate than any of the 50 states.

Hippies In Germany Refuse To Share Property With Refugees | The Daily Caller

“This is not a zoo, live ,” female resident Amina told Die Welt in an interview Wednesday, adding that the barricade is set up to preserve “an important cultural and political place.”


Show Prep: Mon, Oct. 26

Conceal carry permit holders can get a discount on dinner at Indianapolis restaurant that was robbed – 953MNC.com

An Indianapolis restaurant owner is offering a 25 percent discount to concealed-carry permit holders his business was robbed.

Indy restaurant offers deal for concealed carry permits | WISH-TV

Bouvier posted on Facebook that he’ll give a 25 percent discount to future customers who can show a concealed carry permit.

After Papa Roux robbery, discount promised for handgun license holders

“If thugs are going to come and threaten OUR extended family with guns, you’d better believe I will use every trick I know to protect (our family),” he wrote.

Zach Anderson of Elkhart off Indiana Sex Offender Registry – 953MNC.com

An Elkhart teen has fighting to get off the sex offender registries in both and Michigan after having sex with an underage Niles girl who admitted lying about her age has been successful in both states.

Report: DEA agents had ‘sex parties’ with prostitutes hired by drug cartels – The Washington Post

Seven of the 10 DEA agents alleged to have participated in the gatherings — most of which took place at an agent’s “quarters” leased by the U.S. government — admitted to having attended the parties, the report found. The agents, some of whom had top-secret security clearances, received suspensions of two to 10 days.

DEA agents caught in Colombian prostitution scandal punished with… bonuses « Hot Air

Nobody was fired at the IRS, including Lois Lerner, and nobody will face any charges. Nobody was fired at the Veterans Administration. Nobody was fired at the hilariously named Environmental Protection Agency and they poisoned the water supply in three states. Nobody was fired at the BATF three years after Brian Terry was murdered and those guys probably sold some of the guns to the same people who supplied the hookers for the DEA sex parties. And every time someone has the impertinence to why nobody gets fired the answer is pretty much the same, just as it was with the BATF.

71% of Obama voters ‘regret’ voting for his reelection | The Conservative Papers

According to the Economist/YouGov.com poll, over seven in 10 Obama voters, and 55 percent of Democrats, regret voting for Obama’s 2012 reelection.

Overstock Holds 3 Months Of Food, $10 Million In Gold For Employees In Preparation For The Next Collapse | Zero Hedge

We are not big fans of Wall Street and we don’t trust them. We foresaw the financial crisis, we fought against the financial crisis that happened in 2008; we don’t trust the banks still and we foresee that with QE3, and QE4 and QE that at some point there is going to be another significant financial crisis.

DHS Offering Employers Cash If They Hire Alien College Grads Over Citizens | Truth Revolt

As the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) notes, an illegal alien who majored in any of the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields will get an additional 17 months of permitted work, expanding their initial year guarantee to over two years. DHS has also upped the incentive for U.S. employers to hire non-citizens by offering them an increase from $10,000 to at least $12,000 to hire an alien STEM graduate.

STUDY: More Than Two-Thirds of Patients on Anti-Depressants Not Depressed…

A new study shows that more than two-thirds — some 69 percent – of patients using anti-depressants do not actually meet the criteria for depressive disorder.

Processed meat like sausage and deli ham can lead to cancer, World Health Organization says – 953MNC.com

The World Health Organization’s cancer agency says that processed meats such as ham and sausage can lead to colon and cancers, and meat is probably cancer-causing as well.

Is Bacon Bad For You, or Good? The Salty, Crunchy Truth

is Loaded With Fats… But They’re “Good” Fats

Middle Schooler May Be Charged With Assault For Throwing Carrot

Aliya May, 14, told WTVR News she was only kidding around last month when she threw a small orange carrot at a teacher she was passing in the hallway at Moody Middle School in Richmond. But school officials disagree, to say the least, and have treated the affair as very serious business.

Interview: Pastor Moses From Liberia – The Burning Truth

High School Allegedly Bans Students From Wearing ‘Red, White or Blue’ to Football Game Over the Theme’s ‘Possible Offensive Connotations’

Students at Tempe’s Corona del Sol High School reportedly were set to wear red, and blue to the game at Marcos de Niza High School, also in Tempe, but an apparent editorial in the Corona del Sol student newspaper indicated that was forbidden.

WOW! Tempe HS School Bans Donald Trump and Patriotic Clothing …(It Might Be Racist)

A high school in Arizona has banned pro-Donald clothing at a Friday football game because it would be “racist” or “offensive.”

Recommending Someone Eat A Banana Is Now Racist – The Burning Truth

A high school football player in Michigan has been banned from attending sporting events, and was nearly kicked off the football team because he recommended someone eat a banana. No … I’m not joking.

Bob Costas, Pasty Guy Offended By Word Native ‘t Offended By

, a PC libtard, reared his ugly smugness again on Sunday.  He decided to school everyone who isn’t offended by the ‘ on why they are wrong … including Native .

After starting telling everyone that the vast majority of Native Americans aren’t offended by the name ‘Redskins’ (and they aren’t), he went on to say that their opinion doesn’t matter, and that ‘Redskins’ is actually highly .  Apparently, Costas thinks Native Americans are so dumb and naive that they need him to protect their fragile psyche.  So he’s stepping up to be offended for them.

The only survey done on the subject that specifically asked Native Americans how they felt showed 90% didn’t think the name ‘Redskins’ was offensive.  As I illustrated recently, everyone except Native Americans are offended by this name.  Most notably, pasty white do-gooders like Costas.

I’ve also pointed that in my many discussions on this topic, Native Americans believe that people like Costas are attempting to erase Native Americans from our culture, and they think it’s motivated by racial discrimination.

It’s hard to argue against the that people like Costas are against Native Americans when he goes on television and tells them that they are wrong for not being offended by something that only they have the authority to decide is offensive.

Black (not so funny) comedian W. Kamau Bell recently said that white people ‘can’t say what’s racist or not’ when it comes to blacks being offended.  Ok, if that’s the , then , blacks, asians, etc. can’t say what’s racist or not when it comes to Native Americans. So … shut up it.

Costas’ logic to support his argument was to make the point that if we go back in time (that would be the 1600’s btw), ‘Redskin’ was a derogatory term used to describe Native Americans.

So what?

Hoosier was a derogatory term used to describe people from Indiana, and now we wear that moniker with pride.  Retard and retarded are perfectly legitimate mechanical terms that society foolishly decided was offensive only recently.  Can we go back to just 10 years ago and reclaim retard’s legitimate definition like Costas is suggesting with Redskin?

How about if we reclaim the definition of faggot and fag while we are at it.  It originally had nothing to do with homosexuals, and isn’t used primarily to disparage them now anyway.  Yet we can’t call someone a fag without being accused of being a homophobe.  Even though the word is rarely used to describe homosexuals.

South Park explained all of this perfectly:



The professionally offended are destroying our society, culture, and language while stoking bigotry none exist. It’s time to hold their feet to the fire.



Mofo Politics has a petition to Costas change his offensive name.