Daily Show Prep: Monday, Aug. 7

Daily : , . 7


Here’s how much time the network Sunday shows devoted to the Devon Archer transcript

Biden has officially passed 365 days of vacation since taking office 2.5 years ago. People have thoughts.

Democrats are seeing a massive drop-off in funding as reality kicks in and enthusiasm wanes over Grandpa Joe

Police investigating 7-Eleven workers who thrashed alleged repeat robber

74-year-old Wisconsin teacher faces over 600 years in prison after being convicted of 25 counts sexual abuse on 14-year-old boy

Hour 2

Rep. Jim Jordan drops a Facebook Files thread showing ‘FBI lied about meeting with Big Tech’

Sharyl Attkisson serves Mike Pence a nice refreshing glass of STFU juice for playing up his VICTIM status

Hour 3

Nearly 70 Republicans press Biden admin over crackdown on school hunting, archery programs

Biden Mulls Exec Order End Run of 2A as House Dems Push 1,000% Excise Tax on ‘Assault Weapons,’ High-Capacity Mags

Heart Scarring Observed in Children Months After COVID-19 Vaccination: Study

White House Under Fire over ‘Disturbing’ Plot to Muzzle Journalists

Show : Mon, Nov. 30

Taking Sunday back – The Herald Palladium : Local News

Some know Willie Lark as owner of Lark’s Bar-B-Que in Benton Harbor, known as one of best places to get barbecue in the area.

Officer Jason Van Dyke faced 20 complaints, lawsuits – CNN.com

To put the complaints Van Dyke in perspective, the Chicago Department has 12,000 officers. Like Van Dyke, 402 officers have 20 or more complaints on file in the database. The most complaints against any officer, according to the database, is .

Police Won’t Release Motive in Planned Parenthood Shooting | TheBlaze.com

Colorado Springs police say they will not disclose why a gunman opened fire at a Planned Parenthood clinic, killing three people.

This is Not a Day Care. It’s a University! – Oklahoma Wesleyan University

This is not a day care. This is a university!

Dog gets stick wedged in its ‘manhood’ in million-to-one accident – Boston Standard

‘No, you nitwits’: The Hill ‘totally misrepresents’ Ted Cruz’s remarks about Colo. shooting suspect – twitchy.com twitchy.com

‘s also been reported that he was registered as an independent and a woman and a transgendered leftist activist. If that’s what he is, I don’t think it’s fair to blame the rhetoric on the left. This is a murderer,” Cruz continued.

Eight US “Refugees” in ONE MONTH Indicted, Sentenced for Joining-Arming ISIS and Al-Qaeda

In February of this eight US “refugees” were arrested and indicted for aiding terror groups including ISIS.

VIDEO=> Czech Television Exposes Many Syrian ‘Refugees’ Are Actually Jihadist Fighters – The Gateway Pundit

Czech independent exposed Muslim “refugees” were actually jihadist fighters.

‘Muslim-Free Zone’: Gun-shop owner wins case

AFLC Senior Counsel David Yerushalmi said, “This dismissal was yet another AFLC victory against CAIR and its jihadi lawfare against patriotic Americans across the country. This victory follows on the heels of a recent victory against CAIR in a Michigan federal court where CAIR’s subpoenas were quashed and CAIR’s nefarious client sanctioned for abusive practices.”

Judge: Muslim-free gun store is legal | WNCN

However, a United States District Court dismissed the this month. Judge Beth Bloom said CAIR did not prove its members were harmed by the gun store’s policy.

Internet rails against Medina Walmart for asking Marine to collect Toys for Tots donations outside – newsnet5.com Cleveland

Local Walmart Stores Pull Toys for Tots Donation Boxes – KTVN Channel 2 – Reno Tahoe News Weather, Video –

The Marine Corps League, organizing the annual ‘Toys for Tots’ toy drive for families in need in the Reno/Sparks area, says local Walmart stores have removed donation boxes from area locations.

VA spends millions promoting Obamacare, little cutting wait times | Washington Examiner

owever, a VA spokesperson said the more than 29,000 combat veterans who are still waiting for their benefits because they did not include income verification on their applications will receive letters asking them to update their applications the week of Nov. 25.

VA Spends More Promoting Obamacare Than CUTTING WAIT TIME FOR VETS – Progressives Today

This story is a perfect illustration of progressivism. The left is spending more money to advance their agenda than they are on people who actually deserve benefits.

Bob Costas, Pasty Guy Offended By Word Native ‘t Offended By

, PC libtard, reared his ugly smugness again on Sunday.  He decided to school everyone who isn’t offended by ‘ on why they are wrong … including Native .

After starting off telling everyone that the vast majority of Native Americans aren’t offended by the name ‘Redskins’ (and they aren’t), he went on to say that their opinion doesn’t matter, and that ‘Redskins’ is actually highly .  Apparently, Costas thinks Native Americans are dumb and naive that they need him to protect their fragile psyche.  So he’s up to be offended for them.

The only survey done on the subject that specifically asked Native Americans how they felt showed 90% didn’t think the name ‘Redskins’ was offensive.  As I illustrated recently, everyone except Native Americans are offended by this name.  Most notably, pasty white do-gooders like Costas.

I’ve also pointed out that in my many discussions on this topic, Native Americans believe that people like Costas are attempting to erase Native Americans from our culture, and they think it’s motivated by racial discrimination.

It’s hard to argue against the claim that people like Costas are against Native Americans when he goes on national television and tells them that they are wrong for not being offended by something that only they have the authority to decide is offensive.

(not so funny) W. Kamau Bell recently said that white people ‘can’t say what’s racist or not’ when it comes to blacks being offended.  Ok, if that’s the case, then , blacks, asians, etc. can’t say what’s racist or not when it comes to Native Americans. So … shut up about it.

Costas’ logic to support his argument was to make the point that if we go back in time (that would be the 1600’s btw), ‘Redskin’ was a derogatory term used to describe Native Americans.

So what?

Hoosier was a derogatory term used to describe people from Indiana, and now we wear that moniker with pride.  Retard and retarded are perfectly legitimate mechanical terms that society foolishly decided was offensive only recently.  Can we go back to just 10 years ago and reclaim retard’s legitimate definition like Costas is suggesting with Redskin?

How about if we reclaim the definition of faggot and fag while we are at it.  It originally had nothing to do with homosexuals, and isn’t used primarily to disparage them now anyway.  Yet we can’t call someone a fag without being accused of being a homophobe.  Even though the word is rarely used to describe homosexuals.

Park explained all of this perfectly:



The professionally offended are destroying our society, culture, and language while stoking bigotry where none . It’s time to hold their feet to the fire.



Mofo Politics has a petition to demand Costas change his offensive name.



WOWO : Thurs, Dec 6

Exclusive: AG Speaks on Doctor Accused of Dangerous Prescribing Habits

A Fort Wayne doctor is under fire after patients died while in his care. The state attorney general is trying to get an emergency suspension of Dr. William Hedrick’s medical license. That hearing is set for Friday afternoon.

Patients of ‘dangerous’ Fort Wayne doctor speak out

NewsChannel 15’s Megan Reust spoke with a former and a current patient of Dr. Hedrick. Both of these patients said they had very different experiences at his office. In one case, a claims he was able to re-gain quality of life. A woman said the he prescribed her led to a terrible addiction problem.

Task Force Formed to Combat Over-prescribing Doctors, Educate Public

More doctors are under fire as several around the state have been accused of over-prescribing causing the Attorney General’s Office to take action.

PRO FOOTBALL; More N.F.L. Players Turn to Guns for a Sense of Security – New York Times

Toward the end of his 19 years in the National Football League, offensive tackle Lomas Brown noticed something that startled even a hardened veteran. It seemed as if almost every player he knew in the .F.L. owned a gun. Brown said he saw guns everywhere. On team flights. In locker rooms. In players’ cars. In training camp dormitory rooms.

Sorry Libs… The NRA Was There to Help Blacks Defend Themselves From KKK Democrats, Not the Other Way Around | The Gateway Pundit

This will give you an idea of how gun control laws worked. Following the firebombing of his house in 1956, Dr. Martin Luther King, who was, among other things, a Christian minister, applied for a gun permit, but the Alabama authorities found him unsuitable. A decade later, he won a Nobel Peace Prize.

How’s that “may issue” gun permit policy working for you?

The NRA opposed these discretionary gun permit laws and proceeded to grant NRA charters to blacks who sought to defend themselves from Klan violence — including the great civil rights hero Robert F. Williams.

A World War II Marine veteran, Williams returned home to Monroe, N.C., to find the Klan riding high — beating, lynching and murdering blacks at will. No one would join the NAACP for fear of Klan reprisals. Williams became president of the local chapter and increased membership from six to more than 200.

Anti-gun Fox Sports journalist: NRA is the new KKK | Washington Times Communities

CNN’s Roland Martin featured Fox Sports writer Jason Whitlock on his this week. Whitlock, the writer credited for his revelation that America’s “gun culture” was responsible for Kansas City Chiefs player Jovan Belcher’s murder-suicide, likened the National Rifle Association to the Ku Klux Klan.

Fiscal cliff talks aim at more defense cuts – Fosters

House Republicans’ “fiscal cliff” counteroffer to President Barack Obama hints at billions of dollars in military cuts on top of the nearly $500 billion that the White House and Congress backed last , and even the fiercest defense hawks acknowledge the Pentagon faces another financial hit.

White House ‘Absolutely’ Willing To Go Off The Fiscal Cliff – ABC News

President Obama’s lead negotiator in the “fiscal cliff” talks said the administration is “absolutely” willing to allow the package of deep automatic spending cuts and across-the-board hikes to take effect Jan. 1, unless Republicans drop their opposition to higher income tax rates on the wealthy.

Surprise: McConnell Offers Vote on Obama/Geithner Fiscal Cliff Plan, Reid Objects – Guy Benson

I’ve been critical of tactics and messaging this week, let’s give credit it’s due: Moments ago, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell took to the floor and offered an immediate vote on President Obama’s fiscal cliff plan, which shocked the Beltway late last week. (In case you’re keeping score at home, this was the surreal proposal that induced McConnell to laugh out loud as it was outlined by Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner). Harry Reid quickly objected and shut the whole thing down, labeling the suggestion a “stunt.” Think about that.

Indiana’s Sunday ban on alcohol sales could change

Indiana lawmakers will deal with several bills this upcoming year about Sunday alcohol sales.

If Indiana legislators allow alcohol to be sold on Sunday, businesses near the state line will either be greatly helped or seriously hurt.