Gretchen By For Hiding Nursing Deaths – , March1 – 2

Hour 2
Pulitzer-winning journalist to sue Michigan Gov. Whitmer over nursing home death data
Whitmer’s Cuomo Problem: Nursing Homes
Governor Andrew Cuomo Releases Statement Apologizing For Behavior Following Sexual Harassment Allegations
The Media’s Shameful Cover-Up of Andrew Cuomo’s Nursing Home Scandal
Watch: Joe Biden Botches Democrats’ Names, Asks ‘What Am I Doing Here?’

Biden vs Trump On National Security: Here’s The New Administration’s First Month Report Card

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James Comey By Former Intelligence Contractor For Hiding Surveillance


former intelligence contractor is suing former FBI Director James Comey for hiding all of on Americans he was warned about.

Remember, the court recently said ‘s FBI was constantly breaking the law, illegally spying on Americans, and illegally transferring that information to third parties.

This former intelligence contractor corroborates exactly the FISA court confirmed James Comey, and the FBI, did. Only on a much larger scale.