Monday, April 3 – Hour 3 Podcast

Breaking: FOX Reporter Adam Housley: Surveillance of Trump Team and Unmasking Went on for MORE THAN A YEAR (VIDEO)

: We know that there was this. There was electronic on and the people close to Donald Trump, including some supporters, for up to a year before inauguration.

White House logs indicate Susan Rice consumed unmasked intel on Trump associates | Circa News – Learn. Think. Do.

Computer logs that former President Obama’s team left behind in the White House indicate his national security adviser accessed numerous intelligence reports during Obama’s last seven months in office that contained National Security Agency intercepts involving Donald Trump and his associates, Circa has learned.

Dem Donnelly A Yes on Gorsuch SCOTUS Nomination – Breitbart

Dem Sen Coons Announces He Will Vote Against Cloture on Gorsuch, Gives Dems Enough Votes to Filibuster Gorsuch – Breitbart

Senator Chris Coons (D-DE) announced he would not support cloture for the nomination of Judge Neil to the Supreme Court, giving the Democrats enough votes to sustain a on Gorsuch’s nomination.

Even NBC Admits Dems ‘Painted Themselves in a Corner’ With ‘Silly’ Gorsuch Fight

“The stakes are high. The Republicans are willing to do everything they need to do, including potentially amend the rules, which Democrats had originally done….Now Democrats have painted themselves in a corner making this about the man, not the seat. And they look on the on precipice of losing.”