PHM Confirms My Exclusive Story Was Correct

PHM Confirms My Exclusive Was Correct

On April 15, 2024, I broke the story that PHM schools were eliminating their DEI officer position. This was confirmed by multiple sources inside PHM.

Since the had not yet voted to officially eliminate the position, a few took issue with my story. Some said I was , some said I was and spreading “ news.” Ultimately, as I said the original story, they were arguing semantics. My sources were clear … the current DEI officer was being moved to a new job and were no plans to ever fund or fill that position again in the district. It was eliminated. Arguing over whether the position was permanently vacant or if a vote officially eliminated it was silly and petty. The DEI position at PHM was no more.

The PHM board’s dislike of me is well-known. This to one of my sources saying that they’d probably keep the DEI officer position around just to make me look bad after the story was published. I also joked about this on social media.

Then the proposed changes to PHM student handbooks came .

DEI was being stripped from the student handbooks in PHM. If PHM wasn’t eliminating the DEI officer position, this would be an odd development. Instead, the changes to the handbooks further confirmed my exclusive story was correct.

Then today:

On May 20, 2024, Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Jerry Thacker confirmed my story was correct by saying: “We have no intention of filling that position.”

Dr. Thacker’s response was to Board of Trustees member Matt Chaffee’s direct question about that position being eliminated.

This was true in April, but every doubt has now been eliminated … just like the DEI officer position. The board voted to remove DEI from the student handbooks later that evening.

This does not mean the principles of DEI are going away. They will always be around but DEI is on the retreat … at least in an capacity. This is something that would have been celebrated by nearly everyone just a few short months ago.

This is a very big deal and I can’t wait to see the local media coverage of it. Especially since the media has recently taken a newfound interest in PHM school board issues. So much so, that the board set seats aside for local media to attend the meetings.

Too bad no media showed up to the meeting today.

Podcast – Study: PBS And NPR Are Fake News Trash

Podcast – : And Are Trash

Casey goes over a study showing how biased PBS is and relates a true that happened with his former co-host proving that point.

NPR gets caught spreading fake news and gets fact-checked into oblivian.

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Leftists Have No Shame And Will Lie To Without Conscience

left continues to lie to perpetually lie to and they aren’t embarrassed by . They pay no political, professional, or personal price for repeatedly to you. acolytes don’t mind lied to, and they don’t mind getting caught continuing to spread those lies.

They, simply, have no shame.

Sorry the audio synching. I’m working on it.
